Milk Kefir Grains - no more expensive probiotics! | Health & Special Needs | Kitchener / Waterloo | Kijiji
kefir is an amazing probiotic resource! just leave in a jar on the counter with milk overnight and you will have a probiotic drink in the morning. you can add fruit to make a delicous smoothie. kefir grains reproduce so you'll have more to pass along to others eventually if you wish. asking $5 for a spoonful of kefir grains. i'm located in the pioneer park area. bring along a j

Laboratory of Beneficial Microbes (Probiotics) for Crops and Sustainable Agriculture Kits (SAKs) for Subsistence Farmers
Laboratory of Beneficial Microbes (Probiotics) for Crops and Sustainable Agriculture Kits (SAKs) for Subsistence Farmers
Publications, Laboratory of Manish N Raizada

The Gut Man Northern Territory Tour - Probiotic Foods
Probiotic Foods
Darwin and Alice Springs from 8-10th November. Those in the Northern Territory can head to their nearest location to attend a life-changing, thought-provoking, inspiring and fun presentation by...
Tempeh - Unusual And Undeniably Healthy (And Delicious!!!)
Health by Nutrition™
What is tempeh? Organic Tempeh, originating from Indonesia, is vegan, gluten-free, protein-rich, probiotic food made from fresh, organic whole soybeans. How is it made? Tempeh is made by first softening whole soybeans by soaking them in water. Next the soybeans are spread onto a tray and inoculated

How to Expertly Navigate the Yogurt Aisle - Dietetic Directions - Dietitian and Nutritionist in Kitchener/Waterloo
Dietetic Directions - Dietitian and Nutritionist in Kitchener/Waterloo
Andrea D'Ambrosio, Registered Dietitian. Dietetic Directions. Media Spokesperson for Dietitians of Canada
Winter Specials
by Kim Foreman @ Good Health Mart
Mon Dec 04 10:51:14 PST 2017
Save Up to 20% on Adrenal Support, Vitamin C, Oil of Oregano, Kids Probiotics, Magnesium and Vitamin D3. Until January 31, 2018. Click HERE to view the flyer.
Can Probiotics Help You Lose Weight?
by SproutRight @ Supplements (probiotics) – Sprout Right
Wed Mar 30 22:33:07 PDT 2016
The human body is a complex machine, isn’t it? I find the more I learn about it, as science advances, the more and more the picture of it’s functioning (and dysfunction) seems complex. For example, we are told that weight management is an equation: eat an equal number of calories to those your burn to stay […]
The post Can Probiotics Help You Lose Weight? appeared first on Sprout Right.

HCP®30 - Progressive Nutritional Therapies
Progressive Nutritional Therapies
Full spectrum probiotic.
Guide Health: Are probiotics as good as they claim?
by greg @ Country GuideGuide Health: Are probiotics as good as they claim? – Country Guide
Tue Jan 09 12:31:19 PST 2018
Probiotics seem to be everywhere these days. You find them as capsules on store shelves and as ingredients in food products, and they’re even available through internet shopping. Probiotics are promoted for a wide variety of conditions, but the main use is “good intestinal health.” Your intestines contain more than 100 trillion (yes, trillion!) micro-organisms […] Read more
The post Guide Health: Are probiotics as good as they claim? appeared first on Country Guide.

'Good bacteria': 4 promising uses for probiotics
Research into probiotics has exploded in recent years, and so has the number of new products claiming to contain these friendly, bacterial warriors. So far, though, the research on probiotics is still in its infancy.

Not all probiotics are equal
CBC News
A new study tries to navigate the real benefits of yogurt containing this food trend
Clearpath Robotics Announces TurtleBot Euclid
by Chris Bogdon @ Clearpath Robotics
Wed Aug 30 13:20:04 PDT 2017
Clearpath Robotics partners with iRobot to provide the next generation Turtlebot based on the Intel Euclid Development Kit (Kitchener, ON, Canada – AUG 30, 2017) Clearpath Robotics, a global provider of mobile robots for research and development, in partnership with iRobot, has announced TurtleBot Euclid – the next generation all-in-one mobile robotics platform for learning […]
The post Clearpath Robotics Announces TurtleBot Euclid appeared first on Clearpath Robotics.
Are Probiotics Good for You? And Other Frequently Asked Questions
by SproutRight @ Supplements (probiotics) – Sprout Right
Mon Jul 20 15:17:26 PDT 2015
As a nutritionist (and one who frequently recommends probiotics), I get a lot of questions about probiotics. Here I have compiled the most frequently asked questions and offered you my answers to help guide you in making good bacteria a part of your health routine. What are probiotics anyway? Probiotics are the supplement form of […]
The post Are Probiotics Good for You? And Other Frequently Asked Questions appeared first on Sprout Right.

Probiotics and the Microbiome
Dr. Sarah Connors HBSc, Naturopathic Doctor
There is so much more discussion about probiotics and the microbiome now than ever before. There is research about the benefits for infants, for mood, for digestion, for re-establishing a healthy gut...
The Twelve Reasons to Choose Carna4
by Carna4 @ Carna4
Wed Dec 17 18:53:02 PST 2014
AUTHENTIC: All the vitamins, minerals, enzymes & probiotics in Carna4 come naturally from our true food ingredients. Synthetic FREE all the way! LIGHTLY BAKED: Carna4 is NOT extruded like most pet foods. Our food is lightly baked at low temperatures…just enough to kill pathogens but preserve nutrition. REAL MEAT: Carna4 contains meats in their natural […]
The post The Twelve Reasons to Choose Carna4 appeared first on Carna4.
September Specials
by Kim Foreman @ Good Health Mart
Tue Sep 05 15:42:18 PDT 2017
The Natural Factors Fall Flyer is here! SAVE BIG on some of our favourite Natural Facturs products to help with everything from women’s health to probiotics to supplements for children. All specials are valid from September 6 to 24 at … Continue reading

Probiotics may ease antibiotic side-effects
CBC News
Taking probiotics supplements could help prevent the diarrhea associated with C. difficile infections.

Probiotics – more than a digestive support
Sprout Wellness Clinic
Probiotics are amazing! They are healthy bacteria that live in our gut (aka our gastrointestinal system) and help make up our intestinal ecosystem. Often we think of probiotics as a digestive suppo…

Are probiotics good for you? and other frequently asked questions
As a nutritionist (and one who frequently recommends probiotics), I get a lot of questions about probiotics. Here I have compiled the most frequently asked questions and offered you my answers to help guide you in making good bacteria a part of your health routine.

Guide Health: Are probiotics as good as they claim? - Country Guide
Country Guide
Probiotics seem to be everywhere these days. You find them as capsules on store shelves and as ingredients in food products, and they’re even available thr

Probiotics could lower the risk of pregnancy complications
Global News
A new study has shown probiotics could be more beneficial to pregnant women that previously thought.

Probiotics could lower the risk of pregnancy complications
107.5 Dave Rocks
A new study has found that taking probiotics during pregnancy could lower a woman's risk of preterm birth and ...

Fiddleheads Health and Nutrition - Health Food Stores - Kitchener
Owned and operated by educated nutritionists.
Good Digestive Health Begins with Probiotics
by Renew Life Team @ Renew Life Canada
Tue Sep 20 13:38:19 PDT 2016
All too often digestion can seem like an automatic process, but nowadays scientists are discovering that we need to have a different mindset. Specifically, we need to be mindful of the fact that a balanced gut is the foundation for optimal health—and one of the ways we can do that is by understanding the benefits Continue reading
The post Good Digestive Health Begins with Probiotics appeared first on Renew Life Canada.

Are there pros to taking probiotics?
Global News
A new study casts doubts on the benefits probiotics can have on a healthy gut.

The Benefits of Probiotics for Dogs!
K9 Instinct - Dog Nutritionist in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. K9 Instinct Blog! Dog Nutrition consultations online!
Acidophilus ( Lactobacillus acidophilus ) is a common, well known form of healthy bacteria (intestinal flora) that belongs in the digestive tract of every mammal, working with the body to protect it...
Benefits of Probiotics You May Not Know About
by Misty Blue @ The Do It All Mama
Fri Jun 30 14:17:16 PDT 2017
Thanks to Renew Life for partnering with me for this post! All opinions and thoughts below are my own. Research is surfacing constantly about the benefits of using probiotics. You probably take a probiotic regularly, or you’ve at least heard about what they can do for your gut health, or about the foods that have probiotics in them. […]
The post Benefits of Probiotics You May Not Know About appeared first on The Do It All Mama.
Is yogurt the best source of probiotics?
by SproutRight @ Supplements (probiotics) – Sprout Right
Wed Apr 26 17:40:01 PDT 2017
Probiotics are “good” bacteria that survive digestion and reach our intestines. They can be found in fermented foods like kefir, yogurt, sauerkraut, miso, kimchi, kombucha and a supplement; pill or powder. They’re a bit like water soluble vitamins – go in and do their job and then get excreted, although we don’t ever lose the […]
The post Is yogurt the best source of probiotics? appeared first on Sprout Right.
The Quick Answers on Probiotics
by Dana Smith @ Blog - Kitchener Osteopathy
Thu Dec 07 22:10:41 PST 2017
As an Osteopath DO(MP) I get a lot of questions from my clients about probiotics. Additionally, I listen to many stories regarding anxiety, digestion issues and immune system issues that I can offer advice on. So, in my very first ever blog post, I find myself going straight to a discussion on probiotics.
The information that is out there now, on the gut and gut health is relatively new! Never before have we known so much about our guts, how to keep them healthy. And why we NEED to keep them flourishing. I thought for a long time that I only had to take probiotics two or three times a week. I thought "I have a good diet, I drink smoothies. I'm feeding my gut flora everyday. And probiotics are expensive!" I was wrong (not about the expensive part, they are pricey, but worth the money). You gut is a very fragile ecosystem. A lot of things out there damage it and kill your flora. Toxins we breath in, coffee, alcohol, fried foods. The list goes on and on. So, we need quality probiotics every single day to replace to what we have lost throughout the day. That's tip #1 on probiotics - EVERY SINGLE DAY. The does not include yogurt. That would be the lowest form of probiotics...if you get any at all. Its just marketing BS. Spend the money, get yourself a quality probiotics.
Probiotics tip #2 - maintaining and healing are two different things. If you've had a great diet for a week or two or even a month (no coffee, no alcohol, no fried foods etc) then you'd just need to be taking your probiotics once a day. That is maintaining your great gut flora. But healing is something a bit different. When you come home from holiday, or perhaps right after Christmas, those times when you ate stuff you don't normally eat. You drank more then you normally do. Those times you thought the bloat and heartburn were worth it. Yes, we've all had those times. Double up on the probiotics, you need to HEAL. You've killed more flora during this time then you normally do. You can no longer simply maintain, you need to build it back up. Otherwise, you are simply maintaining a low level of flora, rather then creating and building up more flora. Makes sense right!? If your low, then your usual level maintains the low, keeps you from going lower. To build and heal, take your probiotics first thing in the AM on an empty tummy and again right before you go to bed at night.
There is my very first ever blog rant! I've linked an excellent article below here on how your brain chemicals are the same as your gut chemicals. So, reduce anxiety, be in a better mood. Reduce mood swings, get sick less often. Its all in the belly :-)
Feel free to reply, ask questions or let me know what you'd like to hear about next!
-Dana Smith DO(MP)
519 496 1008

Are all probiotics created equal? A HOW TO guide on picking a probiotic for your child.
Momstown Milton
The research on the good bacteria in the gut has helped us understand how to prevent and treat gut related issues. Most people take a probiotic or give one to their child when they have been on an antibiotic or if there is a digestive issue. So let’s start there. Which probiotic should you take after a round of antibiotics? What probiotic strains help to treat reflux, colic, diarrhea and constipation?
Clearpath Robotics’ New Online Store Adds Cepton 3D LiDAR Solutions for Autonomous Robotic Applications
by Chris Bogdon @ Clearpath Robotics
Tue Aug 29 05:26:00 PDT 2017
High-performance 3D sensing solutions now available through Clearpath SAN JOSE, Calif. and Kitchener, ON, Canada – Aug. 29, 2017 – Cepton Technologies, Inc., a provider of 3D sensing solutions for automotive, industrial and mapping applications, today announced that it has partnered with Clearpath Robotics, a global provider of mobile robots for research and development. The […]
The post Clearpath Robotics’ New Online Store Adds Cepton 3D LiDAR Solutions for Autonomous Robotic Applications appeared first on Clearpath Robotics.

CBC Radio
Prebiotic. Probiotic. These labels are popping up on all sorts of food products, but do they actually help your intestines do their thing?

Ultimate Flora Critical Care - Probiotics | Renew Life Canada
Renew Life Canada
Ultimate Flora Critical Care - Once a day probiotic, 50 billion cultures per capsule 10 strains of microflora

The Best Places to Get Vegetarian Food in Kitchener-Waterloo
Spoon University
For vegetarians, vegans, or anyone who enjoys a good meat-free meal.