Horse owners warned to watch for equine infectious anemia
by undefined @ Alberta Farmer ExpressAlberta Farmer Express
Wed Feb 07 08:57:44 PST 2018
The province’s chief veterinarian is warning horse owners to be on the lookout for equine infectious anemia. A case was recently found in Newell County by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), Dr. Keith Lehman said in a letter sent to vets across the province. “The disease affects horses and other members of the equine […] Read more
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Milligan BioFuels shuttered
by admin @ The Western ProducerThe Western Producer
Thu Feb 08 14:19:06 PST 2018
Milligan BioFuels has entered receivership. The company from Foam Lake, Sask., was well known in Western Canada for its ability to take oilseeds that were mostly destined for farm pits and turn them into useful products. The company that is managing Milligan’s finances has suggested that it will be entertaining offers to sell it as […] Read more
The post Milligan BioFuels shuttered appeared first on The Western Producer.
Probiotic Yogurts: Effective or Not?
by NOVA Probiotics @ NOVA Probiotics
Tue Sep 23 09:43:51 PDT 2014
Most yogurts that are sold in supermarkets today are pasteurized, meaning all the live bacteria originally inside were killed through this process. Yogurts that contain probiotics have these probiotics added to them after pasteurization. Make sure these yogurts always say they contain “live and active cultures”, as probiotics are not efficient when dead. Also,...
The post Probiotic Yogurts: Effective or Not? appeared first on NOVA Probiotics.
38: To a Healthier Halloween
by (Nancy Christenson) @ Here’s to Your Health
Wed Oct 31 20:35:00 PDT 2012
When we were kids, Halloween was the most exciting night of the year. I remember the time my brother John wanted to be a ghost. So Mom cut a hole in a big white sheet to stick his head through, leaving yards and yards of white fabric cascading down from his shoulders to flutter around him as he moved. That part was relatively simple. But la pièce de la résistance was the head. Mom carved a jack-o’-lantern, cutting a hole in the bottom (instead of in the top) of a huge pumpkin, and fitted the opening wide enough to slip right over his head. And off we went. I don’t even remember what my older sister and I were wearing—John’s costume was too exciting.
Well, we didn’t even get beyond our own neighbourhood before John, unable to see properly out the features of his giant pumpkin, tripped on his flowing sheet going down some concrete stairs and, like the proverbial Jack who went up a hill to fetch a pail of water, fell down and broke his crown. Big chunks of shattered pumpkin were all the remained of the masterpiece, and John went home crying, leaving the serious gathering of candy to his big sisters.
That’s what Halloween was really about for us: precious hoards of chocolate bars and candy, along with the more disappointing offerings of popcorn, apples, and peanuts. It is little wonder that we frequently came down with colds and flus in the week following Halloween. Sugar whacks the immune system a terrible wallop, especially in high, continuous doses following a cold, late night.
In more recent years, as we were raising our own kids, I often would make homemade treats for that special night and slip my name and phone number into the wrap so that parents could trust their children weren’t being poisoned by some whacko. Now that our kids are grown, when Halloween rolls around and I can’t come up with a good excuse to be gone for the evening, I pick up some treats to have on hand in case a few little ones show up at our rather remote location. But last year, I carefully read the ingredients on these little bagged goodies and was aghast that there were no longer any recognizable components. Not even any (not so) good old sugar. It’s been replaced, wholesale, by high-fructose corn syrup, a genetically modified abomination that is turning the health of a generation upside down. Add some chemical concoctions to give it fake flavour and colour, then some preservatives, and you have candy.
Although I still bought a package (because I didn’t want to be the “mean old lady up the road who doesn’t give out candy,” I felt that I was bestowing a very mixed blessing as I dropped handfuls into bags held by eager little hands. So it was with great interest that I read an article my daughter Rachel forwarded to me just ten days before Halloween.
It was about a young fellow named Nicky Bronner. Two years ago, when he was thirteen, his parents took away all his candy after Halloween, saying that it was not good for him. (They sound a lot like me.) But although he was initially angry, he let his anger motivate him to better things. He first set out to prove that candy wasn’t as bad as his parents said. But he quickly discovered that they were right (“for the first time ever,” says Nicky) and that it contained all kinds of junk. “I just didn't understand why it had to be this way. If candy was made with only real chocolate, real peanut butter, real caramel, and other real foods, couldn't it taste even better and be better for us?” So the young man started a company to make healthier candy. He partnered up with a creative chef and the brand Unreal Candy came into being.
To date there are five different confections available from this now 15-year-old entrepreneur, modelled after five all-time favourites: peanut M&Ms, regular M&Ms, Milky Way, Snickers, and peanut butter cups. But the difference is, “all five candies are made without corn syrup, hydrogenated oil, artificial flavors, GMOs, and synthetic colors. So while the candy still contains chocolate, natural sugar, caramel, and other ingredients, they are arguably somewhat healthier than other candy bars. … Even the dyes used to make the coloring for the M&M-like candies are natural ... ‘like red from beets [says Nicky] and blue from purple cabbage, to get the great colors on (our) candies.’”
Good luck to this young man on his mission “to unjunk the world,” and here’s to a healthier Halloween.
Deciding about technology
by greg @ Country GuideCountry Guide
Thu Feb 08 10:15:25 PST 2018
Four robots at New Galma Dairy near Ingersoll, Ont., milk the cows while a second automated system finds its way around the barn feeding cows and heifers by itself and a third machine beds the cows without human intervention. Calves can decide when they want milk from a machine that identifies them and gives them […] Read more
The post Deciding about technology appeared first on Country Guide.
34: Hungover!
by (Nancy Christenson) @ Here’s to Your Health
Thu Oct 04 14:46:00 PDT 2012
Oh, the bleary-eyed regrets of the morning after! Dull, throbbing headache, lethargy, brain fog so thick it’s like stumbling around in the dark without a flashlight. Please, just let me crawl back into bed, pull the covers over my head, and leave the world to go on without me. I shouldn’t have indulged, but I did. Quite deliberately, I had given in to the temptation. I ate a dessert.
It wasn’t just any dessert. Our daughter Melissa was visiting from Edmonton and invited some friends to visit with me. Before they arrived, she whipped up a little speciality as only she can. No recipe: just creative culinary intuition. She sliced fresh peaches and pitted Bing cherries into a dish. She found some red currant syrup in the fridge, her father’s noble but failed attempt at jelly; she stirred some cornstarch into the bright red liquid for thickening and poured it over the fruit. Then she mixed up a basic topping of oatmeal, flour, butter, and a little brown sugar, adding her own touch of maple syrup and then crushed walnuts.
I knew it was going to be good, and I began to think that I would choose to partake in her creation, even though I simply can’t eat sweets anymore. On a rare occasion when my husband takes me out for dinner, I might savour a half a cubic centimetre of his dessert after I’ve had a big meal. If you cannot tolerate sweets, having a full stomach after a heavy protein meal will mitigate the damage.
The damage in the case of this lovely fruit crumble was not mitigated; in fact, it was greatly compounded by some high-quality ice cream that I found in the freezer. And it was all consumed on top of only a very light savoury snack.
I dug in to the warm and colourful dessert garnished with ice cream. And it was so good that I said to myself, This is so worth it! I knew it would wipe out the rest of the evening for me, and probably the next day as well. But I was not prepared for my whole system to be totally out of kilter for well over a week.
So why would a person have such an overboard reaction to a dessert? It’s back to the same old adrenal problem (see Blogs 10 & 24). Blog 24 talks about how the adrenals when fatigued may not produce sufficient mineralocortocoids to keep mineral (electrolyte) balance inside and outside the cells; hence my current need for extra salt. The adrenals also produce glucocorticoids like cortisol and cortisone, which are predominantly involved in carbohydrate metabolism. Stressed adrenals cannot adequatelyly regulate glucose levels in the body. If you’ve noticed that you’re more prone to symptoms of hypoglycemia when you’re very stressed, this is the explanation.
This is how I picture what was happening in my own body: All the little guys that work in the Adrenal Department have been on sabbatical for over a year now, ever since my adrenal collapse. They work a kind of rotating schedule, keeping a skeletal staff on duty, just enough to keep the shop open. Then, on a lovely holiday Monday afternoon, while most of them are lying around on their bunks and snoozing in the warm weather, suddenly there comes a critical alert: “Holy crap, guys, she’s just swallowed a boatload of sugar! All hands on deck!”
One laid-back guy says, “Dude, chill. I heard it’s just a bunch of fruit sugar. Shouldn’t be any big deal.”
“Maybe not if that’s all it was, but there was refined sugar in it too. And word has it, she topped it off with ice cream.”
At the mention of ice cream, there is a collective groan and all the guys roll off their bunks, stumbling sleepily to their work stations.
“I need gluccocorticoids and I need them now!” shouts the supervisor.
And so the beleaguered crew rallies their determination and sets about manufacturing the hormone that will straighten out the imbalance I have created.
The following morning as I wake, the supervisor once more tries to rouse his exhausted crew: “Guys, she’s getting out of bed soon. I need you out here again to get some cortisol happening to give her blood pressure a little lift as she gets on her feet. Otherwise the blood is going to pool in the mid-section and lower extremities and she’s going to get dizzy when she stands up—maybe even pass out.”
But the poor guys are just too played out. They’re going to be flat on their backs all week. They stare back at the supervisor bleakly, then roll over and pull the covers over their heads. And so do I.
Children’s Most Common Illnesses: Colic, Colds & Flu.
by NOVA Probiotics @ NOVA Probiotics
Tue Oct 07 09:01:34 PDT 2014
Colic: Colic refers to a very common condition in infants and a great source of stress for parents. Young children with colic may cry for episodes of three hours or more, at least three days in a week. During these fits, the child will be perfectly healthy, he will not be hungry, need changing or want...
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Seven years on, mentorship program has made its mark
by undefined @ Alberta Farmer ExpressAlberta Farmer Express
Fri Feb 09 09:41:53 PST 2018
Ricki Fleming was one of the first mentees when the Cattlemen’s Young Leaders program began seven years ago. There were just five participants and while everyone liked the idea of pairing young producers with industry leaders, it was all a bit of an experiment. “When we first started it as a pilot, nobody knew how […] Read more
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37: Serious About Supplements
by (Nancy Christenson) @ Here’s to Your Health
Mon Oct 29 20:31:00 PDT 2012
If you saw the number of supplements that Greg and I have in our kitchen cupboard, you’d probably think it was ridiculous. Many people are still of the mind, “I don’t need to take vitamins and minerals; I get everything I need from my food,” but we stopped believing that a long time ago. I know that if you read my articles, you could easily think that iodine is the only supplement I take, but I try to cover all my bases.
My nutrition regimen morphs as I go on learning. A few years ago, I was faithfully using a good quality all-in-one vitamin-and-mineral supplement by a company called Adeeva, at a cost of about $30 for a one-month bottle. They are available in most health food stores; also online, where you can buy several at a time and save a little. A product like this is a good place to start for those who are overwhelmed with the thought of trying to figure out exactly what they need. (I don’t recommend using the complexes marketed by the big pharmaceutical companies: often the forms of vitamins they use are not fitted for our bodies, plus there are tough coatings on the caplets to extend shelf-life, so absorption is poor.)
This particular supplement that I was using contains Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, C, D, E, folic acid, biotin (generally classified as a B-complex vitamin), D-pantothenic acid (B5), calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, copper, chromium, manganese, selenium, molybdenum, citrus bioflavonoids (essential if Vitamin C is to be fully metabolized and utilized by the body), lycopene (an antioxidant compound that gives tomatoes and certain other fruits and vegetables their color), and lutein (a plant carotenoid deficient in most western diets; important in eye health). This is a good pedigree and contains fairly generous amounts.
However, I still needed to take extra calcium and magnesium, because I’ve learned over the years how much I need, so I had to buy those separately. The citrate forms of these two minerals are well-absorbed. I’m currently using Jamieson brand: inexpensive but effective, and available in large chain stores. (Magnesium in particular is so important, yet there is wide-spread deficiency of this mineral. It promotes heart health, calm nerves, better sleep, regularity, and all kinds of other things. Try to see that you get at least 400 mg per day.)
Then I recognized a greater need for vitamin D and bought that separately, to boost my intake from 400 IU to anywhere between 2000 and 6000 IU, depending on the time of year. (If you find yourself prone to depression during our long dark winters, try upping your D intake. Seasonal affective disorder: they don’t call it SAD for nothing! It’s believed to be caused by lack of natural sunlight on the skin, which is how we normally get vitamin D.)
Then a couple of different practitioners told me I needed to increase to 3000 mg of Vitamin C a day, first for some issues with platelets and white blood cells, and then for the voracious need of my adrenal glands.
And I needed to buy some salmon oil too, so that I was getting my essential fatty acids. (Buy wild salmon oil; farmed salmon is raised in questionable conditions and given antibiotics.)
As I got into taking iodine, I found out that it works hand in hand with selenium for a healthy thyroid and also to keep heavy metals moving out of the body. My supplement contained only half of what I needed. So I bought some of that and increased my dose to 200 mcg a day. (You can take up to 400 mcg a day of selenium.)
My adrenal issues also demanded 800 IU of Vitamin E, not just the 400 I was getting, so I bought some of that. I learned, too, that many brands of Vitamin E are in the form of “d-alpha-tocopheral.” It is the most inexpensive to manufacture and therefore the most profitable. However, what we need (especially with adrenal issues) is a “mixed tocopherals” form of E, containing also beta, delta, and gamma. I checked my bottle of Vitamin E and, happily, found it was “mixed.” That’s what my mother would call better luck than good management.
I buy most of my vitamins at Nutter’s (Leduc and Wetaskiwin readers may appreciate this tip): they have a great selection and the prices are good, especially on the last Tuesday of every month when everything is 20% off. That’s where I buy my psyllium husk too—an easy way to be sure you’re getting enough fibre. I take a tablespoon in juice every morning, and it really gets the job done. (Sorry!)
As you can easily understand, I eventually dropped the “all-in-one” supplement from Adeeva. But it’s a great place for you to start if you need a new health regimen. That brand was available at Nutter’s, last time I checked, and it’ll be discounted $6 on “Power Tuesday.”
by cincfam1 @ Diabetes Daily
Mon Feb 12 15:13:02 PST 2018
I have had Type II diabetes since 1996. Until recently, my A1C has been all over the place. I am on Metformin only. 26 weeks ago my PCP recommended I...
Self Care Groups
by Eddie Habte Mekasha @ Diabetes Daily
Mon Feb 12 12:45:31 PST 2018
Self care groups are very helpful for many illness including diabetes. I joined such a group when I was in St Louis during my diabetes borderline...
by bergamit143 @ Diabetes Daily
Mon Feb 12 17:20:26 PST 2018
Hello everyone! :msnwink: please I need advice for diabetes.
53: Signing Off and Heading in a New Direction
by (Nancy Christenson) @ Here’s to Your Health
Sun May 05 16:10:00 PDT 2013
It was two months ago today that I last posted an article. Here is what’s been happening:
It was in early January that God began to try to get my attention about some of the priorities in my life. I found Him putting His finger on my health writing, indicating that it was getting in the way of other things that were more important. Not that the health writing hasn’t been important, but that the season was changing, so to speak, and it was time for a shift.
At first, not willing to completely quit this research and writing that I have so enjoyed, I rationalized that I needn’t stop writing for the newspaper; I just needed to make it last on my priority list instead of first. Fact is, I have been working on another new project since last summer, and in January I could see that, imminently, I had to dedicate a lot more time to it. (More about that in a minute.) But I wasn’t willing to give anything else up; I thought that I could just work harder and faster and smarter. The point is, sometimes when God is trying to change something, we try to cut a deal with Him and tell Him how we can work it all out. Then He just keeps quiet and waits till we’re ready to listen.
For the next few weeks, I tried to keep Here’s to Your Health on the back burner and only sit down to read and write when I’d accomplished other things in other areas. It didn’t work very well: I typically have kept three or four potential articles simmering continually, always reading and digging a little more throughout the week until I sat down to write each Monday morning. I had trouble not thinking about it. So in early February I emailed the editor at the paper and said I’d like to pull back a bit and just send in an article once a month. He thought it over for a couple of weeks and then wrote back and said he’d decided to just discontinue the column.
I was so surprised—and disappointed. I wanted to renegotiate and get the column back. But I knew in my heart it was time to let it go, at least for now. It’s still difficult: there are a half a dozen topics I could rattle off in a moment that I would dearly desire to lay out and pass on to my readers. But God knows best, and I really am trying to listen, even though it took a while to be willing.
The new project I mentioned above is a musical. I wrote the stage play last summer; in February I began the arduous and painstaking and intensely pleasurable process of transcribing 27 songs into musical score. I’m pretty much done the first ten, at least the first phase of the first ten. But since I last came home from Vernon, over three weeks ago, I haven’t had time to touch it. Been so busy, I’m really glad not to have Here’s to Your Health on my plate anymore.
Here is something that you, my readers, could do for me: Please let me know of any large churches or Bible schools or the like that have a ministry in the area of musical theatre. (This is the kind of venue where the musical belongs.) I have been sending out the stage play to interested parties for them to read and consider. Bear in mind that this musical could be produced anywhere in the world that English is spoken: distance is no barrier.
Thank you, in advance, for sending me any helpful leads. Below is my last article—at least for the foreseeable future. I will miss writing for you all.
You can email me at
Our New e-Store Is Live!
by NOVA Probiotics @ NOVA Probiotics
Tue Nov 11 14:15:34 PST 2014
A Brand New Version Of Our e-Store Has Just Launched! Tell Us What You Think! We are very pleased to announce that our new e-Store is live and ready for the world to surf. We have completely redesigned the layout with simplicity, ease of use, security and accessibility in mind. We hope you...
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Adapt to the new world order, says Stephen Harper
by undefined @ Alberta Farmer ExpressAlberta Farmer Express
Mon Feb 12 09:40:34 PST 2018
He was enthusiastically welcomed as the prime minister who scrapped the wheat board, earning a standing ovation before the first word of his keynote address. But Stephen Harper had his eyes on an even bigger farm issue when he spoke to an enthusiastic crowd of nearly all of FarmTech’s 2,000 attendees. In a sweeping political […] Read more
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Farming is not a one-size-fits-all business
by undefined @ Alberta Farmer ExpressAlberta Farmer Express
Mon Jan 15 10:25:03 PST 2018
I continue to witness arguments over different methods of farming. But considering the variety of farms around the world, and that most of them are very small compared to the Canadian average, combative conversation is really rather unwarranted and, in many cases, an uneducated dialogue. When one disparages farms that are organic or ones that […] Read more
The post Farming is not a one-size-fits-all business appeared first on Alberta Farmer Express.
Online vs. PC
by miclew @ FitDay Discussion Boards
Thu Jan 18 08:18:56 PST 2018
Is the nutrition database more up to date in the online version than the PC version?
Probiotics and Weight Loss – A Quick Tip
by NOVA Probiotics @ NOVA Probiotics
Mon Jan 05 17:43:03 PST 2015
Probiotics, Weight loss and Candida Going on a diet isn’t easy, and many people suffer from unwanted and uncomfortable symptoms such as gas, bloating, and abdominal discomfort. Even when successful, people usually have a hard time getting rid of their persistent midsection fat, and have intense cravings for sugary foods, breads, pasta and sometimes even alcohol. Most...
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Probiotics For Diarrhea
by NOVA Probiotics @ NOVA Probiotics
Tue Sep 02 11:52:58 PDT 2014
Probiotics to save you from the discomfort and embarrassment of diarrhea Diarrhea is an extremely common illness, and everyone usually gets it about once a year. Diarrhea can be caused by many different things, the main one being intestinal imbalance. When the bacteria inside your intestines that digest your food are unbalanced, meaning...
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New Harmony Beef plant ramping up
by greg @ Alberta Farmer ExpressAlberta Farmer Express
Thu Feb 08 13:20:16 PST 2018
Nearly a year after Harmony Beef slaughtered its first cow, the plant is now processing 360 head a day, says the company’s director of marketing. Canada is its primary market at present, and Costco is the packer’s largest customer, said Cam Daniels. It has also started selling to the U.S., made its first shipment to […] Read more
The post New Harmony Beef plant ramping up appeared first on Alberta Farmer Express.
Prebiotics and Probiotics, Good Allies!
by NOVA Probiotics @ NOVA Probiotics
Sat Jun 14 18:55:23 PDT 2014
Prebiotics are non-digestible soluble fibers that stimulate the growth and multiplication of the beneficial bacteria in the gut. They are mainly used to fuel the probiotics and ease bowel movements. However, prebiotics have many other good characteristics, which explains why NOVA has prebiotic included in each of its formula: They work as anti-carcinogens: When...
The post Prebiotics and Probiotics, Good Allies! appeared first on NOVA Probiotics.
Honeybees Are Essential to Crop Production
by admin @ Guided Synergy
Thu Apr 28 15:37:57 PDT 2016
Why we need to protect nature’s pollinators. Take a look at these five fascinating facts about Canada’s robust honeybee industry: Fact #1: As pollinators, bees are vital to our food chain. Honeybees are responsible for … Continue reading
ONE YEAR LATER: Carbon tax eating into bottom line
by undefined @ Alberta Farmer ExpressAlberta Farmer Express
Mon Jan 29 10:11:59 PST 2018
It’s hard to put exact numbers on it — but Alberta’s carbon tax is taking its toll, say farmers. And that toll increased at the start of the year, when the carbon tax increased to $30 a tonne — a 50 per cent jump from the initial $20-a-tonne tax implemented a year ago. Read more: […] Read more
The post ONE YEAR LATER: Carbon tax eating into bottom line appeared first on Alberta Farmer Express.
51: Iodophobia — Part I
by (Nancy Christenson) @ Here’s to Your Health
Tue Mar 05 06:55:00 PST 2013
If you ask your doctor about taking an iodine supplement, chances are about 95 out of 100 that he or she will tell you unequivocally to stay away from it, on the grounds that it may damage your thyroid. And yet I learned, way back in secondary school, that iodine was crucial for thyroid health. Why the disparity? What is the truth?
It was around 1860, three decades after Jean Lugol figured out how to make a water-based solution of iodine, that doctors discovered it would cure hypothyroidism. For the next 70 years, Lugol’s Solution was used successfully in treating this ailment, with the optimum dosage ranging from 12.5 to 37.5 mg per day.
The present-day view is that iodine is especially dangerous for those with a hyperactive thyroid and that it may even cause hyperthyroidism in a previously healthy person. Much to the contrary though, the clinical track record a century ago showed that hyperthyroidism, too, yielded to supplementation with Lugol’s, a combination of elemental iodine and potassium iodide. Here, though, the range of effective dosage was very wide, varying from 6 mg per day to a staggering 180 mg. The most common effective dose was 90 mg, and the success rate was 90 percent.
Again, why the disparity in the medical establishment’s opinion on iodine, on its safety and efficacy? What changed?
Well, in about 1930 the first pharmaceutical (synthetic) thyroid hormone was developed. Suddenly there was a profit-minded reason to begin to throw doubt on an inexpensive, unpatentable remedy that had served three generations of doctors and their patients. The shift was gradual at first. But in 1948 a study was done by two researchers, Wolfe and Chaikoff, and they came to some alarming conclusions: rats that were given large doses of iodine showed evidence of their thyroid failing to continue to convert T4 hormone to the active T3 form. This would be one of the working definitions of hypothyroidism. So can we conclude, as these two men did, that iodine can cause malfunction of the thyroid?
Now let me step back and explain something. Whenever there is a nuclear disaster, the emergency protocol is to dose those who have been exposed with 130 mg of iodine. This is because one of the by-products of a nuclear meltdown is radioactive iodine. If you are iodine deficient, your thyroid will hungrily gobble up this toxic form of the element, and there’s a good chance that not far down the line, you will have thyroid cancer.
If, however, you are ingesting generous doses of iodine, your body will not uptake any more because its systems are already satiated. Similarly, if you have a lab rat that you’ve supplemented to the point of iodine sufficiency, and then you administer radioactive iodine so you can track its movement through the thyroid, guess what? Nothing, or very little, will happen, because the rat’s thyroid does not need any more iodine at this time, and it will be flushed, more or less harmlessly, out of its system.
These two researchers, however, concluded that the large supplements of iodine had shut down the thyroid. This seems to have been accepted as fact now, pretty much across the board. Referred to as the Wolke-Chaikoff Effect, this “theory” is taught in medical schools today. I find myself wondering who funded their research.
Even forward-thinking physicians are afraid to mess with iodine, fearing the scorn of colleagues, the full fury of the pharmaceutical industry, and even accusations of malpractice. My own naturopath, knowing my interest in the subject, gave me a lot of current iodine research material that he studied in school. But although he is impressed with what iodine has done for me, and keeps saying he would probably really benefit from it himself, he seems reluctant to actually recommend orthomolecular doses to his patients, suggesting instead kelp supplements or watered-down plant-sourced iodine drops.
Dr. G. E. Abraham is one of the foremost experts on the subject of iodine today. He says this: “A century ago, non-radioactive forms of inorganic iodine were considered a panacea for all human ills, but today, they are avoided by physicians like leprosy.” He has coined a term for this irrational, ill-informed fear: iodophobia. Tongue in cheek, he describes the symptoms of this “syndrome”: “split personality, double standards, amnesia, confusion and altered state of consciousness. Medical iodophobia,” says Abraham, “has reached pandemic proportion and it is highly contagious.”
Summing up about iodine, this is what he says : “Of all the elements known so far to be essential for health, iodine is the most misunderstood and the most feared. Yet, it is by far the safest of all the trace elements known to be essential for human health.”
30: Beating the Heat
by (Nancy Christenson) @ Here’s to Your Health
Fri Jul 27 14:25:00 PDT 2012
During the recent heat wave, I found myself thinking of a friend’s husband. Last year he’d had a really bad go with sunstroke. I had given his wife a suggestion. Now I was wondering if he’d ever picked up on it, or if he was struggling again. So I gave him a call.
No, he said, he was having no problems at all, because, “I remember what you told my wife. I’ll never forget it.” He talked about the incident during planting season last spring. He was back in Saskatchewan on the old family farm, working underneath the cultivator in extreme heat, fully exposed to the intense sun, bare-headed in the close confines. Later he had the flu-like symptoms of heat exhaustion: “the runs,” head-achy, feverish. He drank water by the litre—it went right through him. He couldn’t eat—when he tried, it would come back up. He was terribly weak. The first two days, he struggled on; the next two, he couldn’t do anything. Couldn’t get out of bed for more than ten minutes at a time, and that was mainly to get to the bathroom again.
It was at the end of the fourth day that I happened to be talking to his wife, who told me all about it. “It’s because of loss of salt that comes with excessive perspiration,” I told her. “Then you can’t even retain the water you drink. He needs electrolytes. Tell him to take a half-teaspoon of sea salt in a glass of water.” When she talked to him that evening on the phone, she said “one teaspoon”; in his delirium, he translated “one tablespoon.” So into a glass of water went a heaping soupspoon of salt, and he choked it down. He managed to hang onto most of it, but not surprisingly, some came back up. Two hours later, he was feeling halfway back to his usual self. Amazingly, by morning he was 100%.
In retrospect he remembers that his 80-year-old Ukrainian grandmother, after a hot day of work in the garden, would stir a spoonful of salt into her tea instead of sugar. He, only six at the time, thought it was quite weird, but now it all makes sense to him.
* * *
One day at the Farmers’ Market, a friend, Joan, hurried up to my table and said excitedly, “I need to talk to you.” She sat down in the extra chair I keep there for lengthier conversations, and she told me her story. She had been to see a chiropractor in Medicine Hat who had put her on his “Total Body Modification” program, to address her many allergies. It included staying completely away from sugar (except natural sources) and drinking large amounts of water. She was instructed to be sure to get enough (unrefined) salt, that avoiding salt when drinking large amounts of water can be unsafe.
By the end of the first week on this program, she noticed that her ankles and calves were swelling. Edema has been a recurring problem for her, ever since having children (she has ten!), but normally it was sugar that triggered it. Because she hadn’t had sugar now for a week, she was surprised. And it wasn’t just her legs and feet, but even her arms were swollen—there was definitely a significant amount of water retention. She was also feeling extremely lethargic.
She prayed about it. What came to mind was something I had told her about a salt cleanse (See Blog #21). Now this is a cleanse that is normally used to clear the kidneys of bromine and other halides that are being forced out of the body by iodine supplementation. Because Joan had once mentioned that her naturopath had her on high doses of iodine, I had told her of this bromine overload that could occur, the symptoms, and what to do about them. None of these symptoms was present, and yet in prayer she was impressed that this was what she should do. So she did the salt cleanse, which involves ingesting three quarters of a teaspoon of Celtic sea salt and about two litres of water over the course of an hour.
Eight hours later, all the edema was gone—and she had her energy back! This had just happened the previous day, and she was pretty excited about it.
People who have trouble with edema usually find it is worse in hot weather. “Unrefined salt helps in regulating the levels of water in the body, thus maintaining the delicate balance that needs to exist between the cells and body fluids, while also helping to maintain the electrolyte balance.” (
While most doctors are prescribing diuretics and telling patients to avoid salt, this may well be another reason to grab your sea-salt grinder in hot weather.
by bergamit143 @ Diabetes Daily
Mon Feb 12 17:20:26 PST 2018
Hello everyone! :msnwink: please I need advice for diabetes.
46: Stop the Pop
by (Nancy Christenson) @ Here’s to Your Health
Thu Jan 10 12:18:00 PST 2013
There is a class of beverage that has been with us for enough decades that most people seem not to question whether it belongs in our lives. I’m talking about soda pop. These soft drinks have a long history, going back to Paris in the 1600s when street vendors carried on their backs tanks of lemon and water sweetened with honey, dispensing cupfuls to thirsty passersby. A lot has changed since then, and the changes have not all been good.
It was in the 1830s that the concept of soda fountains began to take hold in American pharmacies. Carbonated water had caught on as a “health drink,” and druggists began adding medicinal herbs and fruit extracts to the previously unflavoured mineral water. In the 1890s, a pharmacist developed a special flavour by adding sugar, vanilla, rare oils, pepsin, and cola nuts. If you're really sharp, you may guess that this was the first version of Pepsi Cola.
Sugar then reigned supreme in soft drinks all the way to the 1970s. At this time, a cheaper, sweeter solution, manufactured from corn, burst upon the industry. Several articles ago, I made a comment about high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), saying that it had turned the health of a generation upside down. My statement demands some clarification.
I first had cause to seriously zero in on the subject of HFCS several months ago, when my sister Pauline, who has lived in England for many years, sent me a link to a documentary that was produced over there. It is a series totalling about three hours, called “The Men Who Made Us Fat.”
We’re hearing all the time in Canada and the US about the obesity epidemic. It’s a serious problem, and experts are vague about the exact cause and what to do about it. But the British documentary had plenty to say about HFCS and its link to obesity—and a host of other related health problems.
Back to the soft drink industry: when they recognized that this corn syrup was sweeter and cheaper than sugar, and that it didn’t compromise their brand-name flavours, it caught hold like an old wooden house on fire. Cheaper was great, and sweeter should have meant that they could use even less of it than of sugar, resulting in cheaper yet. But they found that the sweeter they made it, the more of it people drank, so it was well worth their while to use even more of the HFCS than they had of sugar.
Up until that point in time, the national (US) average had reached about 365 servings of pop per year per person. Since then, consumption has increased to 600 cans. I find this hard to fathom. When there are people like me who average zero cans per year, it means theoretically there are those who are tossing back 1200 servings annually.
I had a conversation recently with a dear friend in his mid-thirties, who has some problems with hypoglycemia.
“Do you eat a lot of sugar?” I asked him.
“Not really,” came the answer, “but I drink two cans of pop a day, so, I don’t know, would you consider that a lot of sugar?”
Bingo, I thought, there it is, the North American average. Most people are more like him than like me, and it pains me deeply that multitudes are unwittingly sabotaging their health. I am especially grieved at watching children guzzling the stuff down, even at an age when they’ve barely learned to walk.
Dietary habits are established young, and they run deep. The pop habit is, I believe, truly an addiction in many cases. Society may look down its nose at alcoholics, yet it is blasé about a super-sized soft drink. But ironically, a devastation is slowly taking place in the body of the chronic pop drinker that is almost identical to that in the alcoholic. It’s called non-alcoholic liver disease, and it leads to cirrhosis and liver cancer.
Soda pop made from sugar was bad enough—we’re beginning to understand that large amounts of sugar help to fuel our diabetes epidemic. But the use of high-fructose corn syrup is much more destructive to our bodies. It will take at least another article to explain a little more about its effects. While I’m working on that, why don’t you stop and assess how much pop you’re drinking, bearing in mind that even a little bit does you absolutely no good with its nutritively void calories? Could you consider just walking away from the stuff for the rest of your life? Just say no? Boycott this wealthy, unhealthy industry? Or are you too addicted?
Love Is in Your Blood!
by admin @ Guided Synergy
Thu Apr 28 15:39:40 PDT 2016
Blood’s role in natural healing. Now that I have your attention, let’s talk about what’s in our blood and how it can be used to help repair certain tissues inside and out. Blood is the … Continue reading
What farm women say…
by greg @ Country GuideCountry Guide
Fri Feb 02 09:33:17 PST 2018
As remarks go, it was decidedly crude, so even though it was some years ago now that she first heard it, the memory still rankles Beth, especially because she’s so much more aware now how it fit into a pattern. The day had been a workday like any other in any professional agricultural office. There […] Read more
The post What farm women say… appeared first on Country Guide.

Canadian who was detained by al Qaeda affiliate in Syria describes harrowing ordeal
by @ CTV News - Edmonton
Mon Feb 12 17:40:51 PST 2018
Chatham, Ont., man Sean Moore is speaking out for the first time about the torture he experienced at the hands of an al Qaeda affiliate in Syria.
The Benefits of Himalayan Sea Salt
by admin @ Guided Synergy
Thu Apr 28 15:40:18 PDT 2016
How it can improve your well-being. Health and wellness are hot topics today. Our conversations are full of stories about the effects of technology, electromagnetic fields, smart meters, GMOs, medications, sitting indoors, depression and addictions. … Continue reading
35: The Scourge of Heavy Metal
by (Nancy Christenson) @ Here’s to Your Health
Tue Oct 09 19:19:00 PDT 2012
I’ve never liked heavy metal. I’m more of a folk musician, where the lyrics are important and discernible and the mood is gentle and thoughtful. Heavy metal, on the other hand, is described by Wikipedia as “a thick, massive sound, characterized by highly amplified distortion, extended guitar solos, emphatic beats, and overall loudness.”
Extended exposure to heavy metal (for the musicians and the kids who listen to them) can cause some or all of the following symptoms in turn: excessive perspiration, leg twitching, headaches, spaciness, insomnia, hearing loss, mood swings, anger and other emotional disorders, dizziness, ADD, depression, hallucinations, and fatigue. It can cause anxiety, nervousness, migraines, and hostility — in people middle-aged and older, especially when their kids won’t turn down the music.
I have always avoided heavy metal. Therefore I was surprised when my naturopath brought up the subject. It was the second appointment following my adrenal burnout. The doctor was saying that he suspected I had an underlying issue that was compromising my adrenals. He thought the culprit might be heavy metals.
Okay, okay, so you didn’t really think I was talking about music.
He asked if I had any mercury-amalgam fillings.
“I’ve had dozens over the years, but I’ve had no new ones for a couple of decades; and as they’ve rotted out, I’ve had them replaced with porcelain. I’m pretty sure they’re all gone now.”
I had mentioned previously that I had been battling Candida for twenty years. Now he told me that if I had an accumulation of any kind of heavy metal, until I dealt with that, I would never get rid of the yeast problem. “It binds to metal,” he said, “and kind of hides there.”
He wanted to do a test for metal toxicity: clearly, he felt there must be a build-up stored deep in my body. So I paid the $150 and took home the kit. In the morning I took the four little pills, a “provocation agent”—I think it was DMSA—which would stir up any heavy metals stored in the soft tissues and cause these toxins to be expelled in the urine over the next 8 hours. I dutifully collected all the urine in that time-frame, filled in the forms, measured out the sample, and drove it all to Edmonton to FEDEX it off to the US of A.
While I waited for the results, I did a lot of reading online about the repercussions of carrying mercury around in your mouth. It gases off whenever you chew, slowly breaking down and releasing the mercury into the bloodstream and then mostly migrates to be stored in the brain where it will cause problems in the years to come. When these fillings are removed (hopefully to be replaced by something healthier), unless a strict protocol is in place (and there were certainly never any such precautions taken in my case), there is an awful lot of mercury sent airborne by the drill and it gets breathed straight into the lungs and then to the bloodstream again. I got pretty freaked out with it all and finally had to put the reading on mercury aside for the time being.
There are a number of dangerous metals in addition to mercury. The following information comes from
“Heavy metal poisoning has become an increasingly major health problem, especially since the industrial revolution. Heavy metals are in the water we drink, the foods we eat, the air we breathe, our daily household cleaners, our cookware and our other daily tools. A heavy metal ... cannot be metabolized ..., therefore accumulating in the body. Heavy metal toxicity can cause our mental functions, energy, nervous system, kidneys, lungs and other organ functions to decline. Learning where these metals can be found and decreasing one’s exposure is vital to staying healthy. For the person who wonders if they have heavy metal poisoning, testing is essential. If a person has heavy metal toxicity then interventional natural medicine procedures need to be performed.”
This might be a good time to re-read the list of symptoms I cited, tongue in cheek, above, as being caused by obnoxious (sorry, just my opinion) music. These signs, very seriously, are all part of an extensive list of possible effects of toxic metals in the body, and there are dozens more besides.
At this particular site, the following “heavy metals” are listed: aluminum, arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, lead, mercury, nickel, tin, and two surprises: copper and iron. Surprising, because both these elements are essential to good health. But either of them, in excess, become toxic.
And so I busied myself with more reading as I waited and wondered what the test results would be.
Addendum: Here is a list of other symptoms of heavy metal toxicity, in addition to those listed above:
Weak and aching muscles, spleen pain, stomach pain, liver dysfunction, kidney dysfunction, neuromuscular disorders, osteomalacia, colitis, Alzheimer’s disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, hemolysis, leukocytosis, porphyria, heartburn, memory loss, numbness, paralysis, Parkinson's disease, tooth decay, colds, behavioral problems, constipation, flatulence, dry skin, enzymes inhibited, anorexia, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, dermatitis, stomatitis, hair loss, vertigo, fever, stupor, herpes, jaundice, fluid loss, throat constriction, spasms, respiratory tract infection, garlicky odor to breath or stool, keritosis, pallor, goiter, disturbance of calcium and vitamin D metabolism, lung cancer or infections, rickets, magnesium depletion, cerebral hemorrhage, cirrhosis of the liver, enlarged heart, diabetes, emphysema, hypoglycemia, hypertension, impotence, infertility, kidney disease, learning disorders, inflammation, osteoporosis, schizophrenia, strokes, vascular disease, high cholesterol, impaired growth, cardiovascular disease, acne, PMS, yeast infections, urinary tract infections, cystic fibrosis, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, vitamin deficiencies, paranoia, decreased libido, senility, stuttering, phobias, autism, estrogen dominance, high blood pressure, myasthenia gravis, pancreas damage, scurvy, shortness of breath, hepatitis, heart failure, allergies, anemia, blindness, cardiovascular disease, colic, convulsions, dyslexia, epilepsy, gout, hyperactivity, hypothyroidism, impotence, liver dysfunction, hyperkinesis, mental retardation, menstrual problems, muscular dystrophy, nephritis, nightmares, poor concentration, psychosis, restlessness, seizures, stillbirths, SIDS, vertigo, weight loss, adrenal gland dysfunction, birth defects, brain damage, dermatitis, hyperactivity, memory loss, pain in limbs, skin rashes, thyroid dysfunction, peripheral vision loss, hemorrhages, malaise, low blood pressure, vomiting, heart attack, oral cancer, intestinal cancer, vomiting, abdominal pain or cramping or bloating, fever, hyperglycemia, vision changes, liver pain, ataxia.

Agri-News - This week in Agriculture - Farming Smarter
Farming Smarter
Agri-News this week in agriculture January 12, 2015. Farming Smarter. A regular publication covering a wide range of ag topics events and more
33: From My Readers — Part III
by (Nancy Christenson) @ Here’s to Your Health
Mon Aug 27 04:57:00 PDT 2012
The other day I headed out for a walk at 10:00 a.m. Already the heat from the sun was intense; the humidity, suffocating. It made me feel weak. Once again I was glad for what I have learned about the need for extra salt in hot weather (see “Beating the Heat,” article #30). I made a mental note to have another half teaspoon in a glass of diluted juice when I got back to the house.
As I walked, the heat brought to mind a brief encounter at the Farmers’ Market last week. A woman came by my table to say hello. Her name is Joan. “What are you doing here today?” I asked. “You were here last week.” Joan comes to our market every three or four weeks with her Nuskin scanner, a device that is able to measure the level of anti-oxidants in your body. At $10 for this service, it is an inexpensive peek into how your body is doing nutritionally. If your anti-oxidants are low, she will show you her nutritional products.
But I digress. Joan explained that she’d driven all the way down from St. Albert just to pick up an order of fresh, chemical-free vegetables from our local Hutterites. Joan introduced me to her friend, who told me that Joan had forwarded “Beating the Heat” to her. “My son had sunstroke a couple of days ago,” she said. “I gave him a half-teaspoon of sea salt in some water and it really helped him. Thank you.”
Incidents like this are what make writing this column a privilege. How wonderful to know that a simply remedy has made a huge difference to someone, I thought as I walked along.
My stream of thought was interrupted as I spotted someone approaching from up ahead. It was a neighbour, just returning from his own daily constitutional. As we greeted each other, he mentioned that he had been reading some of my columns in the paper. Within minutes we were deep into a discussion on iodine. (Read: I was deep into a monologue on iodine.) This man, around my age, told me that he is using about $800-worth of prescription drugs every three months: a blood thinner that is upsetting his stomach, one of those muscle-wasting statins for cholesterol, something for high blood pressure, and I don’t know what else. He has also been diagnosed as type-II diabetic. Determined to get off these expensive meds with their scary side-effects, he has recently begun to see a naturopath, who has told him that 30% of his recovery will be from supplements but 70% will only be by his own initiative with exercise. So he is out walking, with serious intent, almost every day.
I was able to tell him some things about iodine that I have not yet touched on in my writings: it is a natural blood thinner; it will lower cholesterol; it can get people off (or at least reduce) their diabetes meds. As for high blood pressure, I suggested that he look into how sea salt can normalize it.
“I don’t use salt at all,” he said.
I cited as an illustration my 79-year-old acquaintance, a quintuple by-pass survivor, who now, since he began to add sea salt to his food, has achieved his lowest blood pressure ever.
My neighbour then bent down and folded his sock over to show me the indentation it had made in his puffy ankle. “Sea salt helps edema too,” I told him. (See Blog #30.) I promised to print him off a number of my articles that were pertinent to his issues, as he doesn’t use the internet, and then we went on our separate ways.
Another reader, Karen of, has evidently heard enough of my ravings to begin looking into some iodine for herself. She writes this:
“Last week I checked at both our local health food store and one of the pharmacies as to what iodine products they sold. The pharmacist informed me, ‘We have too much salt in our diet already, so we don’t sell iodine.’ The health food store also doesn’t sell iodine—though they do have kelp products for thyroid support. I see there’s room for some work here!”
If you’re thinking the pharmacist’s statement doesn’t make sense, you’re absolutely right. And yes, kelp is rich in iodine, but it will not deliver the doses I talk about. I checked seven different brands of kelp supplements. Their dosages range from the RDA to three times the RDA. By comparison, I was taking 80 times the RDA when I tested deficient in April. I currently take 240 times the recommended daily allowance, every day.
Lost FitDay PC License Info
by peggoal @ FitDay Discussion Boards
Tue Jan 30 08:57:13 PST 2018
Hello, I just recently moved to a new laptop and lost my license info. I was able to save all of my backups but now cannot login since I need to...
Healthy Traveling Tips
by NOVA Probiotics @ NOVA Probiotics
Tue Mar 10 20:07:02 PDT 2015
How to Stay Healthy While Traveling Why travel if you’re not going to eat all the food? The world is sometimes literally your oyster, and one that your stomach isn’t familiar with how to digest. Other times, it can be a matter of someone using the local tap water to rinse your veggies. Whoever is...
The post Healthy Traveling Tips appeared first on NOVA Probiotics.

Notley giving B.C., Ottawa ‘a little space’ to discuss B.C. pipeline issue
by @ CTV News - Edmonton
Mon Feb 12 15:01:40 PST 2018
After the Alberta government announced a halt to B.C. wine imports, in response to the province’s actions on the Trans Mountain pipeline, Notley said she was giving the federal government, and the B.C. government space to talk.
My Joyous Self-Care Routine
by Joy McCarthy @ Genuine Health
Fri Jan 26 09:03:39 PST 2018
My self-care routine has definitely evolved over the years. When I was in my 20’s it was all about fitness […]
The post My Joyous Self-Care Routine appeared first on Genuine Health.
Payer Par BTC – Acheter Du Atarax En Belgique – Livraison rapide
by ไพริน ฤาพันธ์ @ EasyGolf
Mon Feb 12 17:37:29 PST 2018
Acheter Du Atarax En Belgique Générique Atarax Meilleur Pharmacie Pour Acheter Atarax 10 mg En Ligne. Atarax (hydroxyzine) est utilisé pour traiter l’anxiété et la tension, pour la sédation avant ou après une anesthésie générale et pour traiter les démangeaisons causées par certaines allergies. *Atarax® est fabriqué par Pfizer. Note 4.1 étoiles, basé sur 379 […]
Vacation Fast Food my ideas. Yours?
by dominickolas @ FitDay Discussion Boards
Mon Jan 15 11:17:38 PST 2018
Hello. In about 2 weeks I am going to go on vacation by car. I will have two whole days in the car, going and coming. I am traveling with family so I...
Ag industry urged to ‘do more’ about mental health issues
by undefined @ Alberta Farmer ExpressAlberta Farmer Express
Mon Feb 12 09:25:41 PST 2018
Sean Stanford thought he was going to die. It happened one week last winter, and started with a pain in his chest. A heart attack, he figured. A trip to the emergency room turned up nothing. There was nothing wrong with him. And then the pain started again, worse this time. Another trip to the […] Read more
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Purebred cattle cornerstone of Alta. ranch
by admin @ The Western ProducerThe Western Producer
Thu Feb 08 14:07:08 PST 2018
CRAIGMYLE, Alta. — Blake Morton and Darcy Olesky are dedicated to their art. The art in this case is the pair’s dedication to producing quality purebred cattle at Shiloh Cattle Company in southeastern Alberta. The fourth-generation ranch was established in 1909 by Blake’s great-grandfather, Kingsley Morton. It evolved over time from a commercial spread to […] Read more
The post Purebred cattle cornerstone of Alta. ranch appeared first on The Western Producer.
Superclusters: Creating a silicon valley for agriculture and food
by undefined @ Alberta Farmer ExpressAlberta Farmer Express
Mon Jan 15 10:07:23 PST 2018
So what would you rather have — new lucrative ‘plant protein’ markets or a way to turn Big Data into bigger profits? Those are the goals of the two agriculture and agri-food proposals vying for a slice of $950 million of federal cash that Ottawa will spend on ‘superclusters’ — business-led collaborations that aim to […] Read more
The post Superclusters: Creating a silicon valley for agriculture and food appeared first on Alberta Farmer Express.
41: Don’t Put It on Your Skin – Part III
by (Nancy Christenson) @ Here’s to Your Health
Sun Nov 11 03:27:00 PST 2012
So what do I put on my skin, and why? I mentioned previously that I start by washing my face with as pure and simple a soap as I can find. Then I spray with either colloidal silver or copper, in place of an astringent. Silver kills bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi, so this is a gentle but effective way to prevent or treat various skin problems. Silver also has amazing healing properties that promote regeneration of healthy, normal cells. Terrific for sun burns too.
Copper has a similar, gentle antiseptic effect, but its real claim to fame is that it enables the skin to keep on (or resume) producing collagen and elastin, provided there are also sufficient resources of Vitamin C and zinc in the body. It is deficiency of copper that causes the skin to sag and wrinkle as we age. With its claim of restoring resilience and flexibility, I even suggested to one customer that she try spraying a little on her husband’s attitude.
Copper also is responsible for helping the hair follicles produce melanin, which is what gives hair its natural colour. Loss of copper leads to greying hair. For this reason, when people buy colloidal copper from me, I suggest that in addition to spraying it on their face, they likewise apply it to the scalp.
After one or the other of these skin “fresheners,” I spray on a 50/50 mix of organic glycerine and rosewater. People with oily skin have found a heavier percentage of rose water to be helpful; conversely, those with dry skin increase the proportion of glycerin.
The rose water I buy is from 100% steam-distilled fresh rose blossoms, picked in the world-famous Bulgarian Rose Valley. It is a pure, undiluted, food-grade product, containing no preservatives, additives, or synthetic ingredients. This is what they say about their product: “Rose water is one of the all-time best and most traditional facial cleansers and has multiple skin-care uses. [It] is used to treat acne and skin irritation. Rose water is also added to bathing water and is used for moisturizing the body after bath. It balances skin pH level ... [and] has anti-aging and rejuvenating effects.”
The glycerin that I mix with the rose water is an organic vegetable product. Glycerin, also called glycerol, is present in all natural lipids (fats), whether animal or vegetable. It is a “skin-identical ingredient,” meaning it is a substance found naturally in our skin. It is a humectant, that is, it attracts water. When applied to the skin, it seals in moisture that might otherwise escape. It also draws moisture from the air and from the deeper layers of tissue. With the use of glycerin, the skin takes on a healthier, more attractive appearance and a softer, more supple feel.
Glycerin helps maintain the outer barrier and prevent dryness or scaling. It is used not only in cosmetic and but also medical applications. For example, it fights the effects of skin conditions like psoriasis.
I’ve used glycerin and rose water products off and on since I was a little girl. Now with all organic ingredients, I feel confident that I have the best mix yet. Not only do I use it on my face but for an all-body moisturizer as well.
The final product I use in my facial regimen is organic coconut oil, something that’s getting a lot of press recently. Not only is it an excellent edible oil, hair tonic, and massage oil, but it’s a wonderful balm for the skin.
Comprised of healthy saturated fats, coconut oil keeps skin smooth to the touch and helps it retain moisture. It naturally contains certain fatty acids having effective disinfectant and anti-microbial properties. As a result, coconut oil protects skin from infections. Coconut oil is rich in proteins, which keep skin healthy and rejuvenated on the surface as well as deep down. It is loaded with anti-oxidants so it doesn’t go rancid, a real plus whether it’s used as a food or for skin care. You can use it as a lip balm and make-up remover as well. On a warm summer’s day, I’ll often find my little jar of coconut oil has become liquid; in the winter it’s more like refrigerated butter: I scoop some out and rub it between my hands until it’s liquid and will smooth easily onto my face.
At first I used it plain, but when I discovered the healing benefits of frankincense, I began to add a few drops of that essential oil to the coconut. Frankincense oxygenates cells, improves elasticity and reduces wrinkles. An added bonus, it’s recently been proven that breathing the fragrance eases anxiety and depression. Go ahead: put it on your skin.
36: Get the Lead Out
by (Nancy Christenson) @ Here’s to Your Health
Thu Oct 18 17:14:00 PDT 2012
It’s what we used to say when we were kids, if someone was walking too slowly: “Get the lead out!” It’s taken on a whole new meaning for me now. When the results came back from my heavy metal toxicology test, it showed that my lead levels were 3.5 times the reference range (the average healthy population). So my goal, and that of my naturopath, understandably became “Get the lead out!”
As the doctor explained how he would do this, I was busy wondering where my exposure had come from. I thought back to my childhood and how Dad had a fascinating sheet of pure lead on his work bench that we kids and our neighbourhood buddies loved to play with. It was so soft and flexible, we could easily cut it into strips and shapes with the big tin snips that were there and then bend it into all manner of interesting things. Health authorities today would take a dim view of such entertainment for children.
Then I thought of how when Dad was filling the car with gas, we kids would stand around imitating the sound the pump made each time another gallon went in (“Dingit! Another fifty cents!”). And I would stand as close as I could to the nozzle and inhale deeply, because I loved the smell of that raw, leaded gas. I remember Dad noticing this one time, and he rebuked me, saying that it would eat out my brain. (He was a doctor—he oughta know.)
And not just raw gasoline, but the exhaust as well. When Dad’s car was idling out front of the house, warming up as he got ready to go, I would squat behind the exhaust pipe and inhale. I don’t think he ever knew that I did that, but I don’t recommend it. Kneeling behind vehicles that are running can be hazardous to the health, and not just because of what you’re inhaling.
Back in the present, my naturopath was saying that he would like to do a series of chelation treatments, where an agent called EDTA, administered intravenously, would stir up the lead deep in the body, even in the bones and brain, bind to it, and carry it out through the various channels of elimination. He suggested 10 treatments. I elected to do them monthly: at $136 each, I wanted to spread the expense out over a year.
This summer, as I was approaching the end of the treatments, I got a random email from someone who reads my articles, saying that the Celtic sea salt I’m always touting is dangerously high in lead. So I asked him for his sources and did some checking of my own. I find that it’s very hard to nail things down. The main problem is that one brand’s analysis may only measure down to what is considered an “acceptable level” and another may calculate the exact content. So in a comparison of, for example, Celtic sea salt and Himalayan, the first measures in at < (less than) 0.0004% and the second at exactly 0.00001%. You simply can’t compare figures like that. It’s also hard to discern whether such information is just a scare tactic: marketing techniques of competing companies.
I talked it over with my naturopath. How crazy would this be if I was taking in lead as fast as he was taking it out? I’ve talked about how much salt I ingest, given my adrenal challenges: up to 4 teaspoons daily. I seriously need to know if I’m poisoning myself. The doctor suggested I go to my regular GP where I could get a urinalysis done without paying out of pocket. This would measure recent exposure—within the last couple of weeks. Given also that I take lots of iodine and a good dose of selenium daily, and that these two elements are known to keep most circulating heavy metals moving out of the body, I felt sure that any lead in the salt would show up clearly. Well, I did the test 19 days after a chelation treatment so there was lots of salt and water under the bridge in the meantime. And the results came back showing that I was safely below the reference range. So at present, I rest assured that there isn’t a problem with the salt I’m using.
Having now completed my 10 chelation treatments, the next step is to do a round of chelation as the provocation for yet another urinalysis. This will give a picture of lead at a much deeper level than the soft tissue provocation of a year ago and will show whether I still have lead in the bones and brain.
Guti: I want to see Neymar join Ronaldo at Real Madrid
by mingooland @ MingooLand
Mon Feb 12 16:51:30 PST 2018
The Brazilian is linked with a shock move to the Bernabeu, and the former Blancos midfielder would love to see him team up with the Portugal star Source: Goal
Let cattle do the seeding
by undefined @ Alberta Farmer ExpressAlberta Farmer Express
Tue Nov 29 12:52:18 PST 2016
Cattle can be managed to produce calves, beef and milk — but can they also be put to work reseeding pastures? As long as you’re not in a hurry, the answer is ‘yes,’ say producers who have managed beef cows and yearlings so they distribute legume seeds through their manure. There doesn’t appear to be […] Read more
The post Let cattle do the seeding appeared first on Alberta Farmer Express.
Get the latest performance data on canola varieties
by undefined @ Alberta Farmer ExpressAlberta Farmer Express
Tue Feb 06 11:05:59 PST 2018
Canola Performance Trials results for 2017 are now available in an online searchable database at the Canola Performance Trials website. Canola growers can use this online tool to finalize seed decisions for the coming growing season. The performance trials compare leading canola varieties in small-plot and field-scale trials. Results can be filtered by province, season […] Read more
The post Get the latest performance data on canola varieties appeared first on Alberta Farmer Express.
Total Wellness Cleanse Testimonials
by Yuri @ Natural Detox Diet and Cleansing | Total Wellness Cleanse
Fri Feb 15 22:00:03 PST 2013
I have just completed the 30-day Total Wellness Cleanse and the results have exceeded my expectations….. I lost 7 pounds, and am now at a very comfortable weight that I have been struggling to reach for almost 2 years – and this time I didn’t struggle at all! I also lost an inch around my [...]
Organic is humane treatment of animals
by Anne Macey @ Organic Week
Wed Sep 23 20:44:00 PDT 2015
Price is a recurring theme in conversations about organic meat and eggs. I’m often asked – Why is organic meat is so expensive? Is the cheaper organic product being sold in some stores really organic? Why should I pay $6 or $7 a dozen for organic eggs? What are the benefits? The simple answers are […]
Soil organic freefall
by greg @ Country GuideCountry Guide
Wed Feb 07 08:20:16 PST 2018
For much of the past decade, provincial extension personnel, certified crop advisors (CCAs) and retailers have talked about declining soil organic matter levels in soils across Ontario. The trends towards intensive farming, shorter rotations, a decline in livestock farming and general practices that focus more on yield are some of the factors cited, together with […] Read more
The post Soil organic freefall appeared first on Country Guide.
Relationships: The Importance of Positive Talk
by admin @ Guided Synergy
Thu Apr 28 15:38:49 PDT 2016
Focus on making things better. “You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist.” —Indira Gandhi Often, when there are struggles in a relationship, we spend a lot of time talking about what is wrong or … Continue reading
Guide Health: Rushing to get to the bathroom
by greg @ Country GuideCountry Guide
Fri Feb 09 09:02:59 PST 2018
If you rush to the bathroom, but don’t quite make it, you are not alone. About 3.3 million Canadians experience some degree of incontinence, although even this is only an estimate because many people don’t admit to incontinence or just accept it as a normal part of aging. The two most common types of incontinence […] Read more
The post Guide Health: Rushing to get to the bathroom appeared first on Country Guide.
Healing Leaky Gut Syndrome With Probiotics
by NOVA Probiotics @ NOVA Probiotics
Thu Oct 30 13:04:03 PDT 2014
The intestinal lining is responsible for this common gastrointestinal disorder. Leaky Gut happens when the intestinal lining is more porous than normal, when large spaces appear in the gut wall allowing substances to leak out of the gut and into the blood stream. In such cases, substances like bacteria, fungi, parasites and partially digested molecules might dissipate through...
The post Healing Leaky Gut Syndrome With Probiotics appeared first on NOVA Probiotics.

Oscie L. Riddles
JAN 4, 1984 - RIDDLES Oscie L. age 78 of OKC, passed away Dec. 30 at her home, after a short illness. She was a member of the Eastern Star, a resident of OKC nearly 60 years. Survived by 1 son, Orville J. Riddles of Pearland, TX;7 brothers, Earl Blackwell of Benton, AR; Gene of Hamilton, GA; C.T. of Wetaskiwin, Alberta CA; Leon of Jay, OK; James of Pueblo, CO; Kenneth of ElDorado, KS; and Robert of Coos Bay, OR; 2 sisters, Urilla Ramsey of Boone, CO; and Margaret Phegley of Westwego, LA; 3 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren. Funeral services Tuesday, 10am at Hunter Memory Chapel, with burial in Resthaven Memory Gardens. Under the direction of Hunter Funeral Home.
Vaccines made simple(r) — basics you need to know
by undefined @ Alberta Farmer ExpressAlberta Farmer Express
Wed Feb 07 09:12:20 PST 2018
We have all been there — it’s the day before preg check, you need to get your vaccine order in, and you just can’t seem to remember what you gave the girls last year. Was it the one in the turquoise box? The white box? It was the yellow box, that’s it! You put a […] Read more
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Semence dans le Comté Alberta
Semence dans le Comté Alberta, entreprises de Semence dans le Comté Alberta
Loose housing improvement for sows wins Aherne prize
by undefined @ Alberta Farmer ExpressAlberta Farmer Express
Thu Feb 08 13:28:23 PST 2018
An isolation crate developed for an Alberta sow farm is one of two winners of this year’s F. X. Aherne Prize for Innovative Pork Production. The prize, named in honour of the late Frank Aherne, a professor of swine nutrition at the University of Alberta, is awarded for innovative solutions to production challenges. Sunterra Farms […] Read more
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Why You Should Choose Transitional Organic
by Darcy Smith @ Organic Week
Fri Sep 16 07:38:49 PDT 2016
If you’re reading this, certified organic food likely makes its way onto your table regularly, so you don’t need us to tell you how great it is for people and the planet (it really is!). You probably don’t need us to tell you that certified organic farmers meet strict regulations to ensure their veggies are, […]
5 Tips To Meal Prep Like A Pro
by Mandy King, CNP, Holistic Nutritionist @ Genuine Health
Tue Jan 02 08:44:09 PST 2018
With the New Year in full swing, it’s the perfect time to implement some new, healthy habits. Rather than jump […]
The post 5 Tips To Meal Prep Like A Pro appeared first on Genuine Health.
32: The Faith Factor
by (Nancy Christenson) @ Here’s to Your Health
Sun Aug 12 10:58:00 PDT 2012
Over the years I’ve found many things that have helped my health. Our bodies are all a little different, so what helps me might not help you. But then again, our bodies, generally speaking, are all made according to the same design, so what helps me very likely will help you—you might just need more or less of a certain nutrient than I do. We all seem to have our “weakest link”: under great duress, I might have anxiety, you might get an upset stomach or even an ulcer, and someone else might have a stiff, painful neck or a migraine headache. But we all need the same raw materials—various vitamins and elements—to fuel these high-performance machines that we call bodies.
However, there is another variable that may affect whether the same remedy benefits you as does me, and that is what I’ll call the faith factor. Every time I’ve found a new kind of health-help, it has been subsequent to asking God to help me with a particular problem, because that’s just the way I live. He tells me not to worry about anything, but just to bring all my concerns to Him. So I do. Of course, you might say I can’t prove that this had anything to do with an effective answer coming my way. But I’m not trying to prove anything. I’m just saying: it works for me.
I remember how 20 years ago, as I was heading into a nervous breakdown, I was unable to sleep most nights. The awful fatigue that resulted made it so difficult to deal with four small children. One night as I lay awake, still sleepless at three o’clock in the morning, the Lord spoke distinctly to my heart: “Nance, you need calcium.” I went and bought some the next day and I’ve hardly ever been without it since. If for some reason I go without calcium for a few days, I once again have difficulty sleeping. (I have since discovered, first hand, that there are other reasons for insomnia as well.)
My very first article (see my blog) tells how God led me to iodine, ever since which I’ve been telling everyone about our need for this vital nutrient. Iodine has changed my life, very much for the better. But there is this other factor: when I first bought iodine and took the first dose, I also asked God to bless it to my body. Who can ever say how much this prayer contributed to the miraculous improvement that iodine has worked in my body?
When my adrenals crashed a year ago, I did not ask God to heal them. This was quite conscious; quite deliberate. I could see that the way I was used to running my life was out of control and that some things needed to change. If God had miraculously healed my adrenals, I probably would have just jumped right back into the fray in all the ways with which I was familiar. I knew that I had some things to learn, and that I was only going to really learn them if it was a long, slow road. A miracle is great, but sometimes it’s not the best thing, because we’re less likely to retain the lessons that come hand in hand with the trial. The other good thing about the long, slow road to natural healing (as compared to a miracle) is that we have many useful things to share with other people about our journey after we reach a particular milestone.
A few months ago, I felt that it was time to begin praying for the restoration of my adrenals. So on the days when I spend a bit of serious time in prayer, I often think to reach around behind and place both hands above my waist in the general location of my adrenals. And then I say, “I speak restoration and wholeness to these adrenal glands in the name of Jesus.” I then might do the same thing to my thyroid gland and also address my entire endocrine system, and then my body in general. “Be not wise in your own eyes,” say the Scriptures. “Fear the Lord and depart from evil, and it shall be health to all your body and strength to your bones.” So I sometimes declare “health to all my body and strength to my bones.”
The neat thing is—even if you are not a believer, you can do this. God is kind to all, even to the “ungrateful and wicked,” according to Jesus, so not a single one of us is disqualified. “I will never turn anyone away who comes to me,” He said. So ask Him for wisdom, direction, and healing. The “faith factor” may be the thing that makes the difference.
Health Is Wealth
by admin @ Guided Synergy
Thu Apr 28 15:41:04 PDT 2016
Why workplace wellness matters. It’s estimated that in our lifetime we’ll spend about 90,000 hours at work. For some of us, that adds up to about 50 percent of our waking hours. It’s no wonder … Continue reading
42: Xcellent Xylitol
by (Nancy Christenson) @ Here’s to Your Health
Wed Nov 28 20:29:00 PST 2012
A little while back, I wrote an article (Blog #34) about the devastating effects of eating a dessert and how I was several weeks getting over it. Shortly after that, I happened to read about a new kind of sweetener, coconut palm sugar, made from the nectar of the tree flowers.
Further reading revealed that this kind of sugar, named xylitol, was discovered at about the same time by both French and German chemists, late in the 1800s, and became popular throughout Europe as a safe sweetener for diabetics. During World War II when sugar was in short supply, xylitol became a popular substitute.
What we now know about this sugar is that it has a very low glycemic index (GI). If you haven’t heard of GI before, Wikipedia explains it as “a measure of how quickly blood sugar levels rise after eating a particular type of food, … relative to consumption of pure glucose. Glucose has a glycemic index of 100.” The GI of sugar ranges from about 60 to 70; xylitol is 7 to 13.
As you look into GI information, you will find much discussion on the difference between “glycemic index” and “glycemic load.” However, for my purposes in this article, and in my kitchen where I have longed for a real and healthy alternative to sugar, I am concerned only with substituting the one straight across for the other, so GI is all that matters. Xylitol has the same sweetness as sugar, so it is used in the same amounts in recipes. With Thanksgiving coming up, I was looking forward to trying it in my pumpkin pie recipe, hoping that maybe I could indulge a little along with my family, without suffering a debilitating crash.
Well, I mixed up my pastry, which I make with half whole wheat flour and half unbleached white, using butter as shortening because I refuse to have “may-be-hydrogenated pig fat” in my home. And into the shell I poured the spicy blend of pumpkin et al. And was that pie ever good! I carefully limited myself to a half-serving and braced myself for the fall. But it never came.
The next afternoon I phoned Greg, who was already on the road again, and told him that in spite of the pie, I was feeling really good. In fact, I said, I felt better than usual.
“So what do you think?” he asked.
And I replied, “I think God is telling me I need to eat more pumpkin pie.”
He was quick to concur. He knows that if I am to eat more pie, I have to make more pie, which means that he will get more pie.
The xylitol I bought was, as I mentioned, made from the coconut tree. It’s rather coarse, and brown in colour, so best suits recipes calling for brown sugar. But now I found a white xylitol, made from birch trees. And when Greg next came home from his project in Vernon, with a box of huge apples from his client, I made the first apple pie that our household has seen in over 15 years. Hubby was ecstatic. He thought it was the best apple pie he’d ever eaten. And I ate lots, with no ill effects.
There are other sources for xylitol being investigated, including corn, but these might best be avoided, due to the GMO question. Coconut as a source is considered to be the most sustainable, being harvested from the flowers. Birch, on the other hand, must be cut down to extract the sugar, so responsible management here is really important. But a great asset of the birch product is that it has the most significant dental benefits of all the xylitols.
Yes, according to Wikipedia, with xylitol in general, “recent research confirms a plaque-reducing effect and suggests the compound, having some chemical properties similar to sucrose, attracts and then “starves” harmful micro-organisms, allowing the mouth to re-mineralize damaged teeth …. (However, this same effect also interferes with yeast micro-organisms and others, so xylitol is inappropriate for making yeast-based bread.)”
At is this information: “Use of xylitol raises the pH of saliva in the mouth. When pH is above 7, calcium and phosphate salts in saliva start to precipitate into those parts of enamel where they are lacking. For this reason, use of xylitol has demonstrated not only a dramatic reduction in new tooth decay, it also has shown the arrest and even some reversal of existing dental caries."
Bring on the pie!
An addendum, July 4, 2013: Subsequent, to my publishing the article above, a vet friend wrote to tell me that Xylitol will kill a dog, in fairly small amounts. I googled a bit about it and put those thoughts on hold for a while. Recently I looked into it a little more and I decided I don’t want to use this sweetener anymore. It’s an alarmingly complex process, “refining” this “sugar” from birch and coconut trees, and there are reasons to be wary of using this product. Here is the article that set me back on my heels:
Please read it and make your own decision.
Predator compensation benefits all of society
by undefined @ Alberta Farmer ExpressAlberta Farmer Express
Mon Feb 05 11:02:25 PST 2018
Ranchers play a key role in conservation by keeping their lands available to wildlife, and it’s important that they be compensated for those losses, says a new study “Our paper makes a case that there are benefits… if those ranchers who have depredation programs see some compensation for wildlife to be on their private lands,” […] Read more
The post Predator compensation benefits all of society appeared first on Alberta Farmer Express.
39: Don’t Put It on Your Skin – Part I
by (Nancy Christenson) @ Here’s to Your Health
Thu Nov 08 19:27:00 PST 2012
If you wouldn’t eat it, don’t put it on your skin. This is an adage I’m learning to live by. Ever since I began to use bio-identical hormones, I’ve rethought what I use on the outside of me. Some of the hormones I take are applied transdermally (via cream on the skin), and it’s made me realize that a lot of what I put on the outside ends up on the inside. That’s a pretty scary thought when you look at the list of chemicals on some of the cosmetics, skin creams, and shampoos on the shelf. And I don’t care if you bought it for two dollars at Walmart or forty at a spa, if you can’t pronounce the ingredients or you don’t know what they are, don’t put it on your skin.
I was recently at a dermatologist to whom I’d been referred after breaking out in strange lesions on the side of my face, back in early June. By the time I’d seen three doctors and waited to see a specialist, it had all but disappeared, thanks to my trusty iodine (Lugol’s Solution) and, due to a timely tip from an acquaintance, frankincense oil. Still, I kept the dermatologist appointment because I had four or five other spots that I’ve wondered about and this was a golden opportunity to lay my mind to rest about them. The doctor, after looking me over quickly and thoroughly, assured me there was nothing of concern. She fried two of the spots with her liquid nitrogen. Then she said brusquely, “Remember, protection is key,” and handed me a sample of SPF 30 sunscreen before bustling out of the room.
Although I’d smiled and nodded at her counsel, I left the sample sitting on her desk. Call me crazy, but I just can’t bring myself to put that stuff on my skin. I’ll call you crazy as you slather it on. Okay, on the rare occasion that my husband and I have found ourselves on a tropical beach somewhere, I have made an exception to extend the tolerance to sun and surf. But generally I cover up with light clothing when I think I’ve had enough sun and I spray with colloidal silver when I’ve had too much. It’s a terrific healing balm for a sun-burn.
In all likelihood, we will eventually discover that skin cancer is rooted in nutritional deficiencies. My guess is that Vitamin D is a big player here, along with generous amounts of other antioxidants, via food or supplements. Enter Lugol’s solution, again.
So what do I do for skin care? I’ve always been a fan of glycerin and rosewater because that’s what my mother used. Tritles, it was called. A pretty, clear pink lotion in a hand-pump bottle or white frothy cream in a jar. I was so disappointed when they stopped manufacturing it fifteen or twenty years ago, as this was my staple for hand and body cream. But now I realize anyway that the nice pink colour was probably not a good thing and that what made the white cream so frothy was probably sodium laurel sulphate.
Regarding facial care, for thirty years I was a faithful customer of a well-known multi-level skin-care and cosmetic company. More recently I have seen these products sized up on a site that rates personal care products for safety health-wise. I have since stopped using all that stuff too.
This is where I stand today. I buy organic vegetable glycerin from one website and organic Bulgarian rosewater from another. I mix them 50/50 and put the clear mixture in a glass spray bottle. It’s terrific for face, hand, and body moisturizer, and a smaller spray bottle carries handily in purse (or shaving kit, in my husband’s case). One is perfectly assured of its safety on the skin, because both of the ingredients are safe to eat. In fact, the rosewater comes with a little pamphlet that includes a couple of recipes for using it in exotic desserts.
I wash my face (and body) with good old Ivory soap or glycerin-based Pears. After rinsing thoroughly, I spray with colloidal silver, in place of a mild astringent or skin freshener. Then I spray lightly with my glycerin and rosewater mix and gently rub it in. Finally I smooth on some coconut oil that has a bit of frankincense essential oil mixed in. I’m trying to find Vitamins A, E, and D in a pure oil form to add in, as these are all very good for the skin. I may eventually make this skincare “set” available at the Farmers’ Market; then if customers would like, I can tell them how to source and mix the ingredients themselves.
5 Ways to Make Resolutions That Actually Stick
by Dr. Katherine Kremblewski ND @ Genuine Health
Wed Dec 27 01:00:16 PST 2017
“I’ll start tomorrow.” Sound familiar? Whether you’re talking about a new year’s resolution, a new workout routine, a new diet […]
The post 5 Ways to Make Resolutions That Actually Stick appeared first on Genuine Health.
Online vs. PC
by miclew @ FitDay Discussion Boards
Thu Jan 18 08:18:56 PST 2018
Is the nutrition database more up to date in the online version than the PC version?
NOVA Probiotics, Now Available In 7 Pure Integrative Pharmacy Locations In Vancouver.
by NOVA Probiotics @ NOVA Probiotics
Thu Aug 07 19:37:34 PDT 2014
Across Greater Vancouver and Victoria, Pure Integrative Pharmacy is probably the best place to find your prescription drugs, vitamins and supplements, your favorite personal care products and last, but not least, to get good advice from highly qualified employees working there. Like the founder and owner, Bob Mehr, said few weeks ago in...
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by cincfam1 @ Diabetes Daily
Mon Feb 12 15:13:02 PST 2018
I have had Type II diabetes since 1996. Until recently, my A1C has been all over the place. I am on Metformin only. 26 weeks ago my PCP recommended I...
52: Iodophobia — Part II
by (Nancy Christenson) @ Here’s to Your Health
Sun May 05 15:56:00 PDT 2013
One day I went into Value Drug Mart in Wetaskiwin, one of two places in town that have begun to carry Lugol’s Solution since my writings created a demand for the product. A question about iodine had come to me from a reader, and I wanted some professional input. In the course of my chat with the pharmacist, he gave me a “Material Safety Data Sheet” from a company that manufactures Lugol’s iodine.
As I read it over, it was interesting to see how this information reflected and fed the current medical “iodophobia,” the fear of iodine. The first thing that leapt off the page at me was this statement: “The substance is toxic to thyroid.” This is one of the “Potential Chronic Health Effects.” How bizarre this statement is in the light of the marvellous track record of this iodine solution in resolving thyroid issues (see previous article). It’s bizarre, too, when I consider my own case: Four years ago, my hormone doctor wanted to put me on thyroid medication, as my blood work indicated that I was “hypo.” After stalling her off for six months, prayer and intuition led me to Lugol’s as a solution for anxiety (see Blog #1), and in the process, my thyroid issues righted themselves. Recent blood work indicates that all is still well in that department, even as I continue on with a dose that is 240 times the recommended daily allowance.
Back to the Data Sheet: the Health Effects information indicates also, “Chronic ingestion of iodides may produce ‘iodism,’ which may be manifested by skin rash, running nose, headache and irritation of the mucous membranes.” I am personally familiar with these side effects; however, they are not properly iodism but bromism. Generous doses of iodine (a vital nutrient) displace bromine (a nasty toxin in our air, water, and food supplies) and cause these symptoms, as well as others, as the kidneys struggle to clear the overload. A simple salt cleanse (see Blog #21) will quickly relieve the overload along with the symptoms.
The information sheet continues: DEVELOPMENTAL TOXICITY: Classified Reproductive system/toxin/female, Development toxin [POSSIBLE].
That’s strange. Reams of evidence show that iodine is crucial for reproductive health in both men and women. Iodine deficiency is one of the causes of infertility and miscarriage; and iodine deficiency in birth mothers is the single greatest cause of mental retardation in children, worldwide, so says the World Health Organization. Two women have reported to me personally that, since taking Lugol’s, they have had complete (and medically verified) resolution of fibrocystic breast disease, a precursor of breast cancer. And Lugol’s seems to have cured my own daughter from debilitating dysmenorrhoea and suspected polycystic ovary syndrome.
The data sheet warns, too, that Lugol’s is “slightly hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant, permeator, may cause burns).” Yes, it surely permeates, quickly and deeply. This is a very good thing when you want to treat a wound. I have also treated many skin lesions with Lugol’s. Damaged skin tends to stain much more than normal skin, and even as I have treated spots for days, weeks, and sometimes months on end, I’ve never had a problem with the normal skin around the lesion becoming irritated. My conclusion is that Lugol’s can be hazardous—to abnormal skin.
There is some evidence that people who have managed for years on an iodine deficient diet, once moving to an iodine-rich area, have then developed hypothyroidism. This observation has led to the conclusion that sometimes iodine can cause thyroid malfunction.
I have two thoughts here: One is that when the body suddenly gets sufficient iodine and yet still is deficient in selenium (which is crucial for the conversion of T4 to T3), the body is thrown off the balance it has managed to maintain.
The other idea seems even more plausible: These studies involved foreigners moving to the U.S., which in the studies is categorized as “iodine-rich,” because of iodized salt. However, the tiny amount in salt, and poor form as it is, is not much help. At the same time, the U.S. is the most goitrogen-toxic country in the world. The human system is bombarded with chlorine, bromine, and fluoride at every turn, all of which blast our tiny reserves of iodine into oblivion.
Iodine is so necessary for so many functions in the body. It falls to us to think for ourselves, to recognize that there are pharmaceutical interests that have reason to poison the reputation of this wonderful nutrient. Drs. Guy Abraham and David Brownstein say, “The toxicity of iodine depends on the forms of this element. ... The manmade organic forms of iodine are extremely toxic, whereas the inorganic non-radioactive forms [of which Lugol’s is one] are extremely safe. ... It can be ingested safely in amounts up to 100,000 times the RDA.”
44: Unnatural Natural Flavours
by (Nancy Christenson) @ Here’s to Your Health
Sat Dec 15 04:14:00 PST 2012
Living a week or two at a time out in Vernon, BC, so that my husband can enjoy a home-cooked meal when he comes home from his jobsite in the evening, I have taken up intermittent residence in a motel kitchenette. In contrast to our country home in Alberta, where I am 25 kilometres from the nearest grocery store, here I am less than 200 metres from Save-On Foods. Instead of shopping once in two weeks, I take a jaunt across the main drag once or twice a day. If I find I’ve forgotten something, I can literally be there and back and have my boots untied and pulled off, all in five minutes.
I was over there the other day looking for some good fruit juice. “Good” fruit juice, in my books, means that (besides, of course, having no added sugar) it has no “natural flavour.” For years, I was like most of the reasonably health-conscious populace: I would see that ingredient on any product and say, “Cool—it’s natural.” And I would buy it.
Then something I read one day made me suspicious, and I phoned the 1-800 number at SunRype to ask some questions about exactly what these natural flavours comprise. I came away unsure exactly what it all meant. The story was that, because fruits vary in flavour from crop to crop and because their customers “expect a uniform flavour experience,” they might add a little of this or that kind of different fruit juice to tweak the flavour. Well, I’m sure that’s true with some juices, because I have seen ingredient lists that, after the main juice or juices, will say, “May also contain juice of (this, that, or the other).
But I had heard that because MSG is derived from natural sources (seaweed), it qualifies as a “natural” flavour. When I put this question to the Sunrype girl, she said, “Everybody asks that. No, there’s no MSG in our juices.” She asked me for my address, saying that she would be sending me some coupons for their juices to thank me for my interest in their products. However, I had already decided that I wouldn’t be buying that brand anymore until I could learn something more conclusive. Since then, I have simply stayed away from any juices that mention natural flavour, but they are getting harder and harder to find.
Back in Vernon at the Save-On Foods, there I am cruising down this whole long aisle of juices, and I can’t find a single one without this dubious enhancement—until I come to the brand I usually buy now: Oasis. Even with this company though, you must check the ingredient list, because only four or five of their varieties (as far as I’ve seen) are pure in this sense. So I chose a carton of “Exotic Mango” and came back to our little motel room to peruse awhile on Google.
In a nutshell, there are two kinds of food flavourings: natural and artificial, and they are both produced by the same elite chemical companies. Artificial flavours are combinations of chemicals, mixed randomly until a “flavourist” finds a promising taste, a mix that gives the desired “sensory impression.” These chemicals are procured by “fractional distillation and additional chemical manipulation of naturally sourced chemicals, crude oil, or coal tar.”
What a turn-off for any thinking consumer! The word artificial is bad enough; look a little closer and you’d never want to buy it. And so enters the “natural flavour” industry. Drawing from natural, edible substances (according to US regulations, “from a spice, fruit, … vegetable, … yeast, herb, bark, bud, root, leaf …, meat, seafood, poultry, eggs, dairy products”), chemical components are isolated by “physical, microbiological or enzymatic processes” and then once again the flavourist goes to work mixing his chemical concoctions. The longer process costs the companies a little more, but the resultant flavours can be called natural because the original source of their ingredients is a natural product. (Quotes from Wikipedia)
The pasteurizing and storing of juices destroys their flavour. “Juice companies therefore hire flavor and fragrance companies, the same ones that formulate perfumes for Dior and Calvin Klein, to engineer flavor packs to add back to the juice to make it taste fresh. ... Those in the industry will tell you that the flavor packs ... resemble nothing found in nature. The packs added to juice earmarked for the North American market tend to contain high amounts of ethyl butyrate, a chemical in the fragrance of fresh squeezed orange juice that, juice companies have discovered, Americans favor” (ttp:// Yet the FDA has no problem with this fraud because the chemical components were originally extracted from an orange.
Have you any idea about diabetes type 2?
by NisaReis @ FitDay Discussion Boards
Thu Jan 25 02:37:47 PST 2018
My father is suffering from diabetes till 5 years. He doesn't avoid junk foods and sweets. Only does morning walk. He doesn’t agree to do exercise....
Insulin Resistance
by BenD @ Diabetes Daily
Mon Feb 12 09:00:41 PST 2018
Hi all, I'm at a crossroad here and would like your 2 cents regarding two schools of thought regarding diabetes including causes, etc. I've...
50: A Good Time for the Great Taste
by (Nancy Christenson) @ Here’s to Your Health
Tue Feb 19 20:39:00 PST 2013
This week’s story is about a trip to McDonald’s. Now Mickey D’s is not known for contributing to our good health. But laughter is a great tonic, and when I re-read this old story, I got a good chuckle.
Personally I haven’t eaten anything from McDonald’s in about 14 years, ever since an overdose of MSG turned me into a shrieking banshee inside of 15 minutes. My four kids had the misfortune of being in the vehicle with me at the time.
But this other incident goes back a full 25 years, to when I still considered the Golden Arches to be a treat. At least it meant I didn’t have to cook. Are you old enough to remember when that jingle played on the radio? “You deserve a break today / So get out and get away / To McDonald’s / We do it all for you!" And then the tag: "A good time for the great taste of McDonald's!"
Here is the story, from February 1988:
It was a Saturday, sunny and cold. The mercury had settled out around minus 30º C. The air was clear, shimmery and sparkly as diamonds. We were headed for town as a family to do a much-needed grocery shopping.
It was one of those grim times in the life of the self-employed when Payables and Receivables were competing to see which could go higher without crashing; a time when Cash Flow was just a technical term in an accounting textbook. A cheque had come from somewhere, which we’d been able to cash personally, and I had also rummaged through all the coat pockets for any forgotten jingles.
The plan was to head for town by 9:30 or 10:00, get the shopping done, and be home in time for lunch. Heaven knows we couldn’t afford to eat out. But plans are one thing; execution another. The truck refused to start on this cold morning. It required an hour and a half of propane torches, stovepipes, methyl hydrate and so forth before we were finally rolling.
But finally, rolling we were: my husband, our sons (Ben, a long three, and Lindsay, not quite two), and I, eight months pregnant with our third. As we passed by McDonald’s, I noticed that Big Macs were on sale, two for the price of one.
“Hey,” said I, struck with my first great idea of the day, “let’s go to McDonald’s after we get the groceries.” I immediately had three agreeing votes. Our boys have understood about McDonald’s since almost before they understood anything else. Ben, long before he could talk, used to go all stiff and start to scream whenever we passed by there without turning in.
When I came out of Safeway, I had a second great idea. “Hey,” I said, “generic apple juice was only 79 cents a litre. Let’s just go through the Drive-Thru, get our burgers and a straw, and we’ll have our whole lunch for less than five bucks.”
Within minutes we were parked in the lot, unwrapping our burgers, passing our litre of juice back and forth. We had moved the boys from the back of the super-cab to sit between us. My husband, in anticipation of selling his truck, had just spent 80 precious dollars having the interior professionally cleaned. I wanted these burgers to stay under control.
It was a little cramped, elbow to elbow, four abreast, not to mention my soon-to-be-born baby resting awkwardly in my lap, but things went pretty smoothly for a couple of minutes. Then Lindsay started to squeal in frustration. As he had worked industriously at the front of his Big Mac, the meat patties had slid out the back. Now they lay on the floor in a little puddle of Super Sauce, the object of my little boy’s rage.
Deftly I scooped them up, got the whole kit re-assembled, and handed it back. With my clean hand, I groped for some of those extra napkins we had asked for.
I returned to my rapidly cooling McChicken, carefully fielding plummeting globules of mayo and wilting lettuce onto the napkin draped over my protruding stomach. Suddenly, for reasons known only to him, Lindsay squirmed sideways and reached for my clean coat with both greasy hands, one of which still clung to his half-eaten burger. I quickly pinned both wrists in one hand, grabbing for more napkins with the other. Meanwhile, Ben suddenly stood up and turned around to see something that was going on behind us. He was hastily straightened out by his father but not before leaving little mustard and ketchup tracks on the plush velour seat-back.
At once I realized I had broken out in a sweat. Excuse me, ladies: bloom. Little drops of bloom were springing out on my forehead below the edge of my wool hat. How could it be so hot in here when it was minus 30º outside the truck? Was it a rush of hormones brought on by Baby Number Three, in utero, or a direct influence from Numbers One and Two? It seemed there wasn’t enough oxygen in the truck for all of us. I fumbled frenetically at the window release and stuck my face out into the delicious bracing chill. As my head cleared, I became aware of Lindsay again, leaning way forward, intently working at something under the dash. I leaned down, too, to have a look. He was inserting the remaining half of his Big Mac into the tape deck.
It was then that I had my third and best idea of the day. “Let’s get out of here,” I said. As we mopped up and drove away, I pondered to myself just what would have happened if he had succeeded in pushing that burger all the way into the stereo set. As quickly as I asked the question, I knew the answer: it would have played “You Deserve a Break Today.”
Visit Nancy's Life Lessons blog:
Sconto 0.2 mg Flomax Generico BitCoin è disponibile
by ไพริน ฤาพันธ์ @ EasyGolf
Mon Feb 12 17:35:23 PST 2018
Sconto 0.2 mg Flomax Generico Generico Flomax Dove trovare generico Flomax senza ricetta. Flomax Generico è usato nel trattamento dei disturbi della prostata ingrossata (iperplasia prostatica benigna, BPH). Valutazione 4.6 sulla base di 84 voti. Prezzo da €0.7 Per pillola Use this link to Order Generic Flomax (Tamsulosin) NOW! Flomax femenina venta farmaciabasso costo Flomax […]
Probiotics for Healthy Skin
by NOVA Probiotics @ NOVA Probiotics
Mon Jan 19 10:40:02 PST 2015
Get a clear complexion with probiotics! Eczema is an inflammatory skin disorder, it appears by forming blisters of crust like chunks or patch-like scaly rashes that itch. Thickened and dry or red skin, scaling, and blisters are among the common symptoms. There is no cure yet, but luckily, symptoms come and go. Probiotics can help reduce...
The post Probiotics for Healthy Skin appeared first on NOVA Probiotics.
Wetaskiwin Mountie beaten by suspect at area grocery store
A Wetaskiwin RCMP officer was beaten and had his pistol taken from him as he was trying to apprehend a fleeing suspect at an area grocery store Thursday evening.

Rain, rain, come again - Alberta Farmer Express
Alberta Farmer Express
Hot, sunny weather around the province through much of July made for ideal BBQ and beach weather — but bordered on too much of a good thing for some Albert
43: The Last Post
by (Nancy Christenson) @ Here’s to Your Health
Wed Dec 12 20:31:00 PST 2012
The last time I sent out an email announcing a new blog post, I included a little slice-of-life kind of story that I called "The Last Post." So many people wrote to comment on it that I thought I should put it in the blog where others could enjoy it too, instead of deleting it from my "Sent" file and exiling it into outer cyber darkness forever.
But as I considered adding it to the blog, I had to take into account that this site is now visited by guests from over 60 countries, most of whom would have no idea of what I was talking about. So here is a little glossary up front:
Remembrance Day: On the 11th of November every year, countries in the Commonwealth observe the time when hostilities in World War I officially ended in 1919: at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month. We honour members of the armed forces who have died in the line of duty, then, and since then.
The Last Post: This is a melody usually played as a trumpet solo right at 11:00 a.m. A minute of silence follows, and is then broken by the trumpet playing Reveille (translated "wake up"). Wikipedia says, "The two tunes symbolize sunset and sunrise respectively, and therefore, death and resurrection."
The Poppy: Every year at the beginning of November, artificial poppies are made available to wear as a sign of respect and appreciation for our vets. In Canada, monies donated for these little emblems amount to $16.5 million annually. All poppy money collected by a Legion branch stays within that local community and pays for medical equipment, home services, and long-term care facilities for ex-service people in need of financial assistance.
The poppy became a symbol of remembrance through a poem by John McCrae, a Canadian poet, physician, author, artist and soldier. The poem, In Flanders Fields, was inspired through the loss of a dear friend in battle. McCrae himself, in charge of a field hospital, succumbed to pneumonia in 1918 at the age of 45.
When I was in grade school, I and my fellows students were required to memorize the poem. It's amazing how easily it still springs from the memory:
In Flanders Fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses row on row
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scare heard amid the guns below.
We are the dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders Fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders Fields.
With this rather lengthy intro, here is the story I sent out with my last email:
The Last Post
Greg and I jump out of bed at 5:45 in our motel room. He is hustling to meet his crew for breakfast; I need to fix the first meal of my day and then go back to bed for a couple of hours. The room is a little chilly, so I slip on my cosy, short grey robe. My youngest helped me pick it out at La Senza. It’s probably a couple of decades to young for me with its double row of sassy ruffles around the bottom, but I like it.
Below the ruffle hangs the hot pink print of my nightie. My legs are still bare, so I rummage in Greg’s dresser for his pyjama pants, a subtle blue-and-grey plaid flannelette. I pull them on and bunch the ample waistline up in the front, securing it with a ponytail elastic. Socks, black, to keep my feet from getting cold.
I’m still not warm enough, so I add my go-everywhere black fleece vest with the fake leather shoulders and collar. The plunging neck of the robe is letting in the draft, so I grab the scarf I was wearing yesterday, a bold block plaid of black, rust, and grey, and I sling it around my neck. Shortly thereafter I catch a reflection of myself in the full-length mirror. I’m quite a sight.
“Hey,” I say to Greg, “how do you like my look this morning?”
He pauses in his hurried morning routine and gazes at me for several long seconds. “Stunning,” he says.
Stunning. I guess that would explain the stunned look on his face.
“Halloween is over,” he adds.
“I know,” I tell him, “and so is Remembrance Day, but I still have my poppy.” I lift the collar of my vest to show him the brilliant splash of red.
I got the poppy at the Edmonton Airport just before catching the plane to Vernon. It was Armistice Day and somehow I had thus far missed picking up one of the little fake flowers with the deeply emotional symbolism. I inquired of a group, each of whom was wearing a poppy, and they directed me to where they’d got theirs. Soon I had mine pinned to my vest.
As I checked through security, I heard bagpipes coming from somewhere. I thought it was live at first, and my flesh rose in goose-bumps and tears started in my eyes, as always happens to me at this time of remembrance. I soon realized that the sound was coming from a large flat screen TV in a sports bar/restaurant.
I was sitting at my gate when I heard an airline personnel tell a passenger that there had been a gate change for the flight. I stood and gathered up my belongings to move along when suddenly the strains of the Last Post floated through the airport. I checked my watch. Eleven o’clock. I closed my eyes and bowed my head and waited while the trumpet sounded its mournful solo.
Give them a moment of remembrance; they gave us their lives.
But as I listened, I was aware of other sounds. A lot of other sounds. People chatting on cell phones, announcements over the PA, luggage wheels rolling on the hard floor. There didn’t seem to be another soul nearby who had paused for or even noticed the solemn salute. I was already sobered by the sacred moment; now I was saddened as well by the lack of attention it received. Perhaps most people now think that the Last Post only refers to the most recent blog entry.
Which brings me to mine.
It’s called Xcellent Xylitol, and it takes a look at this wonderful natural sweetener that I’ve just recently learned about. Check it out below.
PHOTOS: Scenes from FarmTech
by greg @ Alberta Farmer ExpressAlberta Farmer Express
Fri Feb 09 10:12:40 PST 2018
FarmTech may have wrapped up on January 31, but here’s a few things that took place and some faces we thought you might like to see.
The post PHOTOS: Scenes from FarmTech appeared first on Alberta Farmer Express.

Alberta election 2017: Wetaskiwin results
boom 99.7
A look at the results in Wetaskiwin for the 2017 municipal election.
Success Stories – Total Wellness Cleanse
by Yuri @ Natural Detox Diet and Cleansing | Total Wellness Cleanse
Wed May 29 05:44:12 PDT 2013
TWC has been a great addition to my New Years resolution….. TWC has been a great addition to my New Years resolution, along with Eating for Energy, that I made for this year. I enjoyed the program and learned a lot about the food I should be eating and how to prepare it. The bigger surprise was after [...]
45: Further on Fraudulent Flavours
by (Nancy Christenson) @ Here’s to Your Health
Sat Dec 15 04:26:00 PST 2012
The other night, shortly after I'd sent in “Unnatural Natural Flavours” to the newspaper, my son Ben brought up the subject. So I gave him the spiel of all I had just learned, namely, that chemical components are isolated from real foodstuffs and then mixed to come up with a taste that human senses interpret as appetizing. I gave the example of ethyl butyrate being used to flavour pasteurized orange juice, and that this chemical is extracted from the peel of oranges.
Ben said, “Well, then, if the flavour comes from real oranges ...” and I immediately saw that many people would skip to the same easy justification in their minds when confronted with artful promotional semantics.
So here is an analogy that I hope will put it into perspective. Let’s say we have a piece of writing by Shakespeare. It’s an original creation put together by an undisputed master. (An orange, also, is an original creation put together by a Master, however sometimes disputed.) Someone comes along and breaks that piece of poetry into a list of words, some of which he then breaks down further into a stockpile of letters. Then he uses those words and letters to put together some writing of his own. He may technically be a good writer, but what he writes will definitely not be Shakespeare. And supposing he chooses to write pornography, for instance, something vile, something unhealthy. And still he tries to insist that this is original Shakespeare, because all the raw components he used came directly from a creation of the bard himself.
But if you agree that what he has written must indeed be Shakespeare, then you might also say that the natural flavour added to fruit juice is natural.
In digging a little further on this subject, I stumbled upon a lot more disturbing stuff about orange juice, and juice in general. From comes the following information. “Once the juice is pressed from the fruit, it’s pasteurized.... Juice for concentrate is then heated in an evaporator that boils off much of its water but also burns away bitter oils from the orange peels, oils that can contain pesticides and degrade the juice’s taste. So-called ‘fresh’ juice, however, has to have those oils removed mechanically. It also has much of its oxygen stripped in a process called de-aeration. This is to prevent spoiling because the juice will spend up to a year in million-gallon vats before it’s packaged, sold and consumed.”
Does it say “filtered water” in the ingredients? “Under Canada’s Food and Drugs Act this can mean ... also water that contains fluoride or chlorine.”
Even if the product claims to contain only pure juice, “manufacturers can also add a variety of things ... including ... various kinds of sugar ... [and] preservative.” The article’s bottom line was to suggest that we simply buy whole oranges instead of juice.
But back to flavour fraud per se, did you ever hear about the scandal a couple of years ago when PepsiCo was accused of using aborted fetal matter in the flavouring process of their iconic soda? It caused several right-wing and pro-life groups in the US to boycott all Pepsi products.
It took some careful reading to figure out just what was hysteria and what was fact, but what I eventually found was that no such grisly ingredient was in the beverage itself. Stranger than fiction though, researchers had discovered that the kidney cells from a fetus will react to different flavours. They’ve learned to read the responses and can use them to predict what flavourings will achieve the “wow” factor with their consumers. These kidney cells all originated from one little fetus back in the ’70s, and new generations of these cells continue to be cultured in a lab.
The website of internationally recognized biotech company Senomyx (one of whose clients was PepsiCo) puts it like this: “Using isolated human taste receptors, we created proprietary taste receptor-based assay systems that provide a biochemical or electronic readout when a flavor ingredient interacts with the receptor.” They fail to tell the public where they get the cells to produce those receptors. Their process gives insight into how a flavourist figures out just what chemical combinations will “work” with their customers.
Last spring the boycott was lifted when PepsiCo changed their policy and declared that they would no longer “conduct or fund research that utilizes any human tissue or cell lines derived from embryos or fetuses.”
One of the boycott organizers, after expressing his appreciation for the new policy, added a personal comment: “I’m glad I can begin buying Tropicana Orange Juice, that was always my favorite!”
He probably enjoys the natural flavour.
Why I Eat Vegan and Organic
by Katrina Nerisse @ Organic Week
Fri Sep 25 03:00:58 PDT 2015
Knowing where your food comes from is a very important thing to consumers these days. Considering all the hype over Monsanto and non-labelled GMO’s, people are realizing that this is a big problem. People do not want mystery food, or unknown ingredients – they want natural, organic produce that they can trust and rely on. […]
Insulin Resistance
by BenD @ Diabetes Daily
Mon Feb 12 09:00:41 PST 2018
Hi all, I'm at a crossroad here and would like your 2 cents regarding two schools of thought regarding diabetes including causes, etc. I've...

Bachelorette Sandy: Wetaskiwin Girl Latest To Join The Bachelor Canada
HuffPost Canada
Bachelorette Sandy from Wetaskiwin is the latest Albertan to join the cast of The Bachelor Canada. Compared to some of the other ladies from across Canada revealed this week – there’s a strip club ser...
Adapt to the new world order, says Stephen Harper
by undefined @ Alberta Farmer ExpressAlberta Farmer Express
Mon Feb 12 09:40:34 PST 2018
He was enthusiastically welcomed as the prime minister who scrapped the wheat board, earning a standing ovation before the first word of his keynote address. But Stephen Harper had his eyes on an even bigger farm issue when he spoke to an enthusiastic crowd of nearly all of FarmTech’s 2,000 attendees. In a sweeping political […] Read more
The post Adapt to the new world order, says Stephen Harper appeared first on Alberta Farmer Express.
Have you any idea about diabetes type 2?
by NisaReis @ FitDay Discussion Boards
Thu Jan 25 02:37:47 PST 2018
My father is suffering from diabetes till 5 years. He doesn't avoid junk foods and sweets. Only does morning walk. He doesn’t agree to do exercise....
Canola subsidies lucrative in N.D.
by admin @ The Western ProducerThe Western Producer
Thu Feb 08 14:12:17 PST 2018
Canola growers in North Dakota don’t have to worry much about price. Since 2014, a U.S. Department of Agriculture program has guaranteed them a price of US$10.075 per bushel. That equates to C$12.60 per bu., assuming the loonie is valued at US80 cents. The price of canola in North Dakota was below $10.075 per bu. […] Read more
The post Canola subsidies lucrative in N.D. appeared first on The Western Producer.
Up-and-comers paired with leaders and innovators in the cattle industry
by undefined @ Alberta Farmer ExpressAlberta Farmer Express
Fri Feb 09 09:51:29 PST 2018
Albertans make up half of the mentees and 10 of the mentors in the 2017-18 edition of the Cattlemen’s Young Leaders program. The program, which started in 2010, pairs young producers between the ages of 18 and 35 with industry leaders for a year-long mentorship geared to their individual interests. Participants also have a $2,000 […] Read more
The post Up-and-comers paired with leaders and innovators in the cattle industry appeared first on Alberta Farmer Express.
Forget those dungeons and dragons games — you can now go farming
by undefined @ Alberta Farmer ExpressAlberta Farmer Express
Fri Jan 19 14:50:31 PST 2018
Not everyone is cut out to be a farmer, but thanks to a new game, anyone with a smartphone can get a taste of what it means to feed the world. “There’s definitely a disconnect between consumers and what happens on the farm, and I think people are curious,” said Lindsey Verhaeghe, a corporate social responsibility […] Read more
The post Forget those dungeons and dragons games — you can now go farming appeared first on Alberta Farmer Express.
Rain, rain, come again
by undefined @ Alberta Farmer ExpressRain, rain, come again – Alberta Farmer Express
Tue Aug 12 08:41:04 PDT 2014
Hot, sunny weather around the province through much of July made for ideal BBQ and beach weather — but bordered on too much of a good thing for some Alberta crops. With the exception of the fairly wet Lake Country, farmers around almost the entire province hoped for rain when the low-pressure system blew through […] Read more
The post Rain, rain, come again appeared first on Alberta Farmer Express.
Vacation Fast Food my ideas. Yours?
by dominickolas @ FitDay Discussion Boards
Mon Jan 15 11:17:38 PST 2018
Hello. In about 2 weeks I am going to go on vacation by car. I will have two whole days in the car, going and coming. I am traveling with family so I...
31: From My Readers — Part II
by (Nancy Christenson) @ Here’s to Your Health
Mon Aug 06 18:58:00 PDT 2012
A reader named Jo Anne has evidently had her life turned around by supplementing with iodine. She writes the following letter:
“I began taking iodine two years ago and, like you, I have been amazed at the improvements in my health. Iodine is [important] for the health of the connective tissue in the body. I can now climb stairs without leg pain; walk on the balls of my feet without pain. I can climb stairs without gasping for air at the top ..., because my lungs now expand big enough to take in the air I need.
“My flexibility has improved overall. I can reach down and wash my feet in the shower. Reaching my feet before was so stiff and painful, I would be in a sweat just to put on a pair of socks.
“I have been cold- and flu-free for two years [since beginning to use iodine]. Most people don’t realize that we [are supposed to] have a tiny bit of iodine in our saliva. It’s there to protect us from bacteria and viruses. It’s also there for the health of our teeth and gums. A common symptom of deficiency is catching every bug going around, [plus] dental cavities.
“I have had fibrocystic breast disease almost from the day I went into puberty. I was never told, all those years, that iodine was a standard/old-fashioned cure for this condition. There were days when my breasts were so tender and painful, I couldn’t stand to be hugged even gently. Three months after starting the iodine, I began to experience the feeling of needle-like pains in my breast; after a self-examination I found that all the lumps were gone. The pains only lasted two days, and I am still lump-free today.
“It turns out that mammary glands actually need more iodine than the thyroid does. Scientists know that fibrocystic breast disease is a precursor for breast cancer, so why aren’t more women being told about iodine? Could it be because the big drug companies can’t make money on it, because it already has a patent? [Iodine cannot be patented, as it is a naturally occurring element. —N.C.] It’s these companies that supply most of the research that our doctors are taught in school. The treatment of cancer is a billion-dollar industry, so no surprise that we never hear about iodine from our doctors.
“My eyesight has improved. I bought new glasses because the old ones were too strong. What a change! I usually have to get them made stronger. Iodine is an aid to the function of every gland in the body. Edgar Casey called it 'Oil for the Machine of the Glands.' My insulin resistance is gone. I’m no longer on a roller-coaster ride when it comes to my energy levels throughout the day.
“I can eat whatever I like; it makes little difference. It was a great Christmas present, last, when I got through the festivities eating squares, turkey, gravy, etc., and did not crash even once. I take three drops of Lugol’s iodine in a small glass of orange juice. The citric acid in the juice has a reaction with the iodine and makes it tasteless, colorless and odorless.
“It was accidentally running across a video on YouTube, “Iodine. Why We Need It and Why We Can’t Live Without It” by Dr. David Brownstein, that saved my life.”
* * * * * * *
Another reader, Leila, commented on my use of Lugol’s on suspicious-looking skin spots (#16: Scared About Skin Cancer):
“Hi, Nancy, I’m doing this too. I found decolorized iodine online—while it doesn't stain the skin, it does stain clothing, countertops, etc., plus it has alcohol in it which smells terrible, so I only use it in areas that show. I have/had several strange lumps and bumps on my back, so I got my husband to paint them every night and cover with a band-aid— sure enough, one dropped off after only a week! He's going to try it on his skin tags. I'm also using it on my scalp to combat psoriasis; seems to be working fairly well so far.”
* * * * * * *
About a month ago, I myself suddenly had four pinkish spots show up on the side of my face, the largest being half an inch across. Immediately I started applying Lugol’s. After two weeks, I figured that I’d better get a doctor’s opinion. Nothing to worry about, he said; a biopsy was not necessary. Well, what’s going on then that these spots sting like crazy when the iodine goes on? The integrity of the skin is obviously broken down. For now, I’ll apply Lugol’s twice a day, and I’m booking another appointment for a second opinion. I'll keep you posted.
40: Don’t Put It on Your Skin – Part II
by (Nancy Christenson) @ Here’s to Your Health
Sun Nov 11 03:16:00 PST 2012
A health regimen is a work in progress, continually evolving. It’s only two weeks ago that I first wrote about skin care, and now I’ve already changed my mind. (It’s a prerogative of my gender.) I said that I washed my face with Pears soap or good old Ivory. But it seems that Pears, the lovely clear amber bar whose packaging boasts that it is “a 200 years old brand” is quite up to date ingredient-wise, in its use of sodium laurel sulphate and a long list of other chemicals. And Ivory’s old recipe, sadly, is recently replaced with one new and not-so-improved.
Sodium laurel sulphate (SLS) and its shirt-tail cousin sodium laureth sulfate (SLES) are harsh, inexpensive chemicals that cause our soaps, shampoos, toothpastes, and detergents to foam up in that pleasing way that makes us feel the product is really doing its job: i.e., effectively cleaning. It’s the identical agent that is used in car washes, and even in garages for degreasing car engines. Heavy duty stuff.
These chemicals are extremely drying to the skin and hair. It can cause permanent eye damage in infants and young children, and the exposure need not be directly to the eyes but even indirectly through the skin. It is retained in the tissues of the body, for as long as five days after using a single drop. It can cause damage to the hair follicles, leading to early balding. It denatures skin proteins, causing irritation and also allowing other environmental toxins to gain entry to the deeper and more sensitive layers of the skin. In this light it may be implicated in cancers of the skin.
Once it has been absorbed into the skin, one of its many effects is that it mimics estrogen. This can have all kinds of health implications, including PMS, menopausal symptoms, male infertility, and increased incidence of breast and others female cancers.
Long story short: I went hunting and found a very gentle, natural soap containing only three things: saponified olive oil, sea salt, and natural fragrance. Saponification is the process whereby lye is combined with vegetable oil or animal fat, causing a chemical reaction that produces soap and glycerin. Interestingly enough, many of the commercial, mass-produced hand soaps on the market today have had the naturally occurring glycerine with its inherent moisturizing properties removed to sell as a separate commodity, generating higher profits.
As you are inspired to read labels before buying personal care products, there are some ingredients (in addition to SLS and SLES) to watch out for and avoid:
Petrolatum, also known as petroleum jelly, is a semisolid mixture of hydrocarbons obtained from petroleum. Its presence in skin products reduces oxygen absorption and suffocates the skin, causing the death of skin cells and thus premature aging. It increases acne and causes skin irritations and rashes. It causes skin photosensitivity and promotes sun damage. Petrolatum may also interfere with the body's moisturizing mechanism, leading to dry skin and chapping, some of the very things it’s used to combat.
Mineral oil is made from petrolatum, therefore I think we can safely assume that the foregoing side effects apply here as well.
Parabens are preservatives used extensively in personal care products and even foods. They are implicated in breast cancer and also adversely affect the secretion of testosterone and the function of the male reproductive system.
Phylates or phthalates are used as plasticizers or solvents. They are found in nail polishes, deodorants, fragrances, hair gels, and sprays, and hand and body lotions. They are endocrine disrupters, wreaking absolute havoc on the hormones especially of boys and men. For a sobering and frightening video on the subject, check out the following link:
This list of must-avoid chemicals is by no means exhaustive. And as bad press leaks out about a given ingredient, companies work overtime to replace it with another unknown chemical so they can get back below the radar. So my rule-of-thumb will remain, “If you don’t know what it is, don’t put it on your skin.”
Sask. family says goodbye to original farmstead well
by admin @ The Western ProducerThe Western Producer
Thu Feb 08 13:58:29 PST 2018
For the last 50 years, members of the Horne family have been avoiding going near the 100-year-old blacksmith shop that housed the original well on their farm near Swift Current in southwestern Saskatchewan. The earth in one corner of the shop had collapsed over the years, exposing the wellhead and leaving the family wondering about […] Read more
The post Sask. family says goodbye to original farmstead well appeared first on The Western Producer.
What are the alternatives if peas don’t pencil out for your farm?
by undefined @ Alberta Farmer ExpressAlberta Farmer Express
Thu Dec 21 14:33:41 PST 2017
Experts are stumped on what to grow this spring as a third mainstay crop. Peas have increasingly been the choice of many looking to avoid a canola-wheat rotation — but India’s trade barriers along with disease issues have left many of those producers scrambling to find an alternative. “I do believe pea acres will be […] Read more
The post What are the alternatives if peas don’t pencil out for your farm? appeared first on Alberta Farmer Express.
Success with The Total Wellness Cleanse
by Yuri @ Natural Detox Diet and Cleansing | Total Wellness Cleanse
Wed Feb 27 06:20:27 PST 2013
I will admit that seeing the results at just a week of eating right are very motivating…. I was diagnosed w/ Type 2 diabetes last summer. I have been trying to lose weight since last April. To lose weight I was doing Weight Watchers at work, exercising more, watching portion control, etc, but the weight [...]
Total Wellness Cleanse Client Journeys
by Yuri @ Natural Detox Diet and Cleansing | Total Wellness Cleanse
Wed Feb 13 12:59:57 PST 2013
The Total Wellness Cleanse was an extremely amazing thirty days for me….. I stopped having cravings—especially my Starbuck’s coffee addiction! I have been a vegetarian for more than 20 years but this was sooooo different. Eating raw food for the first time, ALL the time changed my thinking about food. I lost some weight and [...]
Veterinarians won’t be dealing doggy dope any time soon
by undefined @ Alberta Farmer ExpressAlberta Farmer Express
Tue Jan 16 05:58:40 PST 2018
High-strung heeler hounding you day and night? Crazy old barn cat climbing up the walls? You might be tempted to put on some Pink Floyd, dim the lights, and give them a little something to mellow them out. All of the attention on the pending legalization of marijuana has pet owners asking their vets about […] Read more
The post Veterinarians won’t be dealing doggy dope any time soon appeared first on Alberta Farmer Express.
Payer Par Carte Visa / Achat Glyburide and Metformin En Pharmacie
by ไพริน ฤาพันธ์ @ EasyGolf
Mon Feb 12 17:35:48 PST 2018
Achat Glyburide and Metformin En Pharmacie Générique Glucovance Ou Achetez Glucovance Glyburide and Metformin Generique. Glucovance Générique est utilisé pour traiter le diabète de type 2 chez les patients qui ne peuvent pas contrôler leur glycémie sanguine uniquement à l’aide d’un régime alimentaire et d’exercice. Il peut être utilisé seul ou en combinaison avec d’autres […]
Organic Food For the Family
by Derek Ratcliffe @ Organic Week
Sat Sep 26 03:00:02 PDT 2015
Organic Food For My Family I take care of all the grocery shopping and food preparation in my house. I buy a lot of organic fruits and vegetables for my family, and keep canned products and white sugar out of my kitchen. I do my utmost to keep growth hormones, GMOs, preservatives, emulsifiers, and other […]
Lost FitDay PC License Info
by peggoal @ FitDay Discussion Boards
Tue Jan 30 08:57:13 PST 2018
Hello, I just recently moved to a new laptop and lost my license info. I was able to save all of my backups but now cannot login since I need to...
49: Beloved Sleep
by (Nancy Christenson) @ Here’s to Your Health
Sat Feb 09 12:46:00 PST 2013
Just as absence makes the heart grow fonder, so sleep, when it becomes elusive, seems a very precious thing. So it was that I misunderstood a Bible passage 20 years ago, caught in the grip of insomnia and moving rapidly toward a nervous breakdown. It was one night while trying to go to sleep that I read a promise in the Psalms: “…so He gives His beloved sleep.” In my rest-deprived state, I thought God was calling sleep itself a beloved thing. It certainly is a blessing. With four small children and a strung-out, exhausted body, I had come to understand that sleep is not a right but a privilege. As far as God calling it “beloved,” however, I was mistaken.
He was referring to me as “Beloved,” as well as anyone else who might have ears to hear, telling us that He wants us to enjoys restful sleep, and so it is that He gave the first part of the verse: “It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows.” Day after day of dragging yourself out of bed too early, staying up too late, and continually chewing over your problems and concerns will eventually put you in a state where you can’t go to sleep when you want to or, if you do, you can’t stay asleep more than half the night.
It was four years ago that my hormone doctor first told me, “You need to be in bed by ten o’clock.” And that means with the light out, settled down. How slow I have been to learn this! And I’m still learning: The later I go to bed, the harder it is to go to sleep and the sooner I will wake up. Yet getting to sleep before 10:00, I might sleep eight hours.
Several alternative health practitioners have told me some interesting things about sleep patterns. If you find you wake up between 1:00 and 3:00 a.m. on a regular basis, it often means your liver is bogged down and sluggish and that you would benefit from a liver cleanse or a supplement like dandelion root or milk thistle (silymarin). Waking between 3:00 and 5:00 consistently may mean adrenal problems.
For people prone to hypoglycemia, blood sugar dropping too low in the night can be a cause for wakefulness. I usually have a snack before bed. If I wake up in the night and feel I won’t be able to go right back to sleep, I get up and eat again. Avoid sweets, even fruits, for these snacks: aim to include three components: a complex carb, a healthy fat, and a good source of protein. That can be as simple as a half a piece of whole-grain toast spread with peanut butter or another nut butter. A rice cake or two, buttered (or not) with a piece of white cheese (avoid those fake orange colourings!) is another simple choice.
Before I have a snack though, I always have a glass of water with some sea salt in it. Adequate salt is important in regulating sleep, and if you’ve been under stress your adrenals may be fatigued and not controlling your salt levels properly.
For menopausal women, sleeplessness may be as simple as too-low levels of progesterone; then again, if it’s hot flashes and night sweats that are waking you up, you may also need some estrogen. With all the factors in our environment that are upsetting our hormonal balance, with or without menopause, we are fortunate in this day to have the option of hormone analysis and bio-identical hormone replacement treatment.
Over 50 years ago when my brother John was about four, he went through a time of sleep-walking. One particular night, when my parents were having a cocktail party, he crept downstairs to the edge of the living room, sound asleep. Then to the shock of the unsuspecting guests, he let out a war-whoop, hurtled into the room, and went springing from chair to chair. There were several doctors there in addition to my father: their consensus was that John needed a calcium supplement. Sure enough, that soon got him sleeping soundly through the night.
Calcium certainly is key for restful sleep, but we also need ample magnesium and Vitamin D with it. Interestingly, when we’re stressed, our calcium and magnesium levels drop. Then, ironically, when we’re deficient in calcium and magnesium, the body tends to get stuck in flight-or-fight mode, perpetrating the stress.
Make sure your bedroom is completely dark (or drape a dark cloth over your eyes), to enable your body to produce melatonin. And try taking a melatonin supplement.
Lying awake can be awfully frustrating, but don’t go there. To lie quietly, not with resignation so much as relinquishment, is a much healthier way to pass the time. Try praying. And even if you don’t believe in God, spend the time in peaceful, grateful reflection. As the psalmist said, commune with your own heart upon your bed.
Heads above
by greg @ Country GuideCountry Guide
Fri Feb 09 09:23:45 PST 2018
These new peer groups are drawing rave reviews from their members. Are they the most inspirational and perhaps the most essential business idea of the new millennium? It’s a big claim, but it’s tough to argue against this newest iteration of farmers helping farmers. Though farmer peer groups aren’t yet very common, they are a […] Read more
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Les meilleurs médicaments de qualité. Zithromax Suisse. Payer Par BitCoin
by ไพริน ฤาพันธ์ @ EasyGolf
Mon Feb 12 17:39:22 PST 2018
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The post What’s not to like about ranching in Hawaii? appeared first on The Western Producer.
For food and ag startups
by greg @ Country GuideCountry Guide
Thu Feb 08 13:50:53 PST 2018
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Pest Patrol: Control of Canada fleabane
by greg @ Country GuideCountry Guide
Thu Feb 08 10:02:00 PST 2018
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Self Care Groups
by Eddie Habte Mekasha @ Diabetes Daily
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48: Sweet but Dangerous
by (Nancy Christenson) @ Here’s to Your Health
Fri Feb 01 18:26:00 PST 2013
A few weeks ago I wrote to challenge my readers to “Stop the Pop.” I said then that I would write another article to explain more about the dangers of high-fructose corn syrup (labelled “glucose/fructose” in Canada). Soda pop is the most prevalent source of HFCS in the North American diet, but be warned that other commercial products are full of it: baked goods, sweet snack foods, ketchup and barbecue sauces, fruit-flavoured yogurts, sports drinks, breakfast cereals, candy, fruit drinks that are not “100% juice,” ad infinitum. Especially foods that are aimed at children and teens are loaded with this questionable alternative to sugar. Please take note, before we go any further, that about 85% of the corn grown in the US today is genetically modified, so there should be concerns about any corn product from the get-go.
From comes this list of five ways in which HFCS can negatively impact our health.
1) A Princeton University study found that when HFCS was fed to rats, they gained weight three times as fast as those fed equal or larger amounts of sugar derived directly from fruit. In particular these rodents gained abdominal fat, a hallmark of obesity.
2) Consumption of HFCS increases the chances of developing diabetes.
3) “There is a strong link between the irresponsible consumption of high fructose corn syrup and elevated triglyceride and HDL (bad cholesterol) levels. Together, these can cause arterial plaque build-up and lead to heart problems including hypertension, heart disease, and even stroke.”
4) HFCS is “especially destructive to your liver. When combined with a sedentary lifestyle, permanent liver scarring can occur. This greatly diminishes the organ’s ability to process out toxins and, over time, can lead to an expansive range of other negative health concerns.” Studies link HFCS with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and cirrhosis.
5) High fructose corn syrup can contain mercury: In various studies, between 30 and 50% of samples of HFCS contained this toxic metal. (The mercury comes from a compound, caustic soda, used in separating the cornstarch from the kernel. Some caustic soda is made using mercury-free technology; other is not.)
The producers of HFCS originally promoted it as a “natural” sugar; however this claim had to be dropped when there was a tremendous hue and cry from the sugar lobby, including lawsuits charging false advertising and demanding financial compensation. Far from being natural, the corn-based sweetener is highly processed, made by chemically altering the starch molecules that occur naturally in corn. Fructose is then added, in varying percentages. Says “As a result of the manufacturing process for high-fructose corn syrup, the fructose molecules in the sweetener are free and unbound, ready for absorption and utilization. In contrast, every fructose molecule in sucrose that comes from cane sugar or beet sugar is bound to a corresponding glucose molecule and must go through an extra metabolic step before it can be utilized.”
In this way, fructose behaves differently in the body from sucrose (white sugar). It uses a different metabolic pathway, in that it skips glycolysis (normally the first step in breaking down sugars). The Princeton University research team concluded that this omission of glycolysis is why excess fructose in HFCS is being metabolized to produce fat. Glucose, on the other hand, is largely being processed for energy or stored as a carbohydrate, called glycogen, in the liver and muscles.
Another characteristic of fructose is that it does not stimulate insulin secretion or require insulin to be transported into cells, as do other carbohydrates. Also, fructose ingestion is linked to insulin resistance in rodents, suggesting that human physiology may respond the same way.
One of the truly alarming things about HFCS, especially as it relates to obesity, is its effect on the hormone leptin. According to, “Leptin tells your body to stop eating when it’s full by signaling the brain to stop sending hunger signals. Since fructose doesn’t stimulate glucose levels and insulin release, there’s no increase in leptin levels or feeling of satiety. This can leave you ripe for unhealthy weight gain.” Also, fructose does not suppress ghrelin, a hormone that works to increase hunger.
The Corn Refiners Association continues to make the (false) claim that our bodies can’t tell the difference between sugar cane and their own product. The cat is apparently out of the bag, though, regarding health concerns of HFCS, as reflected by a serious drop in demand in the past couple of years. The Association has been doing PR damage control, seeking permission from the FDA to change the name of their sweet gold mine to “corn sugar.” And although the ruling is still pending, they are freely using this misleading moniker in their advertising.
* * * *
This was the end of the article as I submitted it to the Pipestone Flyer. Then coincidentally, very early the next morning, there was a new post from Health Sciences Institute in my inbox that caught my eye. I've copied it here verbatim.
Last year, the FDA told the Corn Refiners Association (CRA) that food packaging could not list high fructose corn syrup as "corn sugar."
No way around that, right? CRA's long-standing request hit the FDA brick wall. End of story.
Well... No. Hardly.
Turns out, it's the FDA with hands tied. Not CRA.
You might have noticed that CRA is still running TV commercials that call HFCS "corn sugar."
How do they get away with it? Easy. The FDA doesn't regulate commercials. That's the FTC's job. And so far, the FTC hasn't called out CRA on their easy use of the phrase "corn sugar."
According to The Consumerist, the agency isn't likely to rule on this issue anytime soon. Two reasons...
1) The ads use "corn sugar" almost as if it's a slang term. Nobody is saying it's the "official" designation for HFCS.
2) HFCS isn't a product. You can't go to the store and buy a jar of HFCS. So the ads aren't trying to sell you "corn sugar."
But something is for sale. The ads are trying to sell all of us on the IDEA of corn sugar.
So when they show a handsome farmer dad and his adorable little girl out walking in a cornfield, stay strong! Resist the rise of warm-n-fuzzy emotions!
All they want to do is get inside your mind and plant the simple deception that "corn sugar" is the same thing as cane sugar.
It's not. Don't buy it.
To Your Good Health,
Jenny Thompson
47: Side Effexor to Be Expected
by (Nancy Christenson) @ Here’s to Your Health
Thu Jan 17 19:05:00 PST 2013
As I woke up on the first day of the New Year, I thought of my dear friend who was turning 60 that day. Because I was out of town, I decided to give her a call. But when I turned on my phone, I promptly received a text informing me that she was in the hospital.
She has been weaning off Effexor, an antidepressant. On December 31, five days after her final dose, the “brain zaps” she had been experiencing were getting worse, and the fear and anxiety were terrible. She went to the hospital; they gave her a low dose of Effexor and sent her home. That evening she experienced diarrhea, cold sweats, and strange feelings. She came to on her kitchen floor and realized she’d passed out. A neighbour, an RN, came over and checked her blood pressure. It was 88/49. In the middle of the night, my friend began passing blood from her intestines. In the morning she was taken back to the hospital where they admitted her for a couple days to do some tests.
This friend has been on and off antidepressants for years. In 2005 she was experiencing heart palpitations. Her doctor told her it was anxiety. He put her on Effexor, and she’s been on it ever since. In September, she began to experience strange flashes of light and colour inside her head. Convinced that it was a side effect of the drug, she became determined to get off the meds. With a new doctor’s supervision, she reduced the dosage slowly, titrating from 150 mg down to 37.5 over a period of several months. As soon as her final dose wore off, everything started to go haywire.
When I talked to her on her cell phone, she was feeling terrible and couldn’t discern what was withdrawal and what was her nasty chest cold.
“Well, I can see the headache and emotional stuff being from the withdrawal, but surely not passing blood?” I postulated.
“I don’t know,” she said, “but maybe it is.”
Well, that’s exactly what I found out, after I promised to do some reading online: blood in the stool is just one of the 85 known withdrawal symptoms. The most common ones are brain zaps (electric shock-like sensations), dizziness, sweating, nausea, insomnia, tremor, confusion, nightmares, and vertigo.
Incidentally, if the title of this article made no sense to you, read it like this: “Side Effects Are to Be Expected.” Pharmacists will tell you that Effexor is very difficult to get off; side effects are to be expected should you ever try. And what about possible side effects while you’re on the drug? I counted no less than 185 symptoms, which can even include depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and suicidal thoughts. Great! Out of the frying pan and into the fire.
Here are a few quotes from “recovering addicts”: “I experienced a full week of rapid/skipped heart beats and extremely high blood pressure. I went to the ER and was admitted overnight … found that it is a symptom of the Effexor. … I have also experienced the joint pain, weird dreams, and headaches that others have posted about. I am not going back on the drug, no matter what. I am now taking bio-identical hormones, which have pretty much wiped out the depression. I just need to live thru the side effects of weaning off Effexor.”
“I have been off it totally for one month now. The flu symptoms have gone but I am left now with a dodgy stomach which gives me agony, swelling up, constipation, etc. … I cry a lot, get tired very quick. Not able to exercise yet as I am still very weak. I have awful thoughts when alone. Emptiness creeps over me a lot and I just have to stand it. I am hoping that the body will eventually settle down and that there is no permanent damage.”
Some doctors are even prescribing this drug for hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms, “as an alternative to hormone replacement therapy.” With what I’ve learned of Effexor in my reading, I think such prescribing is horribly irresponsible. The cure is definitely worse than the kill. Yes, it provides symptomatic relief, for various things, and so “win us with honest trifles, to betray us in deepest consequence.”
If you need help getting off a medication like this, check out this site:
As for my dear friend, I couldn’t bring myself to wish her a happy birthday. But I do wish for her, as well as all of my readers, a happy and healthy New Year.
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