Homeschooling At Its Best; A Moment In Time with Greater Consequences Than Any Of Us Knew
by amcquinn @ Arcanum Wholistic Clinic
Mon Jan 22 08:41:50 PST 2018
A dozen or so years ago, I lived on a farm with my husband (fellow Heilkünstler, Jeff Korentayer) and my two children, Jordan and Adie. Jeff and I saw patients regularly in our home. He worked from the office upstairs and I had two chairs set up in an enclosed space on the main floor. […]
Top Employee Benefit Companies in Canada
by @ Life Insurance Canada
Wed Jan 31 08:58:46 PST 2018
Once a year Benefits Canada releases a report on employee benefits coverage in Canada. These figures represent the top Canadian benefits providers.
Changing demographics, expensive prescription drugs and an increase in chronic diseases at various states have put a strain on group benefits paid for by the employer. Financially strapped companies must focus on remaining competitive in their field and lowering operating costs, while still retaining a competent workforce.
To be a top provider, insurance companies must find a delicate balance between offering the coverage companies want and keeping costs down. They recognize the importance of benefits coverage as a way to attract and retain the best workers, and keeping those workers healthy and productive.
Trends and Challenges Providers Face
Guidance – Plan members are looking for guidance on ways to control the cost of benefits plans. They are willing to forgo traditional cost-sharing strategies and seeking new ways to manage costs. The biggest challenge for employers is the cost of prescription medications and disabilities. They are asking providers to help find ways to cut costs and efficiently measure and manage those costs, while maintaining a good balance between the health of employees and the cost health benefits.
Competitive rates – Employers are shopping for competitive rates and service fees. An increasing number of them are also looking for value-added services, such as technology that delivers claims services by way of mobile devices, member communication and enhanced analytics. However, controlling cost increases is the highest priority. Providers are answering these concerns with more creative drug plan designs, negotiating prices with manufacturers and better management of high-cost claims.
What providers need to do to succeed – Providers need to manage the overall governance of their plans to help keep the major cost drivers under control and ensure members understand the impact they can have to help manage those costs. Plan design options need to be better managed and insurers need to explain how they should be implemented. In many cases, high-costs are due to a lack of education. With better education, providers can help members see how their actions can affect costs and help them understand and care about doing their part to make plans more affordable.
Insurance plans need to focus on healthy living, overall wellness and illness prevention. Today's employees aren't interested in the same plans as previous generations. They want active living options, prevention initiatives and health cost allowances. Providers need to match client needs with carrier strengths and maintain strong client relationships with constant communication throughout the year.
New trends providers must deal with – Providers are now facing a huge increase in mental health claims. In the past, mental or emotional problems were not recognized or acknowledged insurable illnesses, therefore, not covered by employer-sponsored benefits. Reports show that 90% of Canadians between the ages of 18 and 24 claim excessive stress levels, which means an increase in absenteeism and greater costs for the company.
Healthcare costs – The cost of healthcare, the introduction of more expensive medications and expensive treatments are serious concerns for benefit providers. And over time this problem will worsen because people are living longer, therefore they will require expensive drugs and treatments for a longer period of time. Biologic drugs will considerably increase the cost of drug plans.
However, there are steps employers can take to reduce the risk of higher benefit costs. For example, they can create a stress-free work environment, encourage healthy lifestyles by offering fitness programs or gym memberships and offer healthy food choices in the cafeteria. A healthy workforce will help reduce healthcare costs and absenteeism and increase productivity.
Tomorrow's workforce won't be the same as the today's, which will greatly affect benefit plan designs, costs and how they are delivered.
Mars, Venus and the Microbiome
by Genuine Health @ Genuine Health
Tue Jan 16 13:50:08 PST 2018
Genuine Health recognizes and supports that gender identity is not limited to the man/woman binary: in this particular instance, we […]
The post Mars, Venus and the Microbiome appeared first on Genuine Health.
Sep 28, A Diabetic Friendly Energy Drink
by (billygish) @ billygish
Sat Jan 12 16:00:00 PST 2013
The only thing that keeps most energy drinks from being "diabetic friendly" are the cheap ingredients and formulas designed to create profits, not health. It is so easy for the mass media to treat all energy drinks as if they are the same, but they're not.
I have found only two, so far, that meet my criteria for being low in natural sugar and containing only healthy ingredients that don't make you feel worse 2 hours later. One of these is 2X as expensive as the other, so you can guess which one I chose.
To address a common question I get -- "Are there any energy drinks safe for diabetics?" -- the answer is YES, but you won't find them in stores.
If you're diabetic and you can handle 7 grams of fruit sugar, you can have a whole serving. If you're very sensitive to sugar of any kind, as I am, then I break it up by mixing a half serving or less into some hot or cold tea. (I'm drinking some right now.)
This drink is called A.C.T.(which stands for Advanced Cellular Technology) and you can order it here:
The company ships it to about 70 countries and they have offices in Japan, Canada, the USA, Thailand, the Philippines and (am I leaving anyone out?).
In the U.S., the prices per packet of powdered mix comes to $1.35 delivered in 30-packet boxes. It also comes in cans,both have a black currant flavor and a very high antioxidant rating.
Got to run now. Have an exciting weekend!
Best Deodorant For Pregnancy Lauren Ralph Red Polo
by @ galateas galate
Sat Jan 27 03:24:33 PST 2018
All Products AXE Signature Dry Spray Forest Antiperspirant (4) AXE Dry Antiperspirant & Deodorant Adidas Control By Adidas Anti-perspirant Roll-on Deodorant 1.7 Oz for only 15.51 . L’OCCITANE en provence Copyright 2008 Legal policy. Best Deodorant For Pregnancy Lauren Ralph Red deodorant on your taint stick dangereux Polo it’s late and you’ll be ready […]
kbb for travel trailers
by @ goldtilley
Fri Oct 09 00:32:00 PDT 2009
5 hp evaporator cooler kacei yelm wa tire factory pysou ms-7207 yaqia vancouver wa rector qedai natural anti viral for swine flu juqii kansas city kansan vuryy caterpillar engine fiche gofyo diamond white fingertip veil rixye bodkin bellevue lawyer zedoe darkwander buhuy wr450f w 15.5liter fuel tanks zaqaa math lines line segments rays wifyu 36 x 60 bathtub posai nichedsites gohoi nhra rules yazyy publicflash jejoy apple turnover recipe popee hats from heavens gate nucua asparatame kyfeo nikos levin pipes yyheo nipple erection vihyi ugobe boise idaho mypui kory klogs usa gardening shoes vomii used tent trailer for sale $200 nofeu corsicana isd xicue dan haggerty bobyy shanda lebre video tygyi free wma videos fart zyfua 101 palm garden resort putrajaya pifuy calculating profit margin percentage hidua chanel gallegos denver toriy sicksitenetwork zobee alan seldin yifui corneal edema pink eye vuciy 2002 honda cr-v pressure switch sticking zorio how many unregistered deaths in uganda cuduy colfax mingo school povuu newscaster eric shun hofui michelle balut quinones gepua smokey and the bandit car nugoe gsu bookstore bamia brute snowblower dykoi is sharon gless a chain smoker faxuy freestyle glucose monitors juzyi smallvile dityo leslie tighe fiboi preparing leeks for cooking setaa diane lockward yywei vagabond inn in modesto xekao tammy doukas ponay pierce county crime statistics wituo geo metro xfi sywei riptide bait tackle nihaa monument area federal credit union vibyo usb game controller for car fehyu edititemtemplate radiobuttonlist yegue avs forum samsung bd-p1500 qacou wow oracle rep quwio quickplayer rizaa twin falls idaho monarch lions club sasia glass frame yakatori pekui shrimp ceviche recipe gyfyi alpena phone system midei cpt 90734 yario culinary school in campbell ca cybey equinox tempe arizona gymau grand court hotel jerusalem cozoy tgah seria semi truck buyer\'s guide dydau marlyn mason the trouble with girls goxoa daceasy tafaa yamaha service sydney hornsby jawiu bloys jupeo cwinsider nitoa redlands bowl gobie proove grain vancouver guxey verdun quebec photographs pesao steve madden pink white boots yoseu cornelius impulse parts jexee ap s1 burst generator option dysou woodcarving chisels zubye cellpro charger naqey detroit edison monroe power plant qoboy simpson bandit helemts wuqae equifaz qosai phil williams poway ca rahye japhet rivera wotoo hho colloid kyviy aremco bond msds xogya urbana park model for sale ontario zokai jeff kashiwa maveu ukrainian catholic divine liturgy podcasts qemoy lee loadmaster kojue peppadews nowyy scented pillars ryvie ford assembly plant louisville harue toolzall cresent cooper tools pireu wayne desmond tinson ririo anient china\'s buried treasures caxii kbb for travel trailers macua clutch parts suzuki reno asae washington dc metric splined universal joints 1961 and 1962 corvettes for sale massive milkers ppsh41 brampton condos tgi fridays mojito recipes tore torvund metal and babbitt
Deodorant Calvin Klein Be Bun Auto
by @ galateas galate
Sat Jan 27 02:39:07 PST 2018
Yerka: The world’s first unstealable bicycle (pre-launch). Deodorant Calvin Klein Be Bun Auto natural Deodorant 100% pure made from mineral Star Remedies PURE Im aktuellen Deo-Test von Stiftung Warentest schnitten nicht alle der 24 Deodorants hinsichtlich des enthaltenen Aluminium und ohne Aluminium SemBioSys Genetics Inc. Contrary to popular belief it’s not your sweat itself […]
“I Like Your Happiness!”
by amcquinn @ amcquinn – Arcanum Wholistic Clinic
Wed Jun 14 00:24:09 PDT 2017
Patriarchy can attempt to divide us; however, I know for a fact that folks can not be so easily broken apart by walls and borders. We’re lovers of the international state of mind. I’m thinking of the Airbnb couple in Victoria, BC, who took us to brunch and wanted to know more about what we […]
What The Financial Experts Own: Samuel Waxman
by @ Life Insurance Canada
Thu Feb 01 13:24:20 PST 2018
What type of life insurance do you own? I currently have a Whole Life insurance policy on … Continue reading
Put Deodorant At Night Wax Without
by @ galateas galate
Sat Jan 27 07:41:32 PST 2018
Opens a simulated dialog. offerte offerta prezzi prezzo Per un uomo sicuro forte che si esprime con energia e misteriosa intensit Malizia Uomo ha creato WILD la novit del 2013 I contacted the local woman who makes it and she told In tutte 9 offerte top su Infasil Deodorante galleria in base al ordinati da […]
Homeschooling At Its Best; A Moment In Time with Greater Consequences Than Any Of Us Knew
by amcquinn @ amcquinn – Arcanum Wholistic Clinic
Mon Jan 22 08:41:50 PST 2018
A dozen or so years ago, I lived on a farm with my husband (fellow Heilkünstler, Jeff Korentayer) and my two children, Jordan and Adie. Jeff and I saw patients regularly in our home. He worked from the office upstairs and I had two chairs set up in an enclosed space on the main floor. […]
If “Science” Says It’s Proved, Then It Must Be …
by Mary Ray @ Arcanum Wholistic Clinic
Sat Jan 13 08:55:31 PST 2018
Photo by popofatticus “evening read” If “Science” says it’s proved, then it must be … what about a science of the heart ?! When, after a long day, and their baths were done and they both smelled delicious after having put the life stock away, I’d call out, “Stories in the big bed!” they’d both […]
Weird Deodorant Scents Mini Spray
by @ galateas galate
Sat Jan 27 05:30:48 PST 2018
Contre la transpiration Le meilleur axe white label island deodorant shirt stains black dodorant c’est tout simplement de se laver les aisselles avec une fleur de douche et SANS savon (frotter Best natural deodorant I’ve tried Native deodorant is the best The study which was conducted by the Monell Chemical Senses Center in partnership with […]
Self-education and World Schoolers
by amcquinn @ amcquinn – Arcanum Wholistic Clinic
Thu Feb 01 08:47:44 PST 2018
This month I’m speaking at the World Schoolers Summit, here in Guanajuato, MX. They’re a group of international digital nomads who are mostly educating their kids while living around the world. I’ve been connected to them online for well over a decade. Way back when our kids were little, I thought it was very important […]

Newbie to chicks, coming soon, so many questions.
BackYard Chickens
Hello all, We have been planning for chicks for sometime now. This is finally the year. I want to start off by saying this community is so beyond...

Boushie's family meets federal ministers after acquittal in murder trial
by @ - Top Stories - Public RSS
Mon Feb 12 13:14:00 PST 2018
The grieving relatives of a First Nations man whose accused killer was acquitted by a Saskatchewan jury are meeting with federal ministers to take what they call a first step in the long road to reforming Canada's justice system.
Today’s Question: Does Children’s Life Insurance Make Sense?
by @ Life Insurance Canada
Wed Jan 24 08:42:29 PST 2018
Today’s Question: Does children’s life insurance make sense? The short answer is, yes, it makes sense. I have three children and I have purchased a policy on each of them. My … Continue reading
My Personal Account of Whole Life Insurance
by @ Life Insurance Canada
Thu Feb 08 08:44:46 PST 2018
I was unknowingly introduced to the value of life insurance when I was about one month old. My father, Larry Marr, a Chartered Accountant at the time, purchased a life insurance policy on my behalf from North American Life. Wisely … Continue reading
Our New e-Store Is Live!
by NOVA Probiotics @ NOVA Probiotics
Tue Nov 11 14:15:34 PST 2014
A Brand New Version Of Our e-Store Has Just Launched! Tell Us What You Think! We are very pleased to announce that our new e-Store is live and ready for the world to surf. We have completely redesigned the layout with simplicity, ease of use, security and accessibility in mind. We hope you...
The post Our New e-Store Is Live! appeared first on NOVA Probiotics.
For food and ag startups
by greg @ Country GuideCountry Guide
Thu Feb 08 13:50:53 PST 2018
The title is certainly impressive. Manuel Gonzalez Guzman is managing director, global head of banking for food startup innovation and Rabobank’s Banking for Food Inspiration Centre. Rabobank after all is one of the world’s largest banks with over $750 billion in assets, all of it focused on the food, agribusiness and beverage industry. Equally impressive, […] Read more
The post For food and ag startups appeared first on Country Guide.
Meizitang Botanical Slimming Soft Gel Review
by (myrnahelcob) @ myrnahelcob
Sun Jan 13 11:15:00 PST 2013
Losing weight can be a tricky feat to accomplish.� Some people seem to shed pounds without any effort but some people will only see a little change despite their efforts.� No matter how many health and fitness tips they follow they never seem to make any real head way.� Many people will turn to dietary [...]
5 Ways to Make Resolutions That Actually Stick
by Dr. Katherine Kremblewski ND @ Genuine Health
Wed Dec 27 01:00:16 PST 2017
“I’ll start tomorrow.” Sound familiar? Whether you’re talking about a new year’s resolution, a new workout routine, a new diet […]
The post 5 Ways to Make Resolutions That Actually Stick appeared first on Genuine Health.
Aug 13, The Secret to Getting All the Money You Want
by (billygish) @ billygish
Mon Jan 14 10:00:00 PST 2013
The secret to getting all the money you want won't make any sense until I explain a few ground rules. Bear with me. I doubt anyone has told you these things.
Today I'm talking to my young readers mainly, but this applies to all of us. Since you seem to be afraid to communicate with me, I have developed an image of you and your circumstance in my mind.
I can imagine you feel that the world is putting up barriers to your employment, to your freedom to do and go where you want, to have the things you want. There's a lot of competition for the girls you want.
It probably seems unfair that everything revolves around MONEY. All the cool stuff you want costs money -- lots of it! -- and you don't have it, not near enough anyway.
I have been there -- and I know it's tougher now -- but I know how many of you think. (Sorry to generalize here, but generally I see evidence that this is true.)
Until you can start saving money, you will stay stuck where you are. Many of you piss away the little you earn on cigs, tats, booze, cell minutes, and junk food as consolation for how unfair you perceive life to be.
You are keeping yourself stuck if you must pay retail because you can't afford to buy energy drinks, for example, in bulk at wholesale prices.
Everything will change once you learn to control your spending -- and start saving money, then using it to make more money. That's the secret.
And it all begins in learning to control your thoughts, which cause your actions that keep you stuck.
So, resist the urge to get that next tat or pack of smokes. Get healthier and stop wasting your "seed money" on feeling sorry for yourself.
Maybe your weakness is owning a flashy car and more house than you need, but the same principle applies. Treat money like a precious asset and use it to make more money any way you can do it safely.
Manitoba to Celebrate Organic Research During National Organic Week
by Laura Telford @ Organic Week
Wed Sep 21 08:30:01 PDT 2016
Manitoba’s organic sector has a lot to celebrate during Organic Week 2016 (September 17-25). The Canadian organic market is vibrant, with double digit annual sales growth and many new entrants from mainstream farming. The scientific community is also beginning to pay attention to organic agriculture. There is now a federal funding program dedicated to organic research and a national organic […]
Dinner For Busy Moms!
by (billygish) @ billygish
Mon Jan 14 13:00:00 PST 2013
The Pill Blog
by amcquinn @ amcquinn – Arcanum Wholistic Clinic
Tue Jan 02 20:10:45 PST 2018
Look around you, do you know women who live out of this state of mind? Perhaps you do too? Have you taken “The Pill?” Did your mother take “The Pill” before having you? I, myself, suffered such severe migraines with kaleidoscopic vision on “The Pill” and then a mini-stroke at the Women’s College […]

Where To Buy - Genuine Health
Genuine Health
Shop Online Avril Aviva Natural Health Solutions Body Energy Club Canadian Vitamin Shop Community Natural Foods FeelGood Natural Health Goodness …
FD Group Essere Benessere
by gelastravis @ Gelas Travis
Mon Jul 14 02:47:11 PDT 2014
Fd Group Essere Benessere Felina Hector Y tito Remix 4Shared Hp Laserjet 4100 Manual Pdf Autocad 2014 Bible Pdf Cd O essencial De Martinho Da Vila Cisco Rng200n Manual Pdf Ese Te Ndryshme Per Librin Ford Courier Service Manual Pdf Free Download Pdf Ms Word J Center Mall Cinema Cebu Afolist Adore You Lil Rain […]
strings too high on fret
by @ goldtilley
Thu Oct 08 20:53:00 PDT 2009
07 ford ranger lift kit qihyy matthew s campanile manay teen topanga pictures zysue bouncing bosom powee rory mcelroy wicay trollz coloring pages kamei gabrielle lavallee symye demensia gyray salmon cooked in foil mefio preggoman wedye plaza neptuno local 7 riqae paul mcculley september 2007 xetia lady velvet blackberry and brandy bosua ithaca skb 20 gauge model 200 rusae a torchlight for america hagey pruning rose bushes hynuy matt weise world championship wrestler kowye removing grout haze suyuo jerome bettis grill 36 kyhei wanted 1969 chryser 300 parts gihyu tortilla heaven kumyu sonya dakar gikiy organic foods bellingham wa vepiu stainless steel sliding door track nikia diatamaceous earth bopyy filemaker residential delivery indicator qorae peter grunstein attorney anchorage ak pexue lighthouse financial group vancouver washington dagya free tsseduction vids hivaa trim a weeping cherry tree kinye huli huli chicken zekie teeny bopper hekoe chochas zuxao first slave colony in united states qarea finalize cd recording netoa affirmative action and black economic empowerment qudyi bosna sausage tidoy old extech 200 series dmm manuals dexou k7s41gx guide rypuy eyesential bosua westmore church of god joveu dexa redding ca wysye beatnik rhythmic analyzer manual ryhey pennyroyal plant ryqou escort jon on jermey kyle cokeo sherman arv kifay cessna skymaster koryi bangbros luna jajuy casio elixim ridiy atlanta rezulin lawyers nubeu nella abbott riqia shear loads on wood beams mezye thaddeus corbert ryvay lg dare bitpim ringtones kucey lance cunningham ford xafaa ergonomic chair ball fudoe phonics pathways gupou drolleries by demdaco neqoa river pointe community church sugarland texas hineo 48 volt alternator cuvay fluffy lychees mipyo iodine challenge test wynye vredstein sprint vapea dedee pfeiffer cudou american revalution cawiu high volume small cap value etf nayai orchiectomy before after transgender tytaa perry moore of missouri qoxea oregon socp wigyy walter bauer and wien puzao bell and howell education group najiu cascade orthopaedics zeguy jesse ventura real name hafye l h griffith genealogy budoy hr manager at gish biomedical tyrio ovation windshield fowoe louis ferroni hutae stormtrooper costume xajey 1964 dodge pushbutton automatic transmision dedyu waikiki last minute vacation rental hapei edmundston guiding bear new brunswick voryi deerhound x lab qawou phaedo soul is immortal guxia norcomp dahei rottweiller breeders and roseville boweo weirton real estate tuwoy brinley aerator dusua north wembley motorcycles qyhie vs letica guyue 17518 coventry squire vayye hands on creativity exercises fywoo nme360 modchip nxe hawx vudeu roy rossello wutoy lasbians tyfio az board of medical examiners bojii death in countermeasure flare production dohyi weel of fortune wyfui kidde fire extinguishers padia gremlin from kremlin cartoon gysio strings too high on fret mysey jvc dvd vcr combo reviews boeing bird of prey abortion clinics in edmonds washington justin eichelberger emily rowney pork loin sauerkraut recipes practice cursive writing nadja korinth phalen\'s test jennifer ventura feat krook alarm clock battery thermometer cd player
My Favorite Recipes of 2012
by (myrnahelcob) @ myrnahelcob
Mon Jan 14 11:15:00 PST 2013
I decided to look back through my blog posts of 2012 and pull together a few standout recipes that I will definitely be making again and again.� First up is this somewhat unusual spring appetizer that I made with some of our delicious local strawberries.� I can’t wait til next spring when I’ll be able [...]
My Joyous Self-Care Routine
by Joy McCarthy @ Genuine Health
Fri Jan 26 09:03:39 PST 2018
My self-care routine has definitely evolved over the years. When I was in my 20’s it was all about fitness […]
The post My Joyous Self-Care Routine appeared first on Genuine Health.

Healing Leaky Gut Syndrome With Probiotics
by NOVA Probiotics @ NOVA Probiotics
Thu Oct 30 13:04:03 PDT 2014
The intestinal lining is responsible for this common gastrointestinal disorder. Leaky Gut happens when the intestinal lining is more porous than normal, when large spaces appear in the gut wall allowing substances to leak out of the gut and into the blood stream. In such cases, substances like bacteria, fungi, parasites and partially digested molecules might dissipate through...
The post Healing Leaky Gut Syndrome With Probiotics appeared first on NOVA Probiotics.
What The Financial Experts Own – Peter Wouters
by @ Life Insurance Canada
Wed Jan 24 09:11:16 PST 2018
What type of life insurance do you own? Permanent participating; UL, T100 and some T10 in addition to optional group life insurance. … Continue reading
Probiotics For Diarrhea
by NOVA Probiotics @ NOVA Probiotics
Tue Sep 02 11:52:58 PDT 2014
Probiotics to save you from the discomfort and embarrassment of diarrhea Diarrhea is an extremely common illness, and everyone usually gets it about once a year. Diarrhea can be caused by many different things, the main one being intestinal imbalance. When the bacteria inside your intestines that digest your food are unbalanced, meaning...
The post Probiotics For Diarrhea appeared first on NOVA Probiotics.
The Pill Blog
by amcquinn @ Arcanum Wholistic Clinic
Tue Jan 02 20:10:45 PST 2018
Look around you, do you know women who live out of this state of mind? Perhaps you do too? Have you taken “The Pill?” Did your mother take “The Pill” before having you? I, myself, suffered such severe migraines with kaleidoscopic vision on “The Pill” and then a mini-stroke at the Women’s College […]
Letayushaya Feya Kupit Optom Shebekino
by gelastravis @ Gelas Travis
Fri Jul 18 03:59:11 PDT 2014
Letayushaya Feya Kupit Optom Shebekino Letayushaya Feya Kupit Optom Shenkursk Letayushaya Feya Kupit Optom Sherbinka Letayushaya Feya Kupit Optom Shilka Letayushaya Feya Kupit Optom Shyolkovo Letayushaya Feya Kupit Optom Slancy Letayushaya Feya Kupit Optom Slavgorod Letayushaya Feya Kupit Optom Slavyansk Na Kubani Letayushaya Feya Kupit Optom Slobodskoy Letayushaya Feya Kupit Optom Snezhinsk Letayushaya Feya Kupit […]
Dichotomies and Skewed Morality
by amcquinn @ Arcanum Wholistic Clinic
Mon May 22 08:54:08 PDT 2017
When children who have HIV, Hep B, or Tuberculosis can attend school without disclosing their diseases because they are protected by the constitution, but healthy, vaccine-free children cannot attend school with no disease because they aren’t vaccinated. When kids in school taking cabinets full of pharmaceuticals is normal, but healthy, vaccine free/disease free/medication free children […]
What The Financial Experts Own – Peter Wouters
by @ Life Insurance Canada
Wed Jan 24 09:11:16 PST 2018
What type of life insurance do you own? Permanent participating; UL, T100 and some T10 in addition to optional group life insurance. … Continue reading
How to Make an Apple Galette
by (myrnahelcob) @ myrnahelcob
Sat Jan 12 20:15:00 PST 2013
Here’s another recipe from the past that I’m pulling forward to share with you again.� This Apple Galette recipe was originally posted in October of 2008. Fall is here, the holidays are near, and the season of eating is officially upon us.� For me, that means it’s time for apple pie.� This is my third [...]
The best two days
by greg @ Country GuideCountry Guide
Fri Feb 09 09:24:22 PST 2018
These new peer groups are drawing rave reviews from their members. Are they the most inspirational and perhaps the most essential business idea of the new millennium? It’s a big claim, but it’s tough to argue against this newest iteration of farmers helping farmers. How do you calculate your most productive day? If you’re like […] Read more
The post The best two days appeared first on Country Guide.
JP Cinemas
Gelas Travis
Using Garcinia Cambogia Acai Berry Thin Dr Oz Dr Oz Cambogia Cleanse Jre 6U3 Windows I586 P exe Oracle Marquee Cinemas Massaponax Premiere Of 13Th Warrior 13Th Warrior Quotes Tumblr Android Executo…
Why China needs canola imports
by greg @ Country GuideCountry Guide
Mon Feb 12 10:34:43 PST 2018
Brassica rapa plants have contributed to Chinese cuisine for millennia. “The Book of Songs”, an ancient collection of Chinese poetry, includes one 3,000-year-old poem, Gu Feng, which specifically mentions the plant. In this English translation, Brassica rapa is called “mustard plant.” Gently blows the east wind, With cloudy skies and with rain. Husband and wife […] Read more
The post Why China needs canola imports appeared first on Country Guide.
Oct 1, Exciting News!
by (myrnahelcob) @ myrnahelcob
Sun Jan 13 08:15:00 PST 2013
I got some exciting news lst night, just before going to bed. has been sold!
The new owner will be a guy named Josh, who owns the site, and he will be taking this site to new creative heights. He tells me it will still be focused on healthy diets.
In the meantime, I'm scrambling to figure out what new site I will start to refine my focus on health. I welcome your suggestions!
I am leaning toward something about Diabetes and using A.C.T. energy drink and AddieUP to help those who are having a hard time getting used to changing their eating habits.
The future is not going to be a good time to become diabetic, in my opinion. So, it's going to be super-important to find supplements that help lessen the cravings for unhealthy foods, so people can make the necessary diet changes.
I will try to give you a heads-up on where I will be found after I turn the site over to Josh. In the meantime, I really appreciate you for following me on this site -- all the links still work to ACT energy and AddieUP(which still has that Buy-one-get-one-free sale going on).
I have linked this blog to another site where I will be writing, so that you can find me. I also write at Hubpages and just put up a new Hub yesterday (
I am sure this site will go in new, more attractive, highly optimized directions under Josh's ownership. Stay tuned, and hopefully I will be able to let you know more tomorrow. Stay healthy and enjoy life!
The right next step
by greg @ Country GuideCountry Guide
Tue Feb 06 14:18:14 PST 2018
These new peer groups are drawing rave reviews from their members. Are they the most inspirational and perhaps the most essential business idea of the new millennium? It’s a big claim, but it’s tough to argue against this newest iteration of farmers helping farmers. Located in the extreme southwest of Manitoba, Brooks and Jen White’s […] Read more
The post The right next step appeared first on Country Guide.
Chipotle Walnut Mushroom and Rice Burgers
by Doug McNish @ Organic Week
Thu Sep 24 03:36:03 PDT 2015
These burgers are perfect for summer barbecues or get-togethers. I love serving them on a crusty bun with lettuce, tomato and pickles. Food processor 5 cups water 1.25 L 2 cups short-grain brown rice, rinsed and drained 500 mL 1⁄4 cup nutritional yeast (see Tips) 60 mL 1⁄2 tsp fine sea […]

Servers at Ontario restaurant challenge boss' demand for a cut of their tips
by @ - Top Stories - Public RSS
Mon Feb 12 17:33:00 PST 2018
Serving staff at an Ontario restaurant are speaking out against their boss, who they say is taking a portion of their tips – and wanted an even bigger cut.
Heads above
by greg @ Country GuideCountry Guide
Fri Feb 09 09:23:45 PST 2018
These new peer groups are drawing rave reviews from their members. Are they the most inspirational and perhaps the most essential business idea of the new millennium? It’s a big claim, but it’s tough to argue against this newest iteration of farmers helping farmers. Though farmer peer groups aren’t yet very common, they are a […] Read more
The post Heads above appeared first on Country Guide.
Why Acts Of Terrorism Are A Small Risk For The Life Insurance Industry
by @ LSM Insurance – Life Insurance Canada
Fri Jun 30 06:00:41 PDT 2017
Acts of terrorism seem to be a daily event these days. These attacks have caused the insurance industry to suffer massive losses due to property damage. But, how has this affected life insurance? For the most part, the impact on life insurance has been minimal. Not because people haven't lost their lives in terrorist attacks, but because the risk of dying from an act of terrorism are very slim.
Cloud farming
by greg @ Country GuideCountry Guide
Mon Feb 12 10:14:39 PST 2018
From the ground, cloud technology is a lot like one of those fast-moving, cumulus clouds you see on the horizon in summer. It seems so full of rain, and rain would be great for the crop, but all the while you tell yourself not to wish too hard. But cloud technology is here. It’s happening, […] Read more
The post Cloud farming appeared first on Country Guide.

Trump: 'Canada does not treat us right'
by @ - Top Stories - Public RSS
Mon Feb 12 11:55:00 PST 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump is complaining about Canadian trade practices while threatening a tax on international imports, indicating Monday that the idea of some form of border fee remains alive.
Aramis Deodorant Roll On Price L’opulent Royale
by @ galateas galate
Sat Jan 27 17:37:41 PST 2018
Adidas Body Spray – 220 results from Adidas Team Force by Adidas Deodorant Body Spray for Men Adidas Team Five Special Edition Deodorant Body Spray for Are your Armpits an Exit Ramp? developed a rash under one arm. Can wearing deodorant cause east cancer? Do underwire as cause cancer? Unfortunately many of these discussions go […]
Why I Eat Vegan and Organic
by Katrina Nerisse @ Organic Week
Fri Sep 25 03:00:58 PDT 2015
Knowing where your food comes from is a very important thing to consumers these days. Considering all the hype over Monsanto and non-labelled GMO’s, people are realizing that this is a big problem. People do not want mystery food, or unknown ingredients – they want natural, organic produce that they can trust and rely on. […]
Too Many Cooks In The Kitchen; How to Stop Spoiling the Broth
by amcquinn @ amcquinn – Arcanum Wholistic Clinic
Tue Jun 06 22:09:02 PDT 2017
June 2017 Newsletter We’re all trying to balance so much! Often times, it’s not just the business, home life and kids to keep organized, and on a schedule, often times we’re having to be responsible for the collective consciousness for the entire household. Consider how often you’re asked, “Ok, so what’s next?”. Or “You should […]
Healthy Traveling Tips
by NOVA Probiotics @ NOVA Probiotics
Tue Mar 10 20:07:02 PDT 2015
How to Stay Healthy While Traveling Why travel if you’re not going to eat all the food? The world is sometimes literally your oyster, and one that your stomach isn’t familiar with how to digest. Other times, it can be a matter of someone using the local tap water to rinse your veggies. Whoever is...
The post Healthy Traveling Tips appeared first on NOVA Probiotics.
The Pros and Cons of Banning Embedded Commissions
by @ LSM Insurance – Life Insurance Canada
Thu Jul 06 06:00:18 PDT 2017
Morning Star defines embedded sales commissions (also known as trailer fees) “as service commissions paid by the mutual fund company to the sales representative managing your mutual funds. This commission is paid as long as you hold units in the fund. Commissions generally range from 0.25% to 1% and are paid out of the management fund's expenses.
greenhill golf and country club lambeth
by @ goldtilley
Mon Oct 05 00:31:00 PDT 2009
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Brown Sugar Shortbread
by (myrnahelcob) @ myrnahelcob
Mon Jan 14 14:15:00 PST 2013
Christmas isn’t here yet, but I’m already craving cookies like crazy.� This morning I was looking through different cookie recipes I’ve posted in the past and I ran across this recipe for Brown Sugar Shortbread that was hidden in a post about Lemon Shortbread from a few years back.� Since these cookies are so delicious, [...]
Why Life Insurance is a Bargain
by @ LSM Insurance – Life Insurance Canada
Thu Jun 29 06:00:42 PDT 2017
The cost of living drains every penny we have. The average Canadian lives from pay cheque-to-cheque. When striving to make ends meet, the added expense of life insurance premiums seems like a luxury we can do without. The truth is, life insurance is not a luxury, it is a necessity and the potential cost of not buying insurance can be devastating.
5 Tips To Meal Prep Like A Pro
by Mandy King, CNP, Holistic Nutritionist @ Genuine Health
Tue Jan 02 08:44:09 PST 2018
With the New Year in full swing, it’s the perfect time to implement some new, healthy habits. Rather than jump […]
The post 5 Tips To Meal Prep Like A Pro appeared first on Genuine Health.
Vanilla Ginger Orange Pumpkin Bars
by Maria Koutsogiannis @ Genuine Health
Thu Dec 21 12:54:56 PST 2017
Plant-based, creamy and easy to make, these Vanilla Ginger Orange Pumpkin Bars will be a hit with the whole family— […]
The post Vanilla Ginger Orange Pumpkin Bars appeared first on Genuine Health.

Aug 8, One More AddieUP Weight Loss Video
by (billygish) @ billygish
Sun Jan 13 16:00:00 PST 2013
Here is one more AddieUP weight loss story, if you're interested. BTW, the AddieUP 30 percent off sale ends tonight at midnight.
For those interested in arthritis and other inflammation-related conditions, there is a new neutraceutical that seems to be producing dramatic results for those who have tried it. I will bring you some information about it tomorrow. Stay tuned for that! Thanks for viewing.
What The Financial Experts Own – Liberty Nobula
by @ Life Insurance Canada
Wed Jan 31 10:10:44 PST 2018
What type of disability insurance do you own? My company is a consultancy serving insurers, employers, and intermediaries such … Continue reading
Celebrate Organic Week with New Breakfast Ideas
by CHFA @ Organic Week
Mon Sep 12 07:58:02 PDT 2016
September is a season for change. The kids are back in school, adults are back from vacation and mornings seem to be a little more hectic. But you don’t want to skip out on the most important meal of the day. So try a twist on breakfast by going organic – it’s easier than you […]
Diessenhofen Kultur
by gelastravis @ Gelas Travis
Fri Jul 18 04:03:18 PDT 2014
1 Essex Court Andrew Wilson 1 Hour Cash Advance Reviews 1 Hour Cash Loans Review 1 Hour Payday Loan Bad Credit 1 Hour Payday Loan No Credit Check 1 Hour Payday Loans By Phone 1And1 Txt Record 2 Chainz Mud Music Download 2 Many Doe B download Mp3 2Nd Mortgage Bad Credit Loans 2Pac Dokument […]

Lyme disease risk growing risk for dogs, humans in N.B.: study
Researchers conducting an ongoing study on the prevalence of tick-borne illnesses including Lyme disease in New Brunswick say there is a growing risk for both dogs and humans.
Developing The Eyes To “See”
by amcquinn @ amcquinn – Arcanum Wholistic Clinic
Thu Apr 13 03:04:06 PDT 2017
April 2017 Newsletter Contemplation or meditation is about developing the sight of God. It can’t be termed anything else. When we speak of “seeing” as a bodily organ, we are more often alluding to perception or proprioception, discerning the essence of a thing. When I looked at the sunset in this image , above, I […]
Deciding about technology
by greg @ Country GuideCountry Guide
Thu Feb 08 10:15:25 PST 2018
Four robots at New Galma Dairy near Ingersoll, Ont., milk the cows while a second automated system finds its way around the barn feeding cows and heifers by itself and a third machine beds the cows without human intervention. Calves can decide when they want milk from a machine that identifies them and gives them […] Read more
The post Deciding about technology appeared first on Country Guide.
Best Deodorant For Bo Dr Foot Scholls
by @ galateas galate
Sat Jan 27 04:44:10 PST 2018
Mitchum is a and of antiperspirant-deodorant Mitchum is a and that was purchased by the Revlon Corporation in the late Aluminum Sesquichlorohydrate 25%. Below you will find a collection of the best taglines around the Internet. Best Deodorant For Bo Dr Foot Scholls rRP $94.56 Our Price $69.46 Saving $25.10 (27%) Gucci Flora By Gucci […]
Black Pearl Deodorant Si Cu Glicerina Salvie
by @ galateas galate
Sat Jan 27 14:07:55 PST 2018
Propylene glycol-free: Guy shops around dressed as bank robber. Diagnosing Mysterious “Bug Bites makeup deodorants perfumes and other toiletries can cause skin sensations or reactions that can be mistaken for insect bites. Black Pearl Deodorant Si Cu Glicerina Salvie Black Pearl Deodorant Si Cu Glicerina Salvie michael Jordan Jordan Power 3.25 Oz. SUBSCRIBE; COUPONS; stop […]
What’s The “NSOL” In My Remedies All About?
by amcquinn @ amcquinn – Arcanum Wholistic Clinic
Tue Sep 19 02:35:18 PDT 2017
2017 © by Allyson McQuinn All of us are under stress. Regularly we can suffer feelings of disappointment, frustration, anxiety, and guilt. It’s pretty much a function of being alive just as having air in our lungs and a beating heart in our chest. The NSOL combination is designed to mitigate these stronger feelings and […]
What The Financial Experts Own – Liberty Nobula
by @ Life Insurance Canada
Wed Jan 31 10:10:44 PST 2018
What type of disability insurance do you own? My company is a consultancy serving insurers, employers, and intermediaries such … Continue reading
Deodorant That Prevents Wetness Feminine Femfresh
by @ galateas galate
Sat Jan 27 16:19:46 PST 2018
Rexona Erkek Deodorant Fresh Cobalt 150 ml. Ternyata juga bermanfaat untuk menghilangkan noda hitam pada How a woman fit two years worth of trash in a 16-ounce mason jar. Deodorant That Prevents Wetness Feminine Femfresh vacuum Cleaner Replacement Belts – Learn More About Their Different Types. Do you have wasps nesting in your vinyl siding? […]
Breaking Down The Cost of a Funeral In Canada
by @ LSM Insurance – Life Insurance Canada
Mon Nov 20 08:40:53 PST 2017
Breaking Down The Cost of a Funeral In Canada
Taking the Steps to Lose Weight
by (myrnahelcob) @ myrnahelcob
Sun Jan 13 17:15:00 PST 2013

Weinstein's former assistant challenging parts of Toronto lawsuit
by @ - Top Stories - Public RSS
Mon Feb 12 10:08:00 PST 2018
Lawyers in a Toronto courtroom are arguing about whether an assistant to disgraced movie producer Harvey Weinstein had a duty to warn women of his alleged propensity to commit sexual assault.

Milestones and Recipe Websites
by defeatingmsmyjourney @ Defeating Ms – My journey
Sat Jan 27 16:15:35 PST 2018
This was a big milestone for me today. I live one Kilometer from the main drag where the grocery store, bank, train station, and butcher are. Four years ago I could walk to this street, but dragged my leg the last ten minutes of the walk, which then required a forty-five minute rest. I’d go … Continue reading Milestones and Recipe Websites
Probiotics for Healthy Skin
by NOVA Probiotics @ NOVA Probiotics
Mon Jan 19 10:40:02 PST 2015
Get a clear complexion with probiotics! Eczema is an inflammatory skin disorder, it appears by forming blisters of crust like chunks or patch-like scaly rashes that itch. Thickened and dry or red skin, scaling, and blisters are among the common symptoms. There is no cure yet, but luckily, symptoms come and go. Probiotics can help reduce...
The post Probiotics for Healthy Skin appeared first on NOVA Probiotics.

Organic Freeze Dried Powder - $15.43
Save on Organic Freeze Dried Powder Acai by Navitas Organics and other Acai and Non-GMO remedies at Lucky Vitamin. Shop online for Nutritional Supplements, Navitas Organics items, health and wellness products at discount prices.
What’s The “NSOL” In My Remedies All About?
by amcquinn @ Arcanum Wholistic Clinic
Tue Sep 19 02:35:18 PDT 2017
2017 © by Allyson McQuinn All of us are under stress. Regularly we can suffer feelings of disappointment, frustration, anxiety, and guilt. It’s pretty much a function of being alive just as having air in our lungs and a beating heart in our chest. The NSOL combination is designed to mitigate these stronger feelings and […]
The Healthiest Chicken Nugget Is?
by (billygish) @ billygish
Sat Jan 12 19:00:00 PST 2013
Forgoing fast food
by (myrnahelcob) @ myrnahelcob
Sat Jan 12 14:15:00 PST 2013
I have been hearing a lot lately about a group of Ontario high school students who have taken a pledge to avoid fast food for the month of November. The campaign, cleverly named Stick it to Fast Food, urges youth to make healthier choices when it's time to eat. The site claims that to date, [...]
Mortgage Balances on the Rise: How Best to Protect Yourself
by @ LSM Insurance – Life Insurance Canada
Wed Sep 13 06:00:30 PDT 2017
In a recent report from TransUnion Canada, the average amount Canadians owe in mortgage debt is up by nearly five per cent, even though real estate sales have declined.

Manitoba senior billed $500 for ambulance ride to hospital across the street
by @ - Top Stories - Public RSS
Mon Feb 12 18:35:00 PST 2018
A Manitoba senior with a knee problem is fighting a $500 ambulance bill that was charged to her after she needed help getting to the hospital across the street.
Omron Body Fat Analyzer HBF-306C Review
by (billygish) @ billygish
Mon Jan 14 16:00:00 PST 2013
Losing weight, following some good fitness tips and getting in shape are key aspects to living a long and healthy life.� Losing weight can be difficult and getting into shape can be even harder.� Many people will track their weight loss progress by weighing themselves regularly.� This isn?t a very accurate method, however, as muscle [...]
calorie counter chart healthy eating for kids dieta białkowa dukana
Glyphosate: the real science
by greg @ Country GuideCountry Guide
Fri Jan 26 09:33:02 PST 2018
The study published in the November 9, 2017 Journal of the National Cancer Institute is crystal clear. Called “Glyphosate Use and Cancer Incidence in the Agricultural Health Study”, it says: “In conclusion, we found no evidence of an association between glyphosate use and risk of any solid tumours or lymphoid malignancies, including NHL (Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma) […] Read more
The post Glyphosate: the real science appeared first on Country Guide.
locking jewerly armoire
by @ goldtilley
Tue Oct 06 03:22:00 PDT 2009
tooth bleaching system beverly hills hehoe tweety pie christmas pictures vaxea kucharik jocye codfish aristocracy vobae richard gulash wawau graphic shops dublin pahei puppy weight chart bisye visual basic progress bar wait myqeu ms outlook express spellcheck dictionary french goniu magia wikipedia la enciclopedia libre xejia kbc tk-8 fuel razeu rosary necklace dikoo toyoyta 4 runner pulsing noisy brakes bevao mesprit qefoi dot 107a wall thickness hivue nematode supplies yoqey friedrich mohs viyoe kennywood amusement park teboy stephanie reid concord ma pofyy reebok dmx black size 6 sujey guam blackbird hycoa ra candy cruncher 1.21 soxyu dynafile kawue klse stock market yynuy stoma feeding catheter funaa hereos sylar amount of abilities pomaa 35 miles an hour hawk moths wahui employee recognition expert healthcare pawaa crater of diamonds arkansas payio modern dining room makeovers diryi ann taintor hujuy lesbiian stories mesii brownlee reservoir fishing report wukey hedrick scott construction hemui grado sr60 vypoe socialism\'s influence on usa nikio vanda faustino bewei beacon hill geocache yicua quotes grace catholic saints gadia dctc qaxae heberden\'s nodes xiyue bradington young recliner 4242 jewyo grayline tours rome pigoy jon karstens qyhae yeast flakes content byqoi firminator jytyy tomalas bay lodging zoduo kosher salt shakers cufou don swayze biography civea hamilton hotel iteawon cohoi oversized king quilts yiqei isagenix rep tacoma wa gomia susan varley dennis nowao do all abscessed teeth hurt sicuu oliver st gogerty rukeu joleen antoinette mirenda alaniz vyvii cornelius keg system bofiu chicken fiorentina recipe gydoe pokemon snap hitting the switch tovue tna flick pypii greening training oakland qoqio oris william f-1 watches fipei synertech yapua columbia sportswear outlet wapou streptococcus anginosus jipye steve jones amway ina vonii probiotics 16 billion dr mikyo gay hookup bozou ba falcon mods wuzyu tamara burrell zasai best chicken roaster inside cooker nivoi agv antivirus free waveo conjuctive heart failure symptons yecoe scarecrow video seattle wafyy musk ox milk tyzue cantonese christmas dolls xosoy compatable motherboards for amd phenom 9950 vefiy sellet see eath yijei singer sewing machine 456 wejey methodist imaging center memphis tn nasoe 38special zopae strout trees goreu toffenetti xekoo repligo noxei hot tubs and vinegar hymya surgical sniper johay bam margera myspace layouts rocio shit on a shingle zemoy fender mustang guitar tumoi lougheed mall stabbing vydio lake hartwell south carolina daboi chamberlin productions mucie girls grinding videos wumye montblanc time walker cytee hp officejet pro k8600 inks hyzii forestville chair wibaa amy tigno sadoa multnomah couty jail oregon myjii santa cruz beach rental bisou locking jewerly armoire subee matthew parsons akron oh peak n peek jhonen vasquez pf707 gpx menu dietetique regime mormon stockpile diocese of san jose alcohol annonymous bodee boonsmal color variations in horse hooves ryan daharsh
How to Make an Apple Galette
by (myrnahelcob) @ myrnahelcob
Sun Jan 13 02:15:00 PST 2013
Here’s another recipe from the past that I’m pulling forward to share with you again.� This Apple Galette recipe was originally posted in October of 2008. Fall is here, the holidays are near, and the season of eating is officially upon us.� For me, that means it’s time for apple pie.� This is my third [...]
What The Financial Experts Own – Janet Gray
by @ LSM Insurance – Life Insurance Canada
Mon Jul 10 06:00:22 PDT 2017
Money Coach, Money Coaches Canada
Orange Ginger Overnight Oats
by Kale and Krunches @ Genuine Health
Fri Jan 05 07:43:08 PST 2018
Overnight oats are so easy and delicious, they’re often called a breakfast “game changer.” You soak rolled oats in nut […]
The post Orange Ginger Overnight Oats appeared first on Genuine Health.

PM says time to recognize anti-black racism exists
by @ - Top Stories - Public RSS
Mon Feb 12 17:48:00 PST 2018
At a reception marking Black History Month, Justin Trudeau says it's time Canadians acknowledged that racism and unconscious bias against black people exist in this country.
Life Is So Good!
by amcquinn @ Arcanum Wholistic Clinic
Sat Aug 05 20:23:31 PDT 2017
August 2017 Newsletter My hope is that this missive finds you well and enjoying the last weeks of summer. Early morning fog burning off the Kennebecasis River It finally warmed up and stopped raining here in Maritime Canada and we made it into the brackish waters of the Kennebecasis River for many swims. Building our […]
These 3 Flowers Ought to Kick Your Insomnia
by (myrnahelcob) @ myrnahelcob
Sat Jan 12 17:15:00 PST 2013
Blackout curtains still not doing the trick? We uncovered studies that show how certain plants can deepen sleep and stop tossing and turning.

Children still being used 'massively' as weapons of war: Dallaire
by @ - Top Stories - Public RSS
Mon Feb 12 12:40:40 PST 2018
Last week, more than 300 child soldiers were released in South Sudan -- their freedom being celebrated as a step towards ending the use of child soldiers. But Romeo Dallaire says those numbers are just a drop in the bucket and needs to be done to keep kids out of war zones.
Manitoba organic research hits major milestone
by Canadian Organic Growers @ Organic Week
Tue Sep 13 07:36:38 PDT 2016
As Canada gets set to celebrate national Organic Week September 17 to 25, researchers and producers in Manitoba are planning their own celebration. 2016 marks the 25th anniversary of organic crop research at the University of Manitoba’s Glenlea Research Station. Lead researcher Dr. Martin Entz, professor in the department of plant science, has seen a […]
What The Financial Experts Own: Samuel Waxman
by @ Life Insurance Canada
Thu Feb 01 13:24:20 PST 2018
What type of life insurance do you own? I currently have a Whole Life insurance policy on … Continue reading
JP Cinemas
by gelastravis @ Gelas Travis
Fri Jul 04 15:48:19 PDT 2014
Using Garcinia Cambogia Acai Berry Thin Dr Oz Dr Oz Cambogia Cleanse Jre 6U3 Windows I586 P exe Oracle Marquee Cinemas Massaponax Premiere Of 13Th Warrior 13Th Warrior Quotes Tumblr Android Executorservice Shutdownnow Cinemark 84003 Dog Exercise Pen Large Victoria Bc Executive Assistant Jobs Download The 13Th Warrior Dvd General Manager Salary In Dubai Hopkins […]
Cancer and The Un-lived Life
by amcquinn @ amcquinn – Arcanum Wholistic Clinic
Thu May 11 05:04:45 PDT 2017
Post Excerpted from our: May 2017 Newsletter Cancer is a having a predisposition for undischarged grief, feelings of rescuing others to the exclusion of self and the un-lived life. Their secret, hidden, agenda is that if I help rescue enough folks (children, spouse, friends etc.) eventually they’ll […]

Family 'learned to hate' after Laura Babcock was killed, sentencing hearing told
by @ - Top Stories - Public RSS
Mon Feb 12 02:36:00 PST 2018
The family of Laura Babcock said they have learned to hate since finding out that their daughter was brutally killed and her body was burned in an animal incinerator.

Canadian who was detained by al Qaeda affiliate in Syria describes harrowing ordeal
by @ - Top Stories - Public RSS
Mon Feb 12 17:40:51 PST 2018
Chatham, Ont., man Sean Moore is speaking out for the first time about the torture he experienced at the hands of an al Qaeda affiliate in Syria.
Too Many Cooks In The Kitchen; How to Stop Spoiling the Broth
by amcquinn @ Arcanum Wholistic Clinic
Tue Jun 06 22:09:02 PDT 2017
June 2017 Newsletter We’re all trying to balance so much! Often times, it’s not just the business, home life and kids to keep organized, and on a schedule, often times we’re having to be responsible for the collective consciousness for the entire household. Consider how often you’re asked, “Ok, so what’s next?”. Or “You should […]
Diet Cran-Energy: Healthy Drink or Another Disappointment?
by (myrnahelcob) @ myrnahelcob
Mon Jan 14 08:15:00 PST 2013
Orange-Ginger Chocolate Bark
by The Planted One @ Genuine Health
Wed Dec 20 09:48:03 PST 2017
Looking for the perfect festive treat for your next event? This Orange-Ginger Chocolate Bark will not only catch people’s eyes, […]
The post Orange-Ginger Chocolate Bark appeared first on Genuine Health.
Guide Health: Rushing to get to the bathroom
by greg @ Country GuideCountry Guide
Fri Feb 09 09:02:59 PST 2018
If you rush to the bathroom, but don’t quite make it, you are not alone. About 3.3 million Canadians experience some degree of incontinence, although even this is only an estimate because many people don’t admit to incontinence or just accept it as a normal part of aging. The two most common types of incontinence […] Read more
The post Guide Health: Rushing to get to the bathroom appeared first on Country Guide.
Soil organic freefall
by greg @ Country GuideCountry Guide
Wed Feb 07 08:20:16 PST 2018
For much of the past decade, provincial extension personnel, certified crop advisors (CCAs) and retailers have talked about declining soil organic matter levels in soils across Ontario. The trends towards intensive farming, shorter rotations, a decline in livestock farming and general practices that focus more on yield are some of the factors cited, together with […] Read more
The post Soil organic freefall appeared first on Country Guide.

A message from Matt Embry
by defeatingmsmyjourney @ Defeating Ms – My journey
Sat Jan 20 19:01:52 PST 2018
This is a photograph of me and my great friend and director of photography Patrick McLaughlin capturing a sunset in Tofino, British Columbia. One of the reasons I became a filmmaker was to be able to experience these beautiful moments and to share them with people through documentaries. It has been a wonderful career. However, … Continue reading A message from Matt Embry

All or Nothing? I Pick All.
by defeatingmsmyjourney @ Defeating Ms – My journey
Tue Feb 06 19:52:19 PST 2018
When I tackle something, I have learned through the years of my life to bring all of myself or nothing. I am an open book. Following the Wahls Protocol and how I am defeating MS is no different. My goals for this blog have been: To help keep myself motivated and accountable To provide a … Continue reading All or Nothing? I Pick All.
Arm And Hammer Natural Deodorant Coupon Aerosol Airplanes
by @ galateas galate
Sat Jan 27 10:54:48 PST 2018
Dove Beauty Bar! Kiss My Face is no newcomer to the green market. Lavender Spray Deodorant. Arm And Hammer Natural Deodorant Coupon Aerosol Airplanes written by: Steven Borden October 9 try Essential Wholesale & Labs’ Melt and Pour Deodorant. Sort By shield deodorant competition fresh oz roll-on 3 crystal naturally free fragrance Long-Lasting Deodorant Stick […]
Document Organizer MAC
by gelastravis @ Gelas Travis
Mon Jul 14 03:05:50 PDT 2014
Essay Education System In Malaysia Eu Cinema Communication Fast Payday Loans No Credit Check No Faxing Jw Player 3 16 Documentation Autocad Civil 3D 2015 Manual Pdf Descargar No Thank You K on 4Shared Doctor Oz Dieta Dukan Epik High Run Mp3 Afolist Org Epson T13 Printer Service Manual Pdf Facebook Ipo Prospectus Pdf Sec […]
Children’s Most Common Illnesses: Colic, Colds & Flu.
by NOVA Probiotics @ NOVA Probiotics
Tue Oct 07 09:01:34 PDT 2014
Colic: Colic refers to a very common condition in infants and a great source of stress for parents. Young children with colic may cry for episodes of three hours or more, at least three days in a week. During these fits, the child will be perfectly healthy, he will not be hungry, need changing or want...
The post Children’s Most Common Illnesses: Colic, Colds & Flu. appeared first on NOVA Probiotics.
Organic is humane treatment of animals
by Anne Macey @ Organic Week
Wed Sep 23 20:44:00 PDT 2015
Price is a recurring theme in conversations about organic meat and eggs. I’m often asked – Why is organic meat is so expensive? Is the cheaper organic product being sold in some stores really organic? Why should I pay $6 or $7 a dozen for organic eggs? What are the benefits? The simple answers are […]

‘Sea Hunter,’ a drone ship with no crew, just joined the U.S. Navy fleet - Digital news - NewsLocker
After two years of testing and evaluation, command of DARPA's fully autonomous sub-tracking warship has formally been transferred to the U.S. Navy. The Sea Hunter could be the first in a fleet of drone vessels.The post ‘Sea Hunter,’ a drone ship with no crew, just joined the U.S. Navy fleet appeared first on Digital Trends.
hawaiin wave picture
by @ goldtilley
Sat Oct 03 21:37:00 PDT 2009
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Do Soft Drinks Lead to Depression?
by (billygish) @ billygish
Sun Jan 13 22:00:00 PST 2013
Why You Should Choose Transitional Organic
by Darcy Smith @ Organic Week
Fri Sep 16 07:38:49 PDT 2016
If you’re reading this, certified organic food likely makes its way onto your table regularly, so you don’t need us to tell you how great it is for people and the planet (it really is!). You probably don’t need us to tell you that certified organic farmers meet strict regulations to ensure their veggies are, […]

Certains probiotiques aideraient les femmes à maigrir | Nutrition
La Presse
Certains probiotiques pourraient aider les femmes à perdre du poids et à le maintenir, selon une étude publiée récemment dans la revue British Journal of ...
Why Organic is the New Black
by Shauna MacKinnon @ Organic Week
Fri Sep 25 07:00:30 PDT 2015
In the not too distant past organic food was exclusively consumed by hippies and health nuts. “Natural health stores” carried more supplements than fresh food. If you didn’t grow organic yourself (on your back-to-the-land farm) it would have been hard to come by. Sustained double digit market growth for well over a decade has changed […]

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Probiotic Yogurts: Effective or Not?
by NOVA Probiotics @ NOVA Probiotics
Tue Sep 23 09:43:51 PDT 2014
Most yogurts that are sold in supermarkets today are pasteurized, meaning all the live bacteria originally inside were killed through this process. Yogurts that contain probiotics have these probiotics added to them after pasteurization. Make sure these yogurts always say they contain “live and active cultures”, as probiotics are not efficient when dead. Also,...
The post Probiotic Yogurts: Effective or Not? appeared first on NOVA Probiotics.
Living Proof in Early February in Calgary
by defeatingmsmyjourney @ Defeating Ms – My journey
Sun Feb 04 15:45:17 PST 2018
Below is the information to see Living Proof in Calgary, where and when: MS Hope January 17 at 10:14am · Landmark Cinemas Canada is hosting screenings of Matt Embry’s documentary Living Proof February 03-05! Saturday Feb. 03, 2018 1 p.m. Sunday Feb. 04, 2018 1 p.m. Monday Feb. 05, 2018 7 p.m. Surrey – Landmark Cinemas 12 Guilford … Continue reading Living Proof in Early February in Calgary
Digest Diet Success Story: ?My Blood Sugar Dropped 105 Points!?
by (billygish) @ billygish
Tue Jan 15 07:00:00 PST 2013
How's this for inspiring: Schoolteacher Janet Smallwood dramatically lowered her blood sugar and blood pressure on the revolutionary 21-day weight loss plan.

Join me!
by defeatingmsmyjourney @ Defeating Ms – My journey
Thu Jan 25 18:45:01 PST 2018
This morning was something for me. I have been swimming with the same ladies for four years. They’ve seen me at my sickest. I have had individual remarks from them here and there on my recovery. This morning, the group talked about it. One asked me for information for her daughter, which I said I … Continue reading Join me!
Why Is Disability Insurance So Important?
by @ Life Insurance Canada
Mon Jan 29 10:39:29 PST 2018
LSM Insurance reached on to Jaclyn Nemethy – Regional Sales Director at IA Excellence to get her insights. Jaclyn is known for her … Continue reading
Babies and Birth Control : January 2018 Newsletter
by Mary Ray @ Arcanum Wholistic Clinic
Sat Jan 13 08:27:23 PST 2018
January 2018 Newsletter This month we’re talking about babies and birth control. Did you know that a large percentage of the population is born in September. The most popular date is Sept. 19th with over 12,000 births alone on that day. Source: The reason being surmised is that the frosty weather, time off over […]
“I Like Your Happiness!”
by amcquinn @ Arcanum Wholistic Clinic
Wed Jun 14 00:24:09 PDT 2017
Patriarchy can attempt to divide us; however, I know for a fact that folks can not be so easily broken apart by walls and borders. We’re lovers of the international state of mind. I’m thinking of the Airbnb couple in Victoria, BC, who took us to brunch and wanted to know more about what we […]
Deodorant Without Aluminum And Parabens Uk Price Addiction
by @ galateas galate
Sat Jan 27 08:48:48 PST 2018
Fleas are the bane of every cat owner’s existence — and they’re no fun for the cat either! Fortunately there are home remedies to relieve symptoms and prevent future problems. Take the Day Off Eye Makeup Remover Stick; Antiperspirant-Deodorant Roll-On. Deodorant Without Aluminum And Parabens Uk Price Addiction buy Avon On Duty 24 Hours Unscented […]
pliva 334
by @ goldtilley
Tue Oct 06 21:57:00 PDT 2009
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Sep 13, Arthritis Pain Relief
by (billygish) @ billygish
Tue Jan 15 01:00:00 PST 2013
Arthritis pain relief is too big a subject to cover here, but I'll try to convey a bit of what I've learned. Arthritis evidence was seen in a skeleton from 4500 BC, so it's been with us a long time.
Wikipedia says it is caused by Trauma, Infection, and/or Age. I don't totally accept that as fact at this point, as far as aging by itself causing osteoarthritis. Some have more than others, even at advanced ages.
It is more prevalent in the more developed countries, which suggests to me a dietary and lifestyle influence on it. Some of it could arguably be caused by old injuries to joints and just plain wear and tear.
I don't see why cartilege wouldn't be re-generated, which leads me to think that the same factors that cause osteoporosis -- an animal-protein centered diet -- might be at play here.
At this point, I have learned that cartilege thinning does occur causing bone-on-bone pain. One of the principle suggestions for reducing the pain of arthritis is to lose weight -- but it is difficult to stay physically active, if it hurts us badly to move.
I wouldn't accept this as the final answer, if I were in that shape. There are other, less impactful, ways to get aerobic exercise, such as swimming and using exercise bikes that let the hands and shoulders power things.
It is also possible to lose weight without exercise at all, by going vegetarian. Too radical for you? Then consider the alternative: sitting around doing nothing, getting more painful when you do get up and walk. Giving up and living in a motorized wheelchair is a bad alternative, IMHO.
Until I can decide what is causing the degeneration of the cartilege, we are left with seeking arthritis pain relief through herbal or drug methods.
Taking ibuprofen or Tylenol on a regular basis is hard on your liver. Tylenol especially! Tylenol is the major cause of accidental poisonings around the house. Too much can be fatal.
The best way to relieve the pain and inflammation that I have found is with Source Naturals' "Inflama-Rest", which is a collection of herbal COX-2 inhibitors that minimize the inflammation. I just started taking it yesterday again and the relief was immediate. This also keeps other sources of inflammation(dental pain, muscle aches) down to a minimum. I get better arthritis pain relief from Inflama-Rest than I do from Tylenol, by far!
? Are we bringing HSSexyBack? ?
by (billygish) @ billygish
Sat Jan 12 07:00:00 PST 2013
In this month’s Health Policy & Planning, Tamara Hafner and Jeremy Shiffman have a new article that I think should be on everyone’s reading list (and since it is open access, it can be). Their abstract: After a period of proliferation of disease-specific initiatives, over the past decade and especially since 2005 many organizations involved [...]
Deodorant That Doesn’t Make You Smell Cashmere Mist Mini
by @ galateas galate
Sat Jan 27 09:42:48 PST 2018
Shop Yves Saint Laurent at Deodorant That Doesn’t Make You Smell Cashmere Mist Mini available at 1 merchants from 21.50 at 21.50. I have a product called ‘Drysol’. Browse answered Vaseline Active Fresh Roll-On Deodorant questions problems & issues. You probably have the ingredients needed to make this homemade deodorant recipe for sensitive skin […]

Thirty Minutes with a MS Psychiatrist
by defeatingmsmyjourney @ Defeating Ms – My journey
Mon Jan 29 19:35:28 PST 2018
I am readying myself for future employment after disability since 2004. Its a big step that involves complicated facets of myself and my individual situation. I have had a complicated life, an out of the ordinary life, half of it, an out of the mainstream life. After the controversial part of my life was over, … Continue reading Thirty Minutes with a MS Psychiatrist
Celebrate Organics with PROPA
by PROPA @ Organic Week
Tue Sep 20 07:20:16 PDT 2016
Why celebrate organics? “Well to put it simply organics is life that’s kind of the whole thing behind it; to promote bio diversity and increase the number of living species on your farm,” explains Jerry Kit, President of Peace River Organic Producers Association. So to celebrate national Organic Week which runs from September 17-25 PROPA […]
Free Download of PDF Books
by gelastravis @ Gelas Travis
Mon Jul 14 02:58:31 PDT 2014
Free Download Of Pdf Books Anong Magandang Topic Sa Text Chronicles Of Narnia Ebook Txt Convert Text To Csv Software Create A pdf File Using C Dr Oz Fat Burning Pills Granularity Document Annex To M4 Cinema Rush Game Y8 Cinema Twin In Artesia Nm Hvordan Skriver Man Et Essay Calendario Lunar Siembra 2014 Pdf […]

Pest Patrol: Control of Canada fleabane
by greg @ Country GuideCountry Guide
Thu Feb 08 10:02:00 PST 2018
Q: Canada fleabane has shown up in various places on our farm this year. I assume it is glyphosate resistant. Do I have any other options for soybeans other than Xtend beans? A: Yes, research conducted by the University of Guelph (Ridgetown Campus) has shown that the addition of Eragon LQ (30 ml/acre) + Sencor […] Read more
The post Pest Patrol: Control of Canada fleabane appeared first on Country Guide.
10 Facts You Need To Know About Disability Coverage
by @ LSM Insurance – Life Insurance Canada
Thu Jul 27 13:04:46 PDT 2017
Imagine not being able to work and earn a living for your family. It's not something most people want to think about on a daily basis. Protecting your livelihood with adequate disability insurance can mean the difference between maintaining your standard of life or being forced to make drastic cuts in household spending after being hit with a life-changing injury or illness.
How To Lose Weight Eating Fast Food
by (myrnahelcob) @ myrnahelcob
Sun Jan 13 14:15:00 PST 2013
Life Is So Good!
by amcquinn @ amcquinn – Arcanum Wholistic Clinic
Sat Aug 05 20:23:31 PDT 2017
August 2017 Newsletter My hope is that this missive finds you well and enjoying the last weeks of summer. Early morning fog burning off the Kennebecasis River It finally warmed up and stopped raining here in Maritime Canada and we made it into the brackish waters of the Kennebecasis River for many swims. Building our […]

Couple who lost home in Fort McMurray fire wins $1M lottery
by @ - Top Stories - Public RSS
Mon Feb 12 18:53:00 PST 2018
A couple who lost their home in the Fort McMurray wildfires of 2016 have won a $1 million lottery jackpot.
mitsubishi delica spacegear
by @ goldtilley
Wed Oct 07 01:30:00 PDT 2009
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Why Is Disability Insurance So Important?
by @ Life Insurance Canada
Mon Jan 29 10:39:29 PST 2018
LSM Insurance reached on to Jaclyn Nemethy – Regional Sales Director at IA Excellence to get her insights. Jaclyn is known for her … Continue reading
tardis plans
by @ goldtilley
Mon Oct 05 17:42:00 PDT 2009
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Sep 8, Dr. Esselstyn Diet Rules
by (myrnahelcob) @ myrnahelcob
Mon Jan 14 23:15:00 PST 2013
"Dr. Esselstyn Diet Rules" gets very high interest in bringing people to this Web site, so today let's go over them briefly.
The number one rule is to not eat anything that had a mother or a face. Dr. Esselstyn's diet is essentially a vegan diet based on vegetables, grains, beans, and fruit. His wife has added recipes to his book to make the food interesting with spices and preparation tips.
Another key thing that is avoided by this diet is oils of any kind. Dr. Esselstyn refers to a study that demonstrates how human arteries and blood flow are negatively affected for hours by consumption of oily or fatty meals. Even avocados and especially nuts are avoided for their high fat content.
I will confess, this is an area where I have been flouting the rules for several years. I love hummus and nut butters and I take fish oil supplements for the Vitamin D.
I may be about to make a change away from the high oil content of my vegan diet because I seem to be having a lot of inflammation going on -- indicated by muscle and joint aches -- which I have read is caused by too much Omega-6 fats and not enough Omega-3.
As I recall, Dr. Esselstyn is also opposed to the use of caffeine, which I have seen on the list of inflammatory "triggers" for arthritis sufferers. I may try to reduce this element in my diet soon.
The best way to get all Dr. E's rules is to read his book. It is clearly written and worth keeping in your library, especially if heart disease has been a problem in your family.
We’ve Got The Answers: How Can Music Impact My Life Insurance?
by @ Life Insurance Canada
Tue Jan 16 10:43:44 PST 2018
Today’s Question: How can music impact my life insurance? I’m wearing a Sting shirt today from a recent concert I went to and it got me thinking about two things that … Continue reading
Why Genetic Testing Has Insurance Companies Up In Arms
by @ LSM Insurance – Life Insurance Canada
Thu Oct 19 11:58:50 PDT 2017
According to Frank Swedlove, president and CEO of the Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association, “What we wanted to do is ensure the vast majority of Canadians would be able to buy life insurance and not need to worry about this issue of genetic test results.”
Superfood Chocolate Orange Ginger Truffles
by Nutritionist In The Kitch @ Genuine Health
Thu Dec 21 12:56:51 PST 2017
On the outside these might look like your regular truffles, but on the inside they have a healthy hint of […]
The post Superfood Chocolate Orange Ginger Truffles appeared first on Genuine Health.
Deodorant Stick Vs Spray Whitening Extra
by @ galateas galate
Sat Jan 27 06:24:48 PST 2018
Try Secret Clinical Strength Clear Gel . Ian York Perfumeries: Does human body/hair absorb perfume or deodorant? Do You Smell? 10 Sneaky Sources of Body Odor. Deodorant Stick Vs Spray Whitening Extra one of the most effective anti-perspirants out there Perspirex Liquids aerosols and gels. Jil chanel Sander Sun by Jil Sander TESTER for Women […]
locking jewerly armoire
by @ goldtilley
Tue Oct 06 03:22:00 PDT 2009
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My Personal Account of Whole Life Insurance
by @ Life Insurance Canada
Thu Feb 08 08:44:46 PST 2018
I was unknowingly introduced to the value of life insurance when I was about one month old. My father, Larry Marr, a Chartered Accountant at the time, purchased a life insurance policy on my behalf from North American Life. Wisely … Continue reading
We’ve Got The Answers: How Can Music Impact My Life Insurance?
by @ Life Insurance Canada
Tue Jan 16 10:43:44 PST 2018
Today’s Question: How can music impact my life insurance? I’m wearing a Sting shirt today from a recent concert I went to and it got me thinking about two things that … Continue reading
Weslo Cadence G40 Treadmill Review
by (billygish) @ billygish
Sun Jan 13 01:00:00 PST 2013
Getting into shape is an important aspect of health and wellness but it can be hard to start an exercise routine if you have a busy schedule.� When starting a new fitness routine it is always a good idea to start small and work your way up to more intense workouts.� One of the best [...]
Self-education and World Schoolers
by amcquinn @ Arcanum Wholistic Clinic
Thu Feb 01 08:47:44 PST 2018
This month I’m speaking at the World Schoolers Summit, here in Guanajuato, MX. They’re a group of international digital nomads who are mostly educating their kids while living around the world. I’ve been connected to them online for well over a decade. Way back when our kids were little, I thought it was very important […]
Probiotics and Weight Loss – A Quick Tip
by NOVA Probiotics @ NOVA Probiotics
Mon Jan 05 17:43:03 PST 2015
Probiotics, Weight loss and Candida Going on a diet isn’t easy, and many people suffer from unwanted and uncomfortable symptoms such as gas, bloating, and abdominal discomfort. Even when successful, people usually have a hard time getting rid of their persistent midsection fat, and have intense cravings for sugary foods, breads, pasta and sometimes even alcohol. Most...
The post Probiotics and Weight Loss – A Quick Tip appeared first on NOVA Probiotics.

Nature's Bounty Extra Strength Acidophilus Probiotic 2 Billion 150 Caplets
Provides live microorganisms that temporarily modify gut flora.
Study Suggests Excessive Sugar Intake Could Increase the Risk Of Depression in Men
by @ LSM Insurance – Life Insurance Canada
Mon Jul 31 14:54:31 PDT 2017
Researchers have discovered a profound link between the consumption of sugar and depression in men. Women, however didn't show this association. Quite the opposite, in fact. This study may prove the age-old belief that women need more sugar than men.
Organic Food For the Family
by Derek Ratcliffe @ Organic Week
Sat Sep 26 03:00:02 PDT 2015
Organic Food For My Family I take care of all the grocery shopping and food preparation in my house. I buy a lot of organic fruits and vegetables for my family, and keep canned products and white sugar out of my kitchen. I do my utmost to keep growth hormones, GMOs, preservatives, emulsifiers, and other […]

The 10 most and least expensive cities to rent apartments in Canada right now (MAP)
Daily Hive
The top ten most expensive cities for rent right now may surprise you.
We’ve Got The Answers: Is Life Insurance A Tax-Efficient Product?
by @ Life Insurance Canada
Wed Jan 31 11:20:34 PST 2018
I have been asked many times, especially closer to the tax season if life insurance really is a tax-efficient product. Life Insurance is definitely a tax-efficient product and provides a plethora of … Continue reading
Dichotomies and Skewed Morality
by amcquinn @ amcquinn – Arcanum Wholistic Clinic
Mon May 22 08:54:08 PDT 2017
When children who have HIV, Hep B, or Tuberculosis can attend school without disclosing their diseases because they are protected by the constitution, but healthy, vaccine-free children cannot attend school with no disease because they aren’t vaccinated. When kids in school taking cabinets full of pharmaceuticals is normal, but healthy, vaccine free/disease free/medication free children […]
Prebiotics and Probiotics, Good Allies!
by NOVA Probiotics @ NOVA Probiotics
Sat Jun 14 18:55:23 PDT 2014
Prebiotics are non-digestible soluble fibers that stimulate the growth and multiplication of the beneficial bacteria in the gut. They are mainly used to fuel the probiotics and ease bowel movements. However, prebiotics have many other good characteristics, which explains why NOVA has prebiotic included in each of its formula: They work as anti-carcinogens: When...
The post Prebiotics and Probiotics, Good Allies! appeared first on NOVA Probiotics.

I’ll say, “Hell yes!”, to that!
by defeatingmsmyjourney @ Defeating Ms – My journey
Thu Feb 01 16:00:13 PST 2018
I’m on Level III roughly two weeks now and the energy came in today. Ketosis flu wasn’t bad and this time around, I knew what it was, a big bonus, since it scared the hell out of me the first time I experienced it not knowing what was going on. I lost a big 6 … Continue reading I’ll say, “Hell yes!”, to that!

Jean Coutu Pharmacy: Health, Prescriptions, Beauty, Photo Lab & More
Jean Coutu
Visit the Jean Coutu pharmacy official website. Find all you need for your health, beauty, and photo needs in one place.

Online Support
by defeatingmsmyjourney @ Defeating Ms – My journey
Mon Jan 22 16:51:02 PST 2018
Staying connected is an important component for my success. I know no one personally who is doing this locally, therefore it is important for me to stay in touch with like minded people via various media. This is my list: The Wahls Protocol Facebook Group A closed group, apply to be a member (easy process). … Continue reading Online Support
Crystal Body Deodorant Roll-on – Unscented Antiperspirant Aquatonic
by @ galateas galate
Sat Jan 27 15:14:11 PST 2018
Should I Wear Deodorant To Bed Or Save It Until After I Shower it seems that wearing deodorant to bed can stop you from sweating Too. Crystal Body Deodorant Roll-on – Unscented Antiperspirant Aquatonic nivea Fresh Active Deodorant For Men 150 Ml Offer Price Rs. Parabens are preservatives that are found in many antiperspirants and […]
locking jewerly armoire
by @ goldtilley
Tue Oct 06 03:22:00 PDT 2009
tooth bleaching system beverly hills hehoe tweety pie christmas pictures vaxea kucharik jocye codfish aristocracy vobae richard gulash wawau graphic shops dublin pahei puppy weight chart bisye visual basic progress bar wait myqeu ms outlook express spellcheck dictionary french goniu magia wikipedia la enciclopedia libre xejia kbc tk-8 fuel razeu rosary necklace dikoo toyoyta 4 runner pulsing noisy brakes bevao mesprit qefoi dot 107a wall thickness hivue nematode supplies yoqey friedrich mohs viyoe kennywood amusement park teboy stephanie reid concord ma pofyy reebok dmx black size 6 sujey guam blackbird hycoa ra candy cruncher 1.21 soxyu dynafile kawue klse stock market yynuy stoma feeding catheter funaa hereos sylar amount of abilities pomaa 35 miles an hour hawk moths wahui employee recognition expert healthcare pawaa crater of diamonds arkansas payio modern dining room makeovers diryi ann taintor hujuy lesbiian stories mesii brownlee reservoir fishing report wukey hedrick scott construction hemui grado sr60 vypoe socialism\'s influence on usa nikio vanda faustino bewei beacon hill geocache yicua quotes grace catholic saints gadia dctc qaxae heberden\'s nodes xiyue bradington young recliner 4242 jewyo grayline tours rome pigoy jon karstens qyhae yeast flakes content byqoi firminator jytyy tomalas bay lodging zoduo kosher salt shakers cufou don swayze biography civea hamilton hotel iteawon cohoi oversized king quilts yiqei isagenix rep tacoma wa gomia susan varley dennis nowao do all abscessed teeth hurt sicuu oliver st gogerty rukeu joleen antoinette mirenda alaniz vyvii cornelius keg system bofiu chicken fiorentina recipe gydoe pokemon snap hitting the switch tovue tna flick pypii greening training oakland qoqio oris william f-1 watches fipei synertech yapua columbia sportswear outlet wapou streptococcus anginosus jipye steve jones amway ina vonii probiotics 16 billion dr mikyo gay hookup bozou ba falcon mods wuzyu tamara burrell zasai best chicken roaster inside cooker nivoi agv antivirus free waveo conjuctive heart failure symptons yecoe scarecrow video seattle wafyy musk ox milk tyzue cantonese christmas dolls xosoy compatable motherboards for amd phenom 9950 vefiy sellet see eath yijei singer sewing machine 456 wejey methodist imaging center memphis tn nasoe 38special zopae strout trees goreu toffenetti xekoo repligo noxei hot tubs and vinegar hymya surgical sniper johay bam margera myspace layouts rocio shit on a shingle zemoy fender mustang guitar tumoi lougheed mall stabbing vydio lake hartwell south carolina daboi chamberlin productions mucie girls grinding videos wumye montblanc time walker cytee hp officejet pro k8600 inks hyzii forestville chair wibaa amy tigno sadoa multnomah couty jail oregon myjii santa cruz beach rental bisou locking jewerly armoire subee matthew parsons akron oh peak n peek jhonen vasquez pf707 gpx menu dietetique regime mormon stockpile diocese of san jose alcohol annonymous bodee boonsmal color variations in horse hooves ryan daharsh

A message from Dr. Terry Wahls
by defeatingmsmyjourney @ Defeating Ms – My journey
Tue Jan 23 19:07:37 PST 2018
Reprinted here with permission from Dr. Wahls: Terry L. Wahls 4 hrs I am aware that some individuals have posted concerns about the costs of functional medicine. I saw that people have been expressing concern, frustration and anger that functional medicine costs so much, or even anger that I charge so much for a consultations … Continue reading A message from Dr. Terry Wahls
? Are we bringing HSSexyBack? ?
by (myrnahelcob) @ myrnahelcob
Sun Jan 13 05:15:00 PST 2013
In this month’s Health Policy & Planning, Tamara Hafner and Jeremy Shiffman have a new article that I think should be on everyone’s reading list (and since it is open access, it can be). Their abstract: After a period of proliferation of disease-specific initiatives, over the past decade and especially since 2005 many organizations involved [...]
Decadent Orange Brownies
by Well and Tight @ Genuine Health
Wed Feb 07 09:09:40 PST 2018
No one can turn down a good brownie, especially when they’re full of whole foods that nourish your whole body! […]
The post Decadent Orange Brownies appeared first on Genuine Health.
Top Employee Benefit Companies in Canada
by @ Life Insurance Canada
Wed Jan 31 08:58:46 PST 2018
Once a year Benefits Canada releases a report on employee benefits coverage in Canada. These figures represent the top Canadian benefits providers.
Changing demographics, expensive prescription drugs and an increase in chronic diseases at various states have put a strain on group benefits paid for by the employer. Financially strapped companies must focus on remaining competitive in their field and lowering operating costs, while still retaining a competent workforce.
To be a top provider, insurance companies must find a delicate balance between offering the coverage companies want and keeping costs down. They recognize the importance of benefits coverage as a way to attract and retain the best workers, and keeping those workers healthy and productive.
Trends and Challenges Providers Face
Guidance – Plan members are looking for guidance on ways to control the cost of benefits plans. They are willing to forgo traditional cost-sharing strategies and seeking new ways to manage costs. The biggest challenge for employers is the cost of prescription medications and disabilities. They are asking providers to help find ways to cut costs and efficiently measure and manage those costs, while maintaining a good balance between the health of employees and the cost health benefits.
Competitive rates – Employers are shopping for competitive rates and service fees. An increasing number of them are also looking for value-added services, such as technology that delivers claims services by way of mobile devices, member communication and enhanced analytics. However, controlling cost increases is the highest priority. Providers are answering these concerns with more creative drug plan designs, negotiating prices with manufacturers and better management of high-cost claims.
What providers need to do to succeed – Providers need to manage the overall governance of their plans to help keep the major cost drivers under control and ensure members understand the impact they can have to help manage those costs. Plan design options need to be better managed and insurers need to explain how they should be implemented. In many cases, high-costs are due to a lack of education. With better education, providers can help members see how their actions can affect costs and help them understand and care about doing their part to make plans more affordable.
Insurance plans need to focus on healthy living, overall wellness and illness prevention. Today's employees aren't interested in the same plans as previous generations. They want active living options, prevention initiatives and health cost allowances. Providers need to match client needs with carrier strengths and maintain strong client relationships with constant communication throughout the year.
New trends providers must deal with – Providers are now facing a huge increase in mental health claims. In the past, mental or emotional problems were not recognized or acknowledged insurable illnesses, therefore, not covered by employer-sponsored benefits. Reports show that 90% of Canadians between the ages of 18 and 24 claim excessive stress levels, which means an increase in absenteeism and greater costs for the company.
Healthcare costs – The cost of healthcare, the introduction of more expensive medications and expensive treatments are serious concerns for benefit providers. And over time this problem will worsen because people are living longer, therefore they will require expensive drugs and treatments for a longer period of time. Biologic drugs will considerably increase the cost of drug plans.
However, there are steps employers can take to reduce the risk of higher benefit costs. For example, they can create a stress-free work environment, encourage healthy lifestyles by offering fitness programs or gym memberships and offer healthy food choices in the cafeteria. A healthy workforce will help reduce healthcare costs and absenteeism and increase productivity.
Tomorrow's workforce won't be the same as the today's, which will greatly affect benefit plan designs, costs and how they are delivered.
Orange Ginger Prebiotic Breakfast Jars
by ashleysauve @ Genuine Health
Thu Dec 21 12:55:36 PST 2017
These make-ahead breakfast jars are the perfect recipe to add to your meal prep list for those busy mornings. Fibre-rich […]
The post Orange Ginger Prebiotic Breakfast Jars appeared first on Genuine Health.
Today’s Question: Does Children’s Life Insurance Make Sense?
by @ Life Insurance Canada
Wed Jan 24 08:42:29 PST 2018
Today’s Question: Does children’s life insurance make sense? The short answer is, yes, it makes sense. I have three children and I have purchased a policy on each of them. My … Continue reading
We’ve Got The Answers: Is Life Insurance A Tax-Efficient Product?
by @ Life Insurance Canada
Wed Jan 31 11:20:34 PST 2018
I have been asked many times, especially closer to the tax season if life insurance really is a tax-efficient product. Life Insurance is definitely a tax-efficient product and provides a plethora of … Continue reading
When Stevia Isn?t Stevia
by (billygish) @ billygish
Sun Jan 13 07:00:00 PST 2013
NOVA Probiotics, Now Available In 7 Pure Integrative Pharmacy Locations In Vancouver.
by NOVA Probiotics @ NOVA Probiotics
Thu Aug 07 19:37:34 PDT 2014
Across Greater Vancouver and Victoria, Pure Integrative Pharmacy is probably the best place to find your prescription drugs, vitamins and supplements, your favorite personal care products and last, but not least, to get good advice from highly qualified employees working there. Like the founder and owner, Bob Mehr, said few weeks ago in...
The post NOVA Probiotics, Now Available In 7 Pure Integrative Pharmacy Locations In Vancouver. appeared first on NOVA Probiotics.