Our New e-Store Is Live!
by NOVA Probiotics @ NOVA Probiotics
Tue Nov 11 14:15:34 PST 2014
A Brand New Version Of Our e-Store Has Just Launched! Tell Us What You Think! We are very pleased to announce that our new e-Store is live and ready for the world to surf. We have completely redesigned the layout with simplicity, ease of use, security and accessibility in mind. We hope you...
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Les probiotiques pour baisser le cholestérol et garder le coeur en santé
by NOVA Probiotics @ NOVA Probiotics – Canada
Sat Sep 27 08:22:00 PDT 2014
L’hypertension artérielle et le cholestérol Le cœur pompe le sang à travers le corps et dans les artères. Lorsqu’elles sont bouchées, le passage du sang est réduit l’hypertension artérielle menace de de nuire au corps. L’ignorance d’un tel état corporel est commune car la haute pression n’a pas de symptômes ; l’accumulation de dégâts...
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Live probiotic Bifidobacterium lactis bacteria inhibit the toxic effects induced by wheat gliadin in epithelial cell culture
PubMed Central (PMC)
Wheat gliadin induces severe intestinal symptoms and small-bowel mucosal damage in coeliac disease patients. At present, the only effective treatment for the disease is a strict life-long gluten-free diet. In this study we investigated whether probiotics ...
Prebiotics and Probiotics, Good Allies!
by NOVA Probiotics @ NOVA Probiotics
Sat Jun 14 18:55:23 PDT 2014
Prebiotics are non-digestible soluble fibers that stimulate the growth and multiplication of the beneficial bacteria in the gut. They are mainly used to fuel the probiotics and ease bowel movements. However, prebiotics have many other good characteristics, which explains why NOVA has prebiotic included in each of its formula: They work as anti-carcinogens: When...
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Les suppléments probiotiques pour la fibromyalgie
by NOVA Probiotics @ NOVA Probiotics – Canada
Tue Sep 23 10:24:16 PDT 2014
Avez-vous déjà entendu parler de la fibromyalgie? La fibromyalgie est une condition dont les docteurs ne sont pas encore bien sûr de l’origine. Les symptômes récurrents sont d’ordre musculaire surtout : douleur aux tendons, aux ligaments, à des points sensibles, souvent nombreux. Autres symptômes communs sont : la perte de sommeil, les maux de têtes, la dépression,...
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NOVA Probiotics, Now Available In 7 Pure Integrative Pharmacy Locations In Vancouver.
by NOVA Probiotics @ NOVA Probiotics
Thu Aug 07 19:37:34 PDT 2014
Across Greater Vancouver and Victoria, Pure Integrative Pharmacy is probably the best place to find your prescription drugs, vitamins and supplements, your favorite personal care products and last, but not least, to get good advice from highly qualified employees working there. Like the founder and owner, Bob Mehr, said few weeks ago in...
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Probiotiques, enzymes et prébiotiques
by NOVA Probiotics @ NOVA Probiotics – Canada
Mon Oct 20 11:09:24 PDT 2014
Les assistants des probiotiques L’inuline: L’inuline est un prébiotique, un glucide non-soluble qui n’est pas digéré par votre corps, mais par vos probiotiques! L’inuline est un type de glucide appelé fructane et elle stimule la croissance et la multiplication des probiotiques dans le corps. Les enzymes digestives: Ils soutiennent l’activité digestive des probiotiques, et ensembles,...
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Probiotics ‘Could Make Symptoms Of Colic Worse’, Says New Study
Colic: it’s the one word that can strike dread into the heart of any new mum or dad who has spent too many evenings jiggling, cuddling and soothing their screaming baby, all to no avail.
Probiotics and Weight Loss – A Quick Tip
by NOVA Probiotics @ NOVA Probiotics
Mon Jan 05 17:43:03 PST 2015
Probiotics, Weight loss and Candida Going on a diet isn’t easy, and many people suffer from unwanted and uncomfortable symptoms such as gas, bloating, and abdominal discomfort. Even when successful, people usually have a hard time getting rid of their persistent midsection fat, and have intense cravings for sugary foods, breads, pasta and sometimes even alcohol. Most...
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Kefir, Probiotics and Weight Loss
by Kefir Nurse @ Kefir Canada
Wed Mar 12 06:29:05 PDT 2014
Kefir Canada - Water Kefir and Milk Kefir Grains
Kefir and Weight Loss Can kefir Help Me Lose Weight? If you search the internet you are going to find many websites that claim Kefir is a weight loss food. In fact, you may even find information about a "Kefir Diet" ! So underneath all the hoopla and hype, is there any scientific proof that … Continue reading "Kefir, Probiotics and Weight Loss"
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Benefits of Kefir
by Kefir Nurse @ Kefir Canada
Tue Mar 11 00:42:17 PDT 2014
Kefir Canada - Water Kefir and Milk Kefir Grains
Benefits of Kefir Bacteria- We Need Them To Live- Probiotic Benefits There is a term that scientists use to describe the microscopic community that lives on our skin and hair, in our mouth, nose, intestines, and anywhere else that we naturally have bacteria. The term is "Human Microbiome" or "Human Microbiota". They include bacteria, yeast … Continue reading "Benefits of Kefir"
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What are the benefits of feeding my horse a balancer with probiotics?
Your Horse Magazine
With nutritionist Sarah Butler from Bluechip we find out the benefits of feeding my horse a balancer with probiotics.
Make the best healthy eating choices at the supermarket
Not sure whether to cut down on fat or sugar? Take probiotic supplements or yoghurts? Health experts have the answers.

What are the benefits of feeding my horse a balancer with probiotics?
by stacey carter @ Horse Feeding - Your Horse Magazine
Mon Oct 02 05:30:00 PDT 2017
With nutritionist Sarah Butler from Bluechip we find out the benefits of feeding my horse a balancer with probiotics.
Good Digestive Health Begins with Probiotics
by Renew Life Team @ Renew Life Canada
Tue Sep 20 13:38:19 PDT 2016
All too often digestion can seem like an automatic process, but nowadays scientists are discovering that we need to have a different mindset. Specifically, we need to be mindful of the fact that a balanced gut is the foundation for optimal health—and one of the ways we can do that is by understanding the benefits Continue reading
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OptiBac Probiotics is rated "Excellent" with 9.3 / 10 on Trustpilot
Do you agree with OptiBac Probiotics's TrustScore? Voice your opinion today and hear what 1456 customers have already said.

The use of probiotics in cats | VetGirl Veterinary CE Blog
In this VETgirl blog, Dr Craig Webb reviews the mechanism of action & use of probiotics in cats with gastrointestinal disease. Should we be using it more?

Kombucha vs. Kefir - What's the Best Probiotic Drink | Amherst Wellness Center
Amherst Wellness Center
There are a wide variety of probiotic drinks out there. Are there any differences? Can you tell them apart or know what they're made of? Learn more here.
Prébiotiques et probiotiques, de bons alliés !
by NOVA Probiotics @ NOVA Probiotics – Canada
Sat Jun 14 16:41:08 PDT 2014
Les prébiotiques sont des fibres solubles, non-digestibles, qui stimulent la croissance et la multiplication des bactéries bénéfiques du microbiote. Ils sont généralement utilisés pour alimenter les probiotiques de la flore intestinale et assurer leur efficacité ainsi que pour faciliter le transit intestinal. Toutefois, les prébiotiques possèdent plusieurs autres qualités, c’est d’ailleurs pourquoi NOVA les...
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Probiotic Yogurts: Effective or Not?
by NOVA Probiotics @ NOVA Probiotics
Tue Sep 23 09:43:51 PDT 2014
Most yogurts that are sold in supermarkets today are pasteurized, meaning all the live bacteria originally inside were killed through this process. Yogurts that contain probiotics have these probiotics added to them after pasteurization. Make sure these yogurts always say they contain “live and active cultures”, as probiotics are not efficient when dead. Also,...
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Ultimate Flora Critical Care - Probiotics | Renew Life Canada
Renew Life Canada
Ultimate Flora Critical Care - Once a day probiotic, 50 billion cultures per capsule 10 strains of microflora
Healing Leaky Gut Syndrome With Probiotics
by NOVA Probiotics @ NOVA Probiotics
Thu Oct 30 13:04:03 PDT 2014
The intestinal lining is responsible for this common gastrointestinal disorder. Leaky Gut happens when the intestinal lining is more porous than normal, when large spaces appear in the gut wall allowing substances to leak out of the gut and into the blood stream. In such cases, substances like bacteria, fungi, parasites and partially digested molecules might dissipate through...
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Children’s Most Common Illnesses: Colic, Colds & Flu.
by NOVA Probiotics @ NOVA Probiotics
Tue Oct 07 09:01:34 PDT 2014
Colic: Colic refers to a very common condition in infants and a great source of stress for parents. Young children with colic may cry for episodes of three hours or more, at least three days in a week. During these fits, the child will be perfectly healthy, he will not be hungry, need changing or want...
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The Power of Probiotics
Nature's Green Grocer
Most of these bacteria--known as probiotics--play positive roles in digesting food and fighting off illnesses, and a healthy person has billions if not trillions of them in their digestive tract.
Les probiotiques pendant la grossesse
by NOVA Probiotics @ NOVA Probiotics – Canada
Mon Mar 31 18:47:22 PDT 2014
Pourquoi consommer des suppléments probiotiques pendant la grossesse? Les probiotiques régularisent la flore intestinale, ce qui n’est pas rien, car elle est responsable de la santé immunitaire et de tout le reste du corps. Les études récentes encouragent les femmes enceintes à prendre des probiotiques pour la simple raison que l’enfant requiert une santé...
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Are there pros to taking probiotics?
Global News
A new study casts doubts on the benefits probiotics can have on a healthy gut.
Probiotics For Diarrhea
by NOVA Probiotics @ NOVA Probiotics
Tue Sep 02 11:52:58 PDT 2014
Probiotics to save you from the discomfort and embarrassment of diarrhea Diarrhea is an extremely common illness, and everyone usually gets it about once a year. Diarrhea can be caused by many different things, the main one being intestinal imbalance. When the bacteria inside your intestines that digest your food are unbalanced, meaning...
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L’obésité et la perte de poids
by NOVA Probiotics @ NOVA Probiotics – Canada
Mon Mar 31 18:48:53 PDT 2014
Vos bactéries et votre poids : comment les deux sont liées Vous souffrez d’embonpoint ? Vous le savez. C’est un bon point. Vous avez tout essayé sauf ce que vous n’avez pas essayé, à savoir les probiotiques. La flore intestinale est variée de personne en personne, et davantage chez les personnes obèses. La cause peut...
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Type 2 Diabetes May Be Caused By Probiotic Imbalance | Kefir Canada
by @ Kefir Canada
Tue Apr 04 17:25:06 PDT 2017
Les probiotiques et la vaginose bactérienne
by NOVA Probiotics @ NOVA Probiotics – Canada
Tue May 06 15:23:40 PDT 2014
La vaginose bactérienne est un déséquilibre des bactéries vaginales suite à la prolifération d’agents pathogènes. La vaginose bactérienne peut être provoquée par plusieurs espèces différentes de bactéries pathogènes qui s’allient pour perturber votre équilibre. Les symptômes de la vaginose bactérienne sont : une sensation de brulure pendant l’urination, des...
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Wealth of Wellness | Holistic Nutritionist | Peterborough, ON
Wealth of Wellness | Holistic Nutritionist | Peterborough, ON
Wealth of Wellness can help you find your balance. As a Nutritionist, my main focus is supporting the body from the inside out with food.

Probiotics and Weight Loss
Nature's Green Grocer
Looking to lose weight? It might be a good idea to consider probiotic bacteria.
Un nouveau traitement des allergies: les probiotiques?
by NOVA Probiotics @ NOVA Probiotics – Canada
Tue May 06 13:42:37 PDT 2014
Que sont les allergies? Allergies est un terme qui désigne la réaction négative de votre système immunitaire trop sensible face à des substances inoffensives. Les allergènes peuvent inclure le pollen, les virus, les bactéries, certains aliments ou médicaments et des milliers d’autres substances. Quand votre système immunitaire se sent hypersensible, il considèrera que certaines...
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Chef Marshall: B.L.A.S.T. Top 16 in 2016 Success Story - Peterborough & the Kawarthas Economic Development
Peterborough & the Kawarthas Economic Development
Marshall Eckler’s love of food and healthy alternatives led him to the creation of his company “Chef Marshall”. Chef Marshall manufactures and sells artisanal, naturally-fermented foods and beverages – including probiotic beverages in unique flavours including beet, jalapeno & lime and others. Like others in the local food and agriculture sector, Marshall finds Peterborough & Continue reading →
September Specials
by Kim Foreman @ Good Health Mart
Tue Sep 05 15:42:18 PDT 2017
The Natural Factors Fall Flyer is here! SAVE BIG on some of our favourite Natural Facturs products to help with everything from women’s health to probiotics to supplements for children. All specials are valid from September 6 to 24 at … Continue reading
Probiotics for Healthy Skin
by NOVA Probiotics @ NOVA Probiotics
Mon Jan 19 10:40:02 PST 2015
Get a clear complexion with probiotics! Eczema is an inflammatory skin disorder, it appears by forming blisters of crust like chunks or patch-like scaly rashes that itch. Thickened and dry or red skin, scaling, and blisters are among the common symptoms. There is no cure yet, but luckily, symptoms come and go. Probiotics can help reduce...
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Winter Specials
by Kim Foreman @ Good Health Mart
Mon Dec 04 10:51:14 PST 2017
Save Up to 20% on Adrenal Support, Vitamin C, Oil of Oregano, Kids Probiotics, Magnesium and Vitamin D3. Until January 31, 2018. Click HERE to view the flyer.

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NOVA Probiotics
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Day-vit Probio Tablets - HealthAid - City Pharmacy Peterborough
City Pharmacy Peterborough
Day-vit Probio Tablets offer a well balanced multivitamin and mineral formulation with added probiotics to help maintain a healthy active lifestyle and help keep the lining of the digestive tract in balance. A healthy balanced gut flora helps keep the body clean, active, and full of vigour and drive as it ensures optimum absorption of vitamins and minerals during digestion.
Les probiotiques et la diarrhée
by NOVA Probiotics @ NOVA Probiotics – Canada
Wed Sep 03 08:38:30 PDT 2014
Les probiotiques pour vous épargner l’inconfort et l’embarras de la diarrhée La diarrhée est un symptôme commun qui affecte presque tout le monde environ une fois par an. La diarrhée peut être causée par beaucoup de choses différentes, la principale étant le déséquilibre intestinal. Lorsque les bactéries à l’intérieur de vos intestins qui...
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Book your appointment| Peterborough | Argania Natural health Clinic
Book your appointment| Peterborough | Argania Natural health Clinic
Argania Natural Health Clinic in Peterborough , ON provides services including Pain Management, Natural Skin Rejuvenation, Weight loss programs, Facial Acupunct
Le vieillissement et la flore intestinale
by NOVA Probiotics @ NOVA Probiotics – Canada
Tue Apr 29 21:06:54 PDT 2014
Le corps vieillit, le tube digestif aussi! Ce faisant, l’environnement intestinal change progressivement et, tandis que les populations de bonnes bactéries diminuent avec le temps, les mauvaises bactéries profitent des systèmes immunitaires affaiblis. Une flore intestinale moins riche en bonnes espèces bactériennes signifie en effet, un système immunitaire moins apte à lutter contre autant d’agents...
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Healthy Traveling Tips
by NOVA Probiotics @ NOVA Probiotics
Tue Mar 10 20:07:02 PDT 2015
How to Stay Healthy While Traveling Why travel if you’re not going to eat all the food? The world is sometimes literally your oyster, and one that your stomach isn’t familiar with how to digest. Other times, it can be a matter of someone using the local tap water to rinse your veggies. Whoever is...
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